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Mount training max 999 (incorrect)

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  • Mount training max 999 (incorrect)

    Wartune R2 server S364 Crimson Peak West coast US
    Player FMK character ZardOZ (current #1 CW Sorcerer)
    Date first encountered: ~ 10/2/2015 - Ongoing and repeatable

    Although you have addressed this sort of issue twice before neither of those two prior fixes was complete or sufficient.
    The Mount Training process hits ANOTHER false limit when a particular attribute reaches level 999
    Click image for larger version

Name:	M T FAIL at 999.png
Views:	3
Size:	445.6 KB
ID:	1718262

    Please fix it Again!
    I am probably the first to hit this limit but others will surely follow

    Mike Lukacs

    Support thread: *none, other one was different and resolved*
    Attached Files
    Last edited by EsmeWeatherwax; 10-08-2015, 03:54 AM.

  • #2
    Hi Whakapono, Esme,

    You assigned the above report to this thread, so I just wanted to make it clear that this is a NEW DIFFERENT bug coming from a different place in the code.
    The first bug reported on this thread has been fixed, Thank You!

    But That fix has let players advance just a small amount before encountering this New bug.

    The earlier bug locked out all attributes and was presumably from a counter limit or overflow in the code.
    This New bug locks only a single attribute allowing the other 3 to continue to be trained.

    The fact that it occurs at a count of 999 is significant. This likely means that it is associated with the numeric display. (ie. only 3 digits available).

    Thanks for any help.

    As previously, the developers / troubleshooters are welcome to use my account as a testing ground.

    Thanks again,
    Mike Lukacs


    • #3
      I have copied your post, and forwarded it to the GM. Thank you for the correction
      Retired Moderator.


      • #4
        Thank You Whakapono!


        • #5
          Hi Whakapono!
          It has been 2 weeks since I reported this and I have not heard from anyone or seen anything about it.
          Please kick someone over there again for me.
          I realize that they have had a lot of problems with the last release, but any acknowledgement that they are even aware of this would be nice.
          I now have a second stat approaching the false limit.
          I expect that more of their best customers are or will soon be running into this bug, and the only logical response is that we stop buying chests and mounts.
          Mike Lukacs
          Wartune R2 server S364 Crimson Peak West coast US
          Player FMK character ZardOZ


          • #6
            Alright FMK, I can understand the frustration and I apologize for any delay in this being resolved for you. I am going to give Whakapono a hip bump this way and hopefully she will be able to give a thorough poking on this issue for you. I am truly sorry it is taking so long to resolve.

            In the interim, should anything change or a reply be garnered please let us know so that we can be kept up to date and hopefully this can be sorted out for you soon.

            Always.. Always.. Always be yourself.. unless you can be BATMENTOR! Then always be BATMENTOR muahahahahahahah! (PS: BATMENTOR has Batcupcakes, Batcookies, and Batcake. PS: they just gave me a BatPizza Oven *WOOHOO!*) Bugs can be reported here. Please Read the new format. Check out the Support Page.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Mentor_Magik View Post
              Alright FMK, I can understand the frustration and I apologize for any delay in this being resolved for you. I am going to give Whakapono a hip bump this way and hopefully she will be able to give a thorough poking on this issue for you. I am truly sorry it is taking so long to resolve.

              In the interim, should anything change or a reply be garnered please let us know so that we can be kept up to date and hopefully this can be sorted out for you soon.

              Hi Guys!
              It is now one MONTH since I reported this bug.
              Not only is it not fixed, but I still have had no response whatsoever from the GMs or developers or troubleshooters or any support person at all!
              Not even an acknowledgement that anyone has heard of the problem!
              Did one of you start a ticket on this??? If so what is the number?
              Do I need to start a ticket myself? If so how do I do that since the in game process seems to have been removed?
              (which is why I started here on the mega thread to begin with. This was supposed to be the new approved faster better method!

              Frustrated and Lonely,
              I remain,
              Mike Lukacs
              (current CW Sorcerer Winner, Current TiTan Wars Winner, and all around good customer for R2Games)


              • #8
                I have just tried to open a ticket with R2 via the old method which seems to still be available outside of the game by direct url:
                Last edited by Whakapono; 11-03-2015, 05:45 PM. Reason: forum rule #8


                • #9
                  1st world problems ^^

                  Dont despair, ive been reporting a bug, bumping my ticket and thread for 7 months now and its still not fixed.

                  Never give up lol

                  On the bright side, we all going to get more whips in those new ToK chests so more people will come close to 999 and it will become a bigger problem everyday, making more people whine about it and then they should be fixing it ^^

                  Meanwhile, i guess you will have to just stockpile those whips and pray the Wartune gods a fix comes soon heh


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by FMK View Post
                    I have just tried to open a ticket with R2 via the old method which seems to still be available outside of the game by direct url:
                    I'm glad you received a reply via that link, as it's not normally checked (and is 'meant to be' a void link).

                    As MsKink has replied, unfortunately all we can do is keep nudging them about this. Please do reply your ticket via every 10 days just to keep the ticket open, and reply to this thread to get us to give the ticket a bump from this end.

                    Here's hoping we don't need to do this too often
                    Retired Moderator.


                    • #11
                      Was not able to see any reply due to the fact that ticket #s are no longer assigned and email replies are no longer sent.
                      But thanks to Whakapono above and Memory Lane's help w tkt #s thread I was just able to connect via

                      I found this reassuring response and replied as below:

                      Subject: Mount training max 999 (incorrect)

                      Thanks to "MemoryLane" for helping me to find this response without knowing a ticket #

                      Mike Lukacs - ZardOZ on s364
                      Last edited by EsmeWeatherwax; 11-07-2015, 11:43 AM. Reason: fix form


                      • #12
                        I just want to say i once got a warning for copying/pasting a ticket reply here.

                        It is well-known that moderators have biassed judgement but i thought you might as well know that this was a forum violation FMK.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by MsKink View Post

                          It is well-known that moderators have biassed judgement but i thought you might as well know that this was a forum violation FMK.
                          It is also well-known that mods are not robots and not online every minute of every hour of every day. So we can't catch everything the moment it pops up. Thanks ♥
                          "The trolls of the Ramtops call her Aaoograha hoa ("She Who Must Be Avoided")
                          and the dwarf name for her, K'ez'rek d'b'duz, translates to "Go Around the Other Side of the Mountain."

                          On holiday. Please refer any issues to


                          • #14
                            UPDATE FROM THE DEVELOPERS:

                            They say this will be fixed during Maintenance next week.

                            Here's Hoping!
                            Last edited by FMK; 11-09-2015, 01:24 PM. Reason: remove quote as advised


                            • #15
                              This bug was FIXED during the maint yesterday AM.
                              Thanks to all of the Mods and developers who helped.
                              Mark this down in the WIN column!

