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power falling for no reason

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  • power falling for no reason

    Power drops suddenly doing nothing, what is it now? someone help s645 Netherwood

  • #2
    power falling u mean ur router drops internet suddently? thats probably cuze of the cable that gives power to ur router( that little black box) that supplies ( converts) electricity into ur router... thats probably becoming holy moly hot and forces ur router to shut down


    • #3
      happened to me too but i refreshed and my br came back like it's supposed to be from 2.79 to 3 i lost a round 200k then after refresh i got them back , idk what happened realy !
      they came they were there they didn't hesitat ))


      • #4
        Is it happening to others or just you? Could it be bad weather? Modem or router? is there too much download going on or too much flash happening? is there an issue with your isp? Could you give us more information if none of the above is the problem so we can try to find out whats going on and ask more questions to help you/
        Always.. Always.. Always be yourself.. unless you can be BATMENTOR! Then always be BATMENTOR muahahahahahahah! (PS: BATMENTOR has Batcupcakes, Batcookies, and Batcake. PS: they just gave me a BatPizza Oven *WOOHOO!*) Bugs can be reported here. Please Read the new format. Check out the Support Page.


        • #5
          Originally posted by lovecosmi007 View Post
          Power drops suddenly doing nothing, what is it now? someone help s645 Netherwood
          Do you mean BR? Did you perhaps have a temporary mount expire? About what time (server) did this happen? Any other details you can provide?

          If you mean 'power' as in 'electricitry', the other posters have some suggestions. Did you try these?

          Are you still having the issue?
          Retired Moderator.

