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Missing Events

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  • Missing Events

    Heyy! There are missing events in my server 652 , the Sacred Gold Tree event its clearly stated in the events page though.Ik not many like the event but im worried they will
    miss other events too in the future if its not notified! Thank you!

  • #2
    If you are missing an event in the future please let us know and we will do our best to get it reported for you. I know at the moment there is a holiday going on so we are reporting things as fast as we can and we hope this will not be a repeat occurrence of events for you and your server.
    Always.. Always.. Always be yourself.. unless you can be BATMENTOR! Then always be BATMENTOR muahahahahahahah! (PS: BATMENTOR has Batcupcakes, Batcookies, and Batcake. PS: they just gave me a BatPizza Oven *WOOHOO!*) Bugs can be reported here. Please Read the new format. Check out the Support Page.


    • #3
      No Sacred Gold Tree on Kabam servers either was suppose to be 3-4th and we haven't gotten it I am server kabam 90 mixed with a lot of other servers and we don't have it


      • #4
        Yes its very weird i thought they didnt put it in cause no space :P after Lucky Exchange came in .They always made sure THAT event comes every monday and tuesday yet this week was special it didnt appear.
        In-Game Name : Qiu Qiu
        Guild :?
        BR: 6M
        Class : Mage
        Lvl : Duke ArchMage

        Give me potatoes & fried chicken to make me happy c:

        If you are lazy and put no effort the outcome wont be there.

        Poor Mages in KH

