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Login with facebook (need help)

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  • Login with facebook (need help)

    My friend logs to ArmorGames using facebook, but a few days ago this message popped up:

    "REST API is deprecated for versions v2.1 and higher (12)"

    Any clue how to fix this or if he can find a way to log directly from Armor Games page instead of facebook?


  • #2
    Has he tried clearing cookies and cache to see if that will help any? Has he tried any other browsers to see if that helps as well? Do you know if anyone else who plays is getting this same message using the face book login at all? The more information we get the better a time we will have in helping try to solve this riddle.
    Always.. Always.. Always be yourself.. unless you can be BATMENTOR! Then always be BATMENTOR muahahahahahahah! (PS: BATMENTOR has Batcupcakes, Batcookies, and Batcake. PS: they just gave me a BatPizza Oven *WOOHOO!*) Bugs can be reported here. Please Read the new format. Check out the Support Page.

