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Nice bug in Ares

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  • Nice bug in Ares

    So my first fight in Ares, I beat my opponent, she's laying on the ground dead, but the victory thing doesn't pop I continue to whack away for another 5-6 rounds until the timer runs out....and I lose! In another fight, my opponent hits me, reflect kicks in and kills him, time runs out and again I get the loss.

    Gotta love it

  • #2
    When bugs like this happen, please try to take a screen shot, so that we can see what is going on. Its hard to report things if we can not show them the issue or if a player has lost instead of won... the more information be it screen shot or video that we have an easier time we will have to get it peeked into. I personally hope this was only a series of one off issues and they will not repeat, but should they please try to grab screen shots, thanks, it will make things much easier. Also do you know if anyone else was having these issues?
    Always.. Always.. Always be yourself.. unless you can be BATMENTOR! Then always be BATMENTOR muahahahahahahah! (PS: BATMENTOR has Batcupcakes, Batcookies, and Batcake. PS: they just gave me a BatPizza Oven *WOOHOO!*) Bugs can be reported here. Please Read the new format. Check out the Support Page.


    • #3
      It's latency, folks. Happens when you do so many battles during the day without a refresh. It reared its ugly head right after 6.1 was out, and despite many requests to fix this "lag", the only way I can suggest at this point (and I don't know why I am doing this if this was fixed in the first place) is to refresh after a few battles when you're on a break between fights.
      Vicious! Approach with Caution!
      Because some noob has called me such and had said it so
      Mobile Strike Player: Base 1102 / Com 550 / 672* Power / VIP 1300
      Dissidia Final Fantasy - Opera Omnia: Rank 60

