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Treasure lode!

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  • Treasure lode!

    So does second event cycles treasure lode seems to giving 400x pennant ascension stons on game but MemoryLane2 said 40x per day for 5 days. i even discussed it with my friend in guild chat about this. So which is true? 400x at totaly or 40x?

  • #2
    General rule of thumb is to follow what the event in the game says it will give you. If the post isn't accurate, I'm sorry about that.
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    • #3
      Well i forgot to taking screenshoot but ask to many player they will tell the same. Its literally giving 400x pennant ascension stone in 5 days row


      • #4
        I'll keep an eye out for the next Treasure Lode.
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        • #5
          It wouldn't be giving out 400 stones for 5 days, i am guessing if it was 400 stones, it was split into 5 days, So 80 a day. not 400 a day.
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