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Crit Scrolls, the Lack of Block Scrolls, and Nerfing Enhanced Block

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  • Crit Scrolls, the Lack of Block Scrolls, and Nerfing Enhanced Block

    It's bad enough that archers get critical scrolls and knights don't get block scrolls, but now it appears that you no longer get 4% of your HP back on a successful block with Lv.2 Enhanced Block. It appears to be capped at 3000 HP now.

    Are there any other plans to implement more disadvantages for knights or is this the last one? I swear this cap was not there in the past.

    Maybe you should go the extra mile and just give archers 100% crit on every hit and just remove block from knights all together.

  • icesz
    Originally posted by GingerTheHutt View Post
    Ok: Europe rankings (as seen from an R2 server):
    Jbird: 316K HP
    Astaroth: 323K HP
    Vebso: 335K HP
    Rico: 254K HP
    Stormy: 275K HP

    Please enlighten me as to which of those mages is 'close' to 400K HP.

    returning back to your post which I dismissed as irrelevant: you said that the OP mages were healing over 50K. Since the strongest OP mages I can see, don't even approach 25K HP heals... I think I am well within my rights to dismiss the 'facts' you post.

    Ofc it does, it's also free to cast, deals OP damage to all the opposition and increases my work wages due to a unique algorithm tied to my expenses bill.

    Altb 338k hp

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  • RicardoNeto
    Originally posted by GingerTheHutt View Post
    I have my money on a Rune Heal... I heal for about 35K with a rune...
    Wait for him, Mage's heal runes have a special ability, it heals and also does a chaos effect to the enemy, giving 50k heal to the mage per turn, effect lasts 100 turns

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  • GingerTheHutt
    Originally posted by RicardoNeto View Post
    Yes also when you heal, you hit the other person with a dmg based in your heal lol ..
    Funny thing eh.
    I think that guy is new and probably saw an effect of Regen astral

    AFAIK, Not even Darkstorm have 400k hp yet
    I have my money on a Rune Heal... I heal for about 35K with a rune...

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  • RicardoNeto
    Originally posted by GingerTheHutt View Post
    Ok: Europe rankings (as seen from an R2 server):
    Jbird: 316K HP
    Astaroth: 323K HP
    Vebso: 335K HP
    Rico: 254K HP
    Stormy: 275K HP

    Please enlighten me as to which of those mages is 'close' to 400K HP.

    returning back to your post which I dismissed as irrelevant: you said that the OP mages were healing over 50K. Since the strongest OP mages I can see, don't even approach 25K HP heals... I think I am well within my rights to dismiss the 'facts' you post.

    Ofc it does, it's also free to cast, deals OP damage to all the opposition and increases my work wages due to a unique algorithm tied to my expenses bill.

    Yes also when you heal, you hit the other person with a dmg based in your heal lol ..
    Funny thing eh.
    I think that guy is new and probably saw an effect of Regen astral

    AFAIK, Not even Darkstorm have 400k hp yet

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  • GingerTheHutt
    Originally posted by princestewii View Post
    from what I see from cross server rankings mages are having close to 400k hp now so that close to 20k hp per turn. your hp must be very low for you to call my post irrelevant
    Ok: Europe rankings (as seen from an R2 server):
    Jbird: 316K HP
    Astaroth: 323K HP
    Vebso: 335K HP
    Rico: 254K HP
    Stormy: 275K HP

    Please enlighten me as to which of those mages is 'close' to 400K HP.

    returning back to your post which I dismissed as irrelevant: you said that the OP mages were healing over 50K. Since the strongest OP mages I can see, don't even approach 25K HP heals... I think I am well within my rights to dismiss the 'facts' you post.

    Originally posted by RicardoNeto View Post
    Let me explain,

    He thinks Resto has 1 sec cd lol.
    Ofc it does, it's also free to cast, deals OP damage to all the opposition and increases my work wages due to a unique algorithm tied to my expenses bill.

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  • RicardoNeto
    Originally posted by GingerTheHutt View Post
    A 50K Suntoria heal, means a Mage with at least 833K HP... So um... seeing as there's no mage with anything like that kinda HP in R2 yet, your post is irrelevant.
    Let me explain,

    He thinks Resto has 1 sec cd lol.

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  • RicardoNeto
    Originally posted by princestewii View Post
    ok just an example, you have a high def, I hit you and you block the damage for 4k and heal 10k each turn, its not like your getting any damage at all. knights are crying that archer this, archer that and now we got ****ed with some of our skills. cry about how the mages sun isnt capped. OP mages can heal over 50k hp each turn

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  • princestewii
    Originally posted by GingerTheHutt View Post
    A 50K Suntoria heal, means a Mage with at least 833K HP... So um... seeing as there's no mage with anything like that kinda HP in R2 yet, your post is irrelevant.
    from what I see from cross server rankings mages are having close to 400k hp now so that close to 20k hp per turn. your hp must be very low for you to call my post irrelevant

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  • Billy_McF
    Originally posted by kimwong View Post
    3000 heal isn't any big deal for 80s, pls......
    Not saying it is a big deal.

    However flip it around and knights losing a few k heal on block are now complaining like little b1tches about their block/heal being nerfed in the 1st place.
    Can't have it both way's can we.

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  • GingerTheHutt
    Originally posted by princestewii View Post
    ok just an example, you have a high def, I hit you and you block the damage for 4k and heal 10k each turn, its not like your getting any damage at all. knights are crying that archer this, archer that and now we got ****ed with some of our skills. cry about how the mages sun isnt capped. OP mages can heal over 50k hp each turn
    A 50K Suntoria heal, means a Mage with at least 833K HP... So um... seeing as there's no mage with anything like that kinda HP in R2 yet, your post is irrelevant.

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  • EdGrr
    i been seeing the 3k HP cap in almost every post some knight class have posted.. dun you read the previous post before posting the same post with difference text inputs oer and over again..

    all 3 class have been using crit now.. you should do the same if you still using blocks..

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  • dwmedia
    Originally posted by pietjeprecies View Post
    However i dont support the OP, your pointing out the Knight passive for block, but you forget the crit passive for archers?
    So by your logic it only makes sense archer get double advantage while its just normal knights dont ?
    Do you know archer need more Crit that Knight Mage need to have for same crit chance?

    So in the end its dosent give benafight for archer becouse we need alot more crit for same crit chance as mage knight need to have.

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  • princestewii
    Originally posted by Anubi0s View Post
    yep, it should be 10k at least.
    ok just an example, you have a high def, I hit you and you block the damage for 4k and heal 10k each turn, its not like your getting any damage at all. knights are crying that archer this, archer that and now we got ****ed with some of our skills. cry about how the mages sun isnt capped. OP mages can heal over 50k hp each turn

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  • mydnight0
    Originally posted by TjiTzUr View Post
    im not talking about that im talking about that warrior got the anti-crit passive that make its harder for ppl to crit. thats what im takling about not the block stuff
    u mean the one that reduce 7% ?.. man give the knights a break.. they nerfed his block skill as soon as they nerfed the block stats by releasing a penetration astro and as far as i know there will be more penetration astrals, not only that but also the day knights had their reduce casting speed passive they added the immune buff to most of bosses (MPD/skytrail) while archers/mages still can heal a really big amount and both classes almost got the benefit of block decreasing not many of them playing block tho..

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