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Sylph Arena Diamond group

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  • anynicknamenottaken?
    started a topic Sylph Arena Diamond group

    Sylph Arena Diamond group

    Can someone tell me how to reach diamond group in sylph arena...I m winning every match but the points required to reach diamond group are way too high...Need close to 4000 points for every next group...So plz suggest me how to reach diamond group,can reach only gold every week

  • ArnaudBo
    removing the sylph help the high BR people too. they need people in front of them to win points too.
    the last day, i can understand they don't want to remove it to be sure to have a better ranking

    removing is caring ^^

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  • KS222
    I notice that when I do sylph arena in the evening, I never get enough points for diamond group. If I do it earlier in the day or around 1:30am my time (it never restores attempts right at midnight server time, always 20-30 min after), I get diamond group easily. The difference in rewards isn't that huge, but it adds up over time.

    I've tried taking off my strong sylph when done with my daily attempts, but it seems to give me bad luck. Its supposed to let weaker teams get ahead so I have someone to trounce, but I instead end up surrounded by very high BR sylph teams and have no way to get a win, not even refresh will give me a team I can beat.

    It would be nice if they'd update some of the rewards to give us stuff we actually need. Of course, I'm speaking as an advanced class 80 who is maxed on a lot of stuff. It's been a long time since I was a new player, so not sure if those rewards are still relevant for them or not.

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  • kittyariel
    Originally posted by Tranc3motion View Post
    Sylph arena's current scoring is terrible. They should change the name to "who is willing to stay up til 00:01 server time to attack first."

    This system is FINE. Every single event in this game is based on TIME. WB, GB, BG, arena, CW(sylph $$$ wars), etc........ Why should this one event be different? ALso, its a week long event. 1 day isnt going to make/break you most likely... IF you are doing it right

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  • R225424182
    considering the 5 minute cooldown time, there really should be no problem with anyone finishing all 10 fights between all the other time-consuming **** they have us doing daily. The real grind, and utter waste of time and effort, is the individual Duels. the gold/daru difference is only a few 100 pieces between ranks , and with a 10 minute CD it's the real loser. I don't even do it when there is a Hot Event.

    They really need to go through much of the old parts of the game and revamp the prizes to reflect their new direction.

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  • Arlad
    Originally posted by MrFancyPants View Post
    Can't agree with you there, the old ranking system was just stupid. You could only advance by beating players with a higher br team than yours, unless you got close enough to a different point threshold. Players with middling teams might get up to 50th or get stuck in 500th place. The only saving grace was that rewards were basically the same no matter how low you were.
    This new system is badly flawed too, but I like it a lot better. It would be nice if you couldn't get trapped in the middle of big groups of players with very similar point totals, which is what makes timing the main determining factor in how high you can place.
    my biggest gripe on the new system is you practically have to fight 10 times/day to get to the diamond group, and the timing is crucial. while in the old system, if you have strong enough team you know where you will end up even with only fighting once a day. kinda like the 1v1 arena.
    yeah, for vip maybe this may look like a non issue because they have no cd and can skip the fight.

    also, the rewards are nearly the same with much more effort. or maybe lower because only a few people in the timezone got the title, while previously 3 players in each (merged) server got them.

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  • MrFancyPants
    Originally posted by Arlad View Post
    and people dont believe me when i said the old ranking system is better back then at the early days of cross server rankings. xD
    Can't agree with you there, the old ranking system was just stupid. You could only advance by beating players with a higher br team than yours, unless you got close enough to a different point threshold. Players with middling teams might get up to 50th or get stuck in 500th place. The only saving grace was that rewards were basically the same no matter how low you were.
    This new system is badly flawed too, but I like it a lot better. It would be nice if you couldn't get trapped in the middle of big groups of players with very similar point totals, which is what makes timing the main determining factor in how high you can place.

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  • anynicknamenottaken?
    Alright,now i know that this is not worth the hassle...most players don't remove their strong sylphs and i know this coz i was checking sylph arena ranking every 30 min(refresh time for ranking) and tried refreshing too...But why players dont remove their sylph,its not like they r losing anything...

    P.S: will keep my 6k br medusa for other players when i m not fighting,dont worry about that...

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  • Arlad
    Originally posted by daunapu View Post
    All the hassle and gold to refresh just aint worth the extra sepulcrums you will get from diamond 80 rank. And i have finished diamond 80 in every week but last 2 when i stopped caring about sylph arena.
    and people dont believe me when i said the old ranking system is better back then at the early days of cross server rankings. xD

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  • Tranc3motion
    Sylph arena's current scoring is terrible. They should change the name to "who is willing to stay up til 00:01 server time to attack first."

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  • R2sucksbad
    Originally posted by daunapu View Post
    All the hassle and gold to refresh just aint worth the extra sepulcrums you will get from diamond 80 rank. And i have finished diamond 80 in every week but last 2 when i stopped caring about sylph arena.
    I agree with this 100%

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  • daunapu
    Originally posted by maan116186 View Post
    if you in silver group and you go back to iron group what shall we do.My sylph areana points gone down to 95 and it was four digit
    Then it's probably Monday.

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  • maan116186
    if you in silver group and you go back to iron group what shall we do.My sylph areana points gone down to 95 and it was four digit

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  • daunapu
    All the hassle and gold to refresh just aint worth the extra sepulcrums you will get from diamond 80 rank. And i have finished diamond 80 in every week but last 2 when i stopped caring about sylph arena.

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  • ancev
    1. Monday the sooner you start fighting the better.
    2. Always pick the team that is 20 places above you (dunno if you can get higher placed teams than 20 places) or as high as you can get for maximum points for that league.
    3. Don't lose (ever). If you can't find anyone to beat, then don't fight. Instead remove sylphs (actually always remove good sylphs after you are done). This way weaker teams will beat you, so when you start searching again you'll have who to beat. Everyone is happy this way.
    4. Don't fight if you can't get max or close to max number of points for that league even if you win. For example you end up in top 10 and fighting will only earn you 100 points in silver league. STOP!!. Remove sylphs time and come back later, you'll probably be on the 50th place and you can start searching for teams which will earn you good points.

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