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ZEBQ broke r2 for all its players....

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  • #46
    lol worst comment I ever read. Chinese server has nothing to do at all with our server. We will never meet those players, which in terms means that we will not face their monsters.

    Please next time think a bit more before writing nonsense . U are just making fun of yourself hehe.


    • #47
      Originally posted by h4d3s View Post

      1) this makes not a single bit of sense... wth do u mean????

      2) the stronger players (redoga, hijadelsol) just asked to rule out zebq from tok NM to make it possible to do it for everyone... (uhm yes they will gain the advantage immediately but they are stronger, older etc)

      3) this will never happen... they are way way way older then us and much much much stronger that wont be any competition this would be slaughter


      this is about that we from r2 cant do TOK NM because of zebq's shadow

      where kabam, miniclip, kong etc dont have a zebq shadow and can do TOK NM so ye they will have the advantage over us in this.

      with bg and cw being cross server/provider this is considered unfair
      1) this was actually a sub point to 3) where I stated why they have a reason to care about this so yes lets just stick to points 2) and 3)

      2) did you ever heard about other servers asking to remove their monsters from tok because they are not satisfied with tok hard and they want to do nightmare right now? if one of them does such an exception such as r2 that will provoke a chain reaction because in every single place there are people who can't do tok nightmare because of such monsters. They will say "look what r2 did, we demand you to do the same!We want to do tok nightmare as well!".
      If all the other servers stick with this system while r2 does this kind of exception this wouldn't be fair toward the others wouldn't it?so they will all ask for the same favor.

      3) That is exactly what many of us thought before cw was implemented : "There is no way we can fight against players that "are way way way older then us and much much much stronger that wont be any competition this would be slaughter". And here you go, we have a slaughtering competition where we all get slaughtered by the much older and stronger players. But we are still entering it to be slaughtered because we can all get some glory crystals with which we can buy something. Ofc we don't have any chance to win against much older people, and it would be a miracle to enter in top 100 but we do it anyway. Same thing with the global competition, it would just be a cw at a larger scale, mass slaughtering . So why is it impossible?
      Last edited by R218901250; 09-18-2013, 08:31 AM.


      • #48
        Originally posted by usaqmuri View Post
        lol worst comment I ever read. Chinese server has nothing to do at all with our server. We will never meet those players, which in terms means that we will not face their monsters.

        Please next time think a bit more before writing nonsense . U are just making fun of yourself hehe.
        read point 3 from my last comment and think a little before you become arrogant ty. Ofc non of you would even dream to such a thing because it would be a slaughter but if cw exists, so can exist a slaughter like global competition . Hf


        • #49
          Originally posted by R218901250 View Post
          1) this was actually a sub point to 3) where I stated why they have a reason to care about this so yes lets just stick to points 2) and 3)

          2) did you ever heard about other servers asking to remove their monsters from tok because they are not satisfied with tok hard and they want to do nightmare right now? if one of them does such an exception such as r2 that will provoke a chain reaction because in every single place there are people who can't do tok nightmare because of such monsters. They will say "look what r2 did, we demand you to do the same!We want to do tok nightmare as well!".
          If all the other servers stick with this system while r2 does this kind of exception this wouldn't be fair toward the others wouldn't it?so they will all ask for the same favor.

          3) That is exactly what many of us thought before cw was implemented : "There is no way we can fight against players that "are way way way older then us and much much much stronger that wont be any competition this would be slaughter". And here you go, we have a slaughtering competition where we all get slaughtered by the much older and stronger players. But we are still entering it to be slaughtered because we can all get some glory crystals with which we can buy something. Ofc we don't have any chance to win against much older people, and it would be a miracle to enter in top 100 but we do it anyway. Same thing with the global competition, it would just be a cw at a larger scale, mass slaughtering . So why is it impossible?
          well other providers dont have zebq as a oponent.. thats the whole point here is it... so other providers like kabam, kong, mini etc ARE doing TOK NM where we are not..
          but hey indeed every provider seems to do what they want but in this point its unfair for us.

          but with this i have to say this is total **.. yes they can do this but *** is the use of doing this??
          • S69 - Corftey ravine
          • H4D3S
          • lvl 76 archer
          • 103k br


          • #50
            Originally posted by h4d3s View Post
            well other providers dont have zebq as a oponent.. thats the whole point here is it... so other providers like kabam, kong, mini etc ARE doing TOK NM where we are not..
            but hey indeed every provider seems to do what they want but in this point its unfair for us.

            but with this i have to say this is total **.. yes they can do this but *** is the use of doing this??
            The same point as doing cw, a lot of people pay more to get ready before cw, it will be the same with that.

            And no, they might not have a player that "defected" and gained much more br than it should be normal but since there are people all over the place that wants to do tok nm and can't because they are still to weak they won't care about that, they will simply say "r2 did an exception from the system so we want an easier tok nm as well, or it wont be fair"

            I can see from your posts that you understood my point of view even thought you might not agree with it, so you have my respect for that. Most of the people disagree just so they will be right.
            Hf & Gl


            • #51
              do archers on Europe even spend money now? there's no way any archer can beat Zebq unless they dish out more than 500,000 USD to get the same stat as Zebq, lol.

              also... for TOK...

              The highest BR player on Eastern is just a bit over 100k (and I believe all other regions is same except for Europe)
              Zebq is what? over 140k BR?

              That was the point, other region's top player are way easy to defeat if you compare them to Zebq.


              • #52
                Originally posted by h4d3s View Post
                well other providers dont have zebq as a oponent.. thats the whole point here is it... so other providers like kabam, kong, mini etc ARE doing TOK NM where we are not..
                but hey indeed every provider seems to do what they want but in this point its unfair for us.

                but with this i have to say this is total **.. yes they can do this but *** is the use of doing this??
                You are to weak for nm with or without *** hades. You talking like someone who lose each day tok nm lol - where you dont even pass stage 1.
                Next thing, dont talk aBout r2 servers bcs zebq play on euro time zone.
                Let me ask u all 70-80k br crying ppl - where are omni and others from top 10 ? I dont see Noone here. Why? Meybe bcs they can run tok nm daily .
                If U dont have 95k+ br and same br grup - stop cry here one big lmao ...remove zebq xD maybe remove all top 10 bcs 70k br cant get something


                Crit Mage 80v
                ~135k Br



                • #53
                  Originally posted by anichaos View Post
                  other region's top player are way easy to defeat if you compare them to Zebq.
                  No, I can guarantee you best any region anyone can do is pass level 2 where the average team need to get 110% of ranking.
                  Rest is impossible because no buffs can get you over 120% so doesnt matter who is rank 1-4. This is a system bug from R2 side,
                  not 7road. It doesnt make sense to buy scrolls and level 5 pots everyday for the best hardcore teams. They should remove scales
                  and stick with hard numbers like rest PvE system.
                  Last edited by laba-laba; 09-18-2013, 10:34 AM.
                  Temple of Ibalize


                  • #54
                    All know that nightmare its impossible atm for Europe servers ( for others I don't know, don't care, they can farm nm for 1 year and we still won't, I don't care. ) All servers have different players, all deal with problems and yet we see people talking about nm when they probably have problems with hard and getting help from top players to pass it. I don't understand it...why nm? why not hard? Cause hard its too easy for you? Well...if you have 100k br then put more money, reach 130, make full 70 set, then try again nm, or something useful : Stick with hard until you get close to top4 or quit cause of not beign able to finish it.This thread starts annoying me seeing how many people post for help, for top players to take some astrals/gear off and they probably read and say " I pay to help noobs pass? yea right, let them post like stupids ". Something honest, don't take it the wrong way, this won't happen so soon so deal with hard and forget the words " TOK NM " for another few months, forget about what others do.
                    Being the best isn't all it's made out to be. When you're strong, you become arrogant and withdrawn. Even if what you sought after was your dream.
                    Those who can't acknowledge their real selves are bound to fail.
                    That imitating someone you respect is something you do in order to grow. You can't use it as a disguise to pretend to be someone you are not.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by po1NNNt View Post
                      All know that nightmare its impossible atm for Europe servers ( for others I don't know, don't care, they can farm nm for 1 year and we still won't, I don't care. ) All servers have different players, all deal with problems and yet we see people talking about nm when they probably have problems with hard and getting help from top players to pass it. I don't understand it...why nm? why not hard? Cause hard its too easy for you? Well...if you have 100k br then put more money, reach 130, make full 70 set, then try again nm, or something useful : Stick with hard until you get close to top4 or quit cause of not beign able to finish it.This thread starts annoying me seeing how many people post for help, for top players to take some astrals/gear off and they probably read and say " I pay to help noobs pass? yea right, let them post like stupids ". Something honest, don't take it the wrong way, this won't happen so soon so deal with hard and forget the words " TOK NM " for another few months, forget about what others do.
                      The point is not even top 4 can pass level 3, anywhere, no matter who it is, not even if they pot, scroll and warrior calls to hell. Get rid of scales, not the players.
                      Temple of Ibalize


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by po1NNNt View Post
                        All know that nightmare its impossible atm for Europe servers ( for others I don't know, don't care, they can farm nm for 1 year and we still won't, I don't care. ) All servers have different players, all deal with problems and yet we see people talking about nm when they probably have problems with hard and getting help from top players to pass it. I don't understand it...why nm? why not hard? Cause hard its too easy for you? Well...if you have 100k br then put more money, reach 130, make full 70 set, then try again nm, or something useful : Stick with hard until you get close to top4 or quit cause of not beign able to finish it.This thread starts annoying me seeing how many people post for help, for top players to take some astrals/gear off and they probably read and say " I pay to help noobs pass? yea right, let them post like stupids ". Something honest, don't take it the wrong way, this won't happen so soon so deal with hard and forget the words " TOK NM " for another few months, forget about what others do.
                        This. So, people want to clear nightmare mode right now, not even 1 month after tower of kings was added to the game? Maybe it's not meant to be completed if you don't have 120K BR, maybe, yes, no?
                        Last edited by Eskendal; 09-18-2013, 01:55 PM.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Eskendal View Post
                          This. So, people want to clear nightmare mode right now, not even 1 month after tower of kings was added to the game? Maybe it's not meant to be completed if you don't have 120K BR, maybe, yes, no?
                          You know we / you / them / us will finish nm when top4 wakes up and wants right? till then don't even dream of it. You get to 200k br ok? so what? its still impossible for you to finish it cause you face YOURSELF and being even more stronger ( in case you don't remove your gear/astrals, but atm top4 doesn't even bother with it hard and don't think at nm. ).
                          @Eskendal - Nope, it all depends on top4. If they don't remove their gear, noone will ever beat them. In case someone else gets in top4, that won't change a thing if they won't take something off to be easier.
                          Final Words : We, R2 players from Europe servers stay in hand of the top 4 strongest players. If they want to help us clear nm, they will by taking something off, if not, nm won't be possible even after 2 years, or until someone/new players get there and take gear/astrals off. Hope this " cleared " everyone's mind for tok nm.
                          Being the best isn't all it's made out to be. When you're strong, you become arrogant and withdrawn. Even if what you sought after was your dream.
                          Those who can't acknowledge their real selves are bound to fail.
                          That imitating someone you respect is something you do in order to grow. You can't use it as a disguise to pretend to be someone you are not.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by MUCA_MACA View Post
                            ZEBQ leavw THE GAME cuz my lawyer friend is thinking od legal persecution of you- YOU own R2 and so is a conflict of interests here. You made the game only for you? We know that is unreal get 130k BR... only with game hack by game owner!!


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by MUCA_MACA View Post
                              ZEBQ leavw THE GAME cuz my lawyer friend is thinking od legal persecution of you- YOU own R2 and so is a conflict of interests here. You made the game only for you? We know that is unreal get 130k BR... only with game hack by game owner!!

                              less the person is harassing you verbally everyday etc=breaking tos directed at you, you don't have much of a case in my personal opinion, which if had any case- it would be directed at the player- not R2- if you have a issue with a player verbally harassing you against tos- you are to file a ticket- if have a issue getting ticket resolved, Pm a friendly moderator for help- it will be expected that you have provided proper information into the ticket(screenshots of evidence of actions) R2 isn't going to do anything to someone who there is no proof against.
                              If you intend to initiate any sort of legal action against R2 or a player we will no longer be able to speak with you or help in any manner&it wont be discussed in forums, you'll have to have your lawyers talk to the legal dept only. not saying what you think about the person is true. just that we wont be able to help you if you decide to go those paths. if you really want to spend arm over leg money on lawyers which wont get anywhere. prob be easier to just cash on the game.

                              please keep the thread civil&respectful of community guidelines folks
                              Last edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 09-18-2013, 02:50 PM.


                              • #60
                                Maybe R2 has the power to put Zebq at 90% of her original power and leave the rest of her team at 110% or whatever in nightmare mode. Ok, someone said HP is a % of the real toon. Are you sure it's the same for power, defense, block, magic defense? My point is, maybe when a team reach 120K BR and meet Zebq they will be able to kill her and complete nightmare mode. I don't know what R2 does so can't really complain for now. If the stats of Zebq are the same + 130% and people have no chance of beating her ever, that's just dumb. Maybe they should put random shadows of knights, archers and mages, created by R2, not real players. I'm only saying, maybe we're not suppose to beat nightmare right now even with a team of 100K BR players. (Except Zebq, I don't see anyone above 110k)
                                Last edited by Eskendal; 09-18-2013, 03:08 PM.

