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so i just decided i will skip 60s pve set

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Brutal_Hobo View Post
    i have never ran lychs
    can the damage buff be dispelled with scatter? or no
    On the first two bosses scatter is able to take the buffs off. The last boss no.
    Archer ~ 490k+ Battle Rating ~ Level 80 ~ Main sylph gold hercules


    • #17
      Originally posted by Brutal_Hobo View Post
      i have never ran lychs
      can the damage buff be dispelled with scatter? or no
      1st boss on end of 2 hp bar get reflect dmg so must be scattered2 boss start with single big dmg hit,then make semi strong aoe with bleed so puri here,and then dmg and def lil buff so scatt neededthen he heal 50k hp and start all over againwith freeze mage have enuf time for puri cd, bl can be lil problem with low talent but with iris problem solvedalso Now u have option to chose when use attemp so you can check how it looks before


      Crit Mage 80v
      ~135k Br



      • #18
        hmm okay thank you, and i doubt my br ill go up that much

        we will waste all our keys on dt nm key run

        i will probably get 60s rings legend with that, if i can

        that will be all the br boost i really think i can get

        so i doubt i will hit 80k
        IGN/Server: Crusader Kabam 62
        Class: Archer
        Battle Rating: 275k (with herc br)

        Guild: Black Lotus
        Sylph: Hercules ★★ 46968
        Originally posted by Wraithraiser
        but yeah. Robo_Hobo for presidente


        • #19
          Originally posted by AnataOFAkku View Post
          1st boss on end of 2 hp bar get reflect dmg so must be scattered2 boss start with single big dmg hit,then make semi strong aoe with bleed so puri here,and then dmg and def lil buff so scatt neededthen he heal 50k hp and start all over againwith freeze mage have enuf time for puri cd, bl can be lil problem with low talent but with iris problem solvedalso Now u have option to chose when use attemp so you can check how it looks before

          well mages skills are
          lightning bolt
          blessed light

          mine are
          arrow strike

          knight uses
          ult. slasher
          shadow thrasher
          agorean shield
          apollo shield

          so i think we got the skills correct, just a matter of execution
          IGN/Server: Crusader Kabam 62
          Class: Archer
          Battle Rating: 275k (with herc br)

          Guild: Black Lotus
          Sylph: Hercules ★★ 46968
          Originally posted by Wraithraiser
          but yeah. Robo_Hobo for presidente


          • #20
            Like i say, take 2x iris and u will out heal all tank dmg,aoes are not that big problemstank alive- 2x boss done


            Crit Mage 80v
            ~135k Br



            • #21
              I would say yes is possible. Started clearing it with 80 br avg. Teams. Lower br means less chance for error. Good luck with it.


              • #22
                my team recently started clearing ll nm, two knights 95k and 80k br 1 mage 80k br and 1 archer 75k br. first two bosses are pretty easy just scatter the reflect on first boss and scatter the reduce damage and attack buff she gives herself on the 2nd. We all did have to take warriors call to pass the last boss before she went insane buff on herself


                • #23
                  Originally posted by trumpetytrump View Post
                  I would say yes is possible. Started clearing it with 80 br avg. Teams. Lower br means less chance for error. Good luck with it.
                  I dont think its possible with an 80k br team. One thing you absolutely need is at least 1 person in the frontline that can tank everything in the dungeon and be able to survive.
                  i cant imagine anyone with 80k br being able to tank any of the bosses in the dungeon.
                  then a proper healer and 2 archers continuously deep freezing (pretty much any br but should have enough hp to survive the aoes at least)


                  • #24
                    There's a guy on my server who got mad when I suggested Lych Lair might be hard for him to do with 60k BR. Seriously though, I went through a lot of trouble to get my level 60 PVE Legendary set. Do you think I wasted my time? BTW I have a 108k Battle Rating mage, and can clear both Nightmare and Normal easily. For all minibosses we use Hades and self-heal, on the final boss I bring out my Iris. The rest of my group has the same quality of gear and we can three man a normal Lych Lair with a warrior, archer, and mage. If I sleep in though, my team has a hard time and wipes a lot

                    My question to you though, is if you skip your 60 PVE set...and rush to level 70 with a low battle will you do in arenas and PVP? You need to get about 100,000 insignia to get a legendary 70 set. Tough enough in the 70's bracket if you've camped and got good gear right? My friends who mentored me recommended that I get 110k BR before going to level 70 just because of PVP competition. I suppose that's a topic for another thread...but if you are hoping to get those insignia on arena losses and guild battles it might take you a couple years to finish the set...something to think about.
                    Last edited by Cymidei; 05-02-2014, 03:14 PM.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Cymidei View Post
                      There's a guy on my server who got mad when I suggested Lych Lair might be hard for him to do with 60k BR. Seriously though, I went through a lot of trouble to get my level 60 PVE Legendary set. Do you think I wasted my time? BTW I have a 108k Battle Rating mage, and can clear both Nightmare and Normal easily. For all minibosses we use Hades and self-heal, on the final boss I bring out my Iris. The rest of my group has the same quality of gear and we can three man a normal Lych Lair with a warrior, archer, and mage. If I sleep in though, my team has a hard time and wipes a lot

                      My question to you though, is if you skip your 60 PVE set...and rush to level 70 with a low battle will you do in arenas and PVP? You need to get about 100,000 insignia to get a legendary 70 set. Tough enough in the 70's bracket if you've camped and got good gear right?

                      you still havent figured out who i am yet have you cymi?
                      IGN/Server: Crusader Kabam 62
                      Class: Archer
                      Battle Rating: 275k (with herc br)

                      Guild: Black Lotus
                      Sylph: Hercules ★★ 46968
                      Originally posted by Wraithraiser
                      but yeah. Robo_Hobo for presidente


                      • #26
                        Yeah I think I know, love your nick name on the forums...interested in what the other forum rats think about Lych Lair and gearing up for level 70. Its a question that effects lots of players. So hows Lych Lair going and would ya like some help?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Brutal_Hobo View Post
                          hmm okay thank you, and i doubt my br ill go up that much

                          we will waste all our keys on dt nm key run

                          i will probably get 60s rings legend with that, if i can

                          that will be all the br boost i really think i can get

                          so i doubt i will hit 80k
                          Yep I think you need to "waste" your keys BTW there are no summoners for level 70 set. This is an interesting post I found on the kong forums that will help.

                          "As far as I know these are coming in part 3 so it will b a ‘while’ before we get these but since someone from my guild requested these info, I’ll be nice and share it here as well

                          lvl 70 helmet,weapoon,armor,pendant – 400 lvl 6 Crystaloids

                          lvl 70 legendary helmet,weapon,armor,pendant – 200 legendary stones,25 shards (@ 25000 insignias per item)

                          lvl 70 rings,jewels – 2500 crypt tokens

                          lvl 70 legendary rings – 200 legendary stones, 25 shards

                          *all requirements are per item"
                          Last edited by Cymidei; 05-02-2014, 03:35 PM.


                          • #28
                            Wut pvp insignia gain u mean? Even with 100k br u will lose more then win on GA main insignia source is tok and gb, nothing else is worth to care


                            Crit Mage 80v
                            ~135k Br



                            • #29
                              I say load up and try. Can always go back to lower if needed, but several said on our server people have to be this or that to clear. I know what we did. Good luck.


                              • #30
                                I skipped the 60 set too i had 115k br with 50 set

