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  • 3 days passed since event ended on gmt servers n still nothing! typical R2, spend to get ur br n that but screwed over as always


    • quit whining everybody. 2 days from now it'll all be smiles , so who cares if it takes R2 an extra day or two to weed out the potters and scrollers for the event.


      • Originally posted by D3rang3d View Post
        quit whining everybody. 2 days from now it'll all be smiles , so who cares if it takes R2 an extra day or two to weed out the potters and scrollers for the event.
        i care because they punish us players for their own mistakes.

        why cant r2 just test these things before they get everyone hyped up same with rune refinement quest "oh we found a bug in it so we removed the quest and gave you crappy compensation that didnt give even half the rewards that the rune quest gives" so enjoy.


        • Originally posted by R28730145 View Post
          i care because they punish us players for their own mistakes.

          why cant r2 just test these things before they get everyone hyped up same with rune refinement quest "oh we found a bug in it so we removed the quest and gave you crappy compensation that didnt give even half the rewards that the rune quest gives" so enjoy.
          You honestly expect r2 to be that smart or considerate? You should know better by now. Im not expecting to get anything at all without filing 20 tickets first. That's why I took screenshots. I expect NOTHING from r2, the worthless company that they are.


          • Here is the big problem. Since some servers got their rewards already the rest of us are at a bit disadvantage in BG and in Group arena. Not really fair.


            • nah.... wasting posted here... they only want your money money not your posting or comments , etc...
              IGN : ♥LeLa♥
              Server: S204 Royal Basin
              Class : Mage
              Level : lvl70
              Guild : Dymension


              • guys wake up.. they only want and need is your money, they dont care about your posted or problems ingames, they only want is your money ...... but f u have alots of dollars go go recharge waste your money for games its your happiness .....
                IGN : ♥LeLa♥
                Server: S204 Royal Basin
                Class : Mage
                Level : lvl70
                Guild : Dymension


                • Edit option on post are there for a reason, y'k.

                  *Edit: See? ...and btw u do with ur money what u hell want, others do what THEY hell want (an easy concept to get, with brain ofc)


                  • Can the r2 staff inform us regarding what is happening?


                    • I'd like to also point out that for many of us its not even 2 days since end of event yet. They still have time to pass out the rewards.


                      • hmmm..... when the reward can be take? this event make me


                        • this info very helpfull^^

                          Guild : Chaos
                          R2games s198


                          • Prob. after maint., that's why to they picked the 3 days after the event ;P


                            • Originally posted by R27484321
                              Fu ck this 3 days after event and what?

                              More then half of USA it's on Oct 1, so that makes 2 days still...


                              • Oceanic here btw

