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  • It's techically still 19+ hours right now, just wait, waited all month, 1 more day won't hurt.
    Death comes when you hear the Banshee.....


    • its "within" but after 3 days ! and another publishers got it already ! why u late ?? its not complaining, its about R2 staff ignore us !
      IGN: TheVictor
      Guild: Warriors
      Server: S19 - Desert Curses
      Class: Mage - level 80
      In(Guild)Names: TheNoob,VicNoob,TheKicktor,EvilVic,Vicky and so on :p :cool:
      Quitting game in 29th June 2014


      • G.M: The event rewards will be sent ASAP in this 24 hours. So be patience for this problem.
        Gamers: Thanks G M...
        G.M: Im just kidding. . . HeHeHe....


        • Originally posted by B4nsh33 View Post
          It's techically still 19+ hours right now, just wait, waited all month, 1 more day won't hurt.
          1 month not "waiting" we was "working" on BR
          IGN: TheVictor
          Guild: Warriors
          Server: S19 - Desert Curses
          Class: Mage - level 80
          In(Guild)Names: TheNoob,VicNoob,TheKicktor,EvilVic,Vicky and so on :p :cool:
          Quitting game in 29th June 2014


          • Originally posted by BrixunMortar View Post
            because it says "within 3 days" and yet not one R2 has recieved it! should have said after 3 days to a week lol
            U Said it urself. "Within 3days" which means from 30th 00.00 to 2nd 23.59. IT can happend whenever. Until then you aint got the "right to complain"

            Joined 14/01/2013


            • Originally posted by liquid_oxygen View Post
              Please people have a little more patience. it clearly says within 3 days and those 3 days arent over yet.
              the problem "oxygen" is that we have already been advised to keep our br up n keep our medallions running for the three days after to insure no screw ups are made! so for those that swapped out astrals for patk as mage or matk for others to gain that br, to hold those astrals up is a bit untidy really!

              i thought this was scripted for auto delivery anyway? is the script so bad that no-one on R2 has received a thing yet?

              its another show of incompetence on R2's part! my point of view only i know but still one i'm entitled to!


              • Originally posted by Ban-kai View Post
                U Said it urself. "Within 3days" which means from 30th 00.00 to 2nd 23.59. IT can happend whenever. Until then you aint got the "right to complain"
                it was a statement not a complaint but as a paying consumer i have every right to complain about the service given! sorry but that's the truth!


                • does delays have ne thing to do w goverment shut downs?


                  • Originally posted by Ban-kai View Post
                    U Said it urself. "Within 3days" which means from 30th 00.00 to 2nd 23.59. IT can happend whenever. Until then you aint got the "right to complain"
                    This WITHIN word ring a bell to you ? And btw just to inform you, in these 2 days that passed at least half of servers should had received rewards (normally) or why not all servers. And we have no right to complain ? Maybe true but isn't strange that no one received rewards ? Like i said in previous post that WITHIN should have been AFTER, but let's see in 12 hours what will happen ( 12 hours till 3 days are complete for EU servers remained )
                    Server: [S63] Talverton Citadel
                    Player name: WampyreGirl
                    Guild Name: Eternity
                    Player Level: 76
                    BR: 170k
                    Curent Mood:


                    • You fool! This is Oct 2 for server Oceanic, but no one got it in Oceanic server. Oceanic means the fastest server in wartune. GMT +8 Hours. When i type this words , it has 19.00 pm of server time and Oct 2. It has been 3 days as GM says within 3 days only!!!!


                      • Originally posted by shinitez View Post
                        You fool! This is Oct 2 for server Oceanic, but no one got it in Oceanic server. Oceanic means the fastest server in wartune. GMT +8 Hours. When i type this words , it has 19.00 pm of server time and Oct 2. It has been 3 days as GM says within 3 days only!!!!
                        Then you have to wait for the 3d
                        Death comes when you hear the Banshee.....


                        • lol wamp, love the current mood thing lol!


                          • Originally posted by BrixunMortar View Post
                            the problem "oxygen" is that we have already been advised to keep our br up n keep our medallions running for the three days after to insure no screw ups are made! so for those that swapped out astrals for patk as mage or matk for others to gain that br, to hold those astrals up is a bit untidy really!

                            i thought this was scripted for auto delivery anyway? is the script so bad that no-one on R2 has received a thing yet?

                            its another show of incompetence on R2's part! my point of view only i know but still one i'm entitled to!

                            u cant make a ¨advice¨ held accounted for. the BR was automatically set on the 29th at 23.59 at this same point the 3 days started. my ¨advice¨ was to keep the same BR up for 1 more day.

                            advice [ədˈvaɪs]
                            1. recommendation as to appropriate choice of action

                            2 okt at 23.59 are the 3 days over
                            if you or anyone has further questions please feel free to PM me or any other moderator.

                            Kind regards Liquid_oxygen

                            then click on ¨click here¨
                            then click on support


                            • Originally posted by shinitez View Post
                              You fool! This is Oct 2 for server Oceanic, but no one got it in Oceanic server. Oceanic means the fastest server in wartune. GMT +8 Hours. When i type this words , it has 19.00 pm of server time and Oct 2. It has been 3 days as GM says within 3 days only!!!!
                              so 19:00 server time isnt 23.59
                              if you or anyone has further questions please feel free to PM me or any other moderator.

                              Kind regards Liquid_oxygen

                              then click on ¨click here¨
                              then click on support


                              • If peeps stopped to think of the amount of checking required per account, times it by the HUGE number of accounts on R2 servers they would realise that this event is pretty much certain to over run on the estimated reward delivery time. Stop bleating, man up and wait...

