Because of the difference in server and game time (clock) we suffer from some bugs in game. For example:
Events start 1 hour later;
lunchbox only available 1 hour later (Not collectable in 2 hours, but only in 1 hour);
weekly merit list resets after 1 hour;
this morning olmost lost vizier election, because the list was totaly wiped clean, it resetted after 1 hour again;
events and quests start at different times, resets and lost a lot of rewards because of it.
Can you please fix the time setting? Hopefully this will fix the bugs we have again lately.
Game freezes a lot again, buttons don't work, only after refreshing-clearing cache etc.

Exathor S1
Events start 1 hour later;
lunchbox only available 1 hour later (Not collectable in 2 hours, but only in 1 hour);
weekly merit list resets after 1 hour;
this morning olmost lost vizier election, because the list was totaly wiped clean, it resetted after 1 hour again;
events and quests start at different times, resets and lost a lot of rewards because of it.
Can you please fix the time setting? Hopefully this will fix the bugs we have again lately.
Game freezes a lot again, buttons don't work, only after refreshing-clearing cache etc.
Exathor S1