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Amnesty Hour

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  • Amnesty Hour

    Hello All, Joel here from S18. I have a few questions about what's going on. 1st. We're receiving emails from both sides if we did the 3k balen event. 7road has stated that they have not received revenue since 2018, and that you are lying to players about the reason we cannot access the servers anymore. 2. You are stating that they acted quickly and you had no chance to warn/prepare the users however they state your contract was up Oct 2nd. One of my questions is: Even if you're able to restore WTR on your servers, will there no longer be updates or new events? I understand that 7road being a large shareholder discontinuing their agreement will be a large hit to R2. I also know there are a lot of people who have put a LOT of money into this game and are extremely upset/disappointed with what is transpiring. I'm not taking sides on this. I just want to know if the restoration goes through will it be the same game or no longer be developed for R2. Thank You.

  • #2
    of course u will not get a response becuz they r selfish money grubbing idiots they remind me og trump


    • #3
      It's still a national holiday. I don't expect any actual news about the progress of whatever discussions will take place between these companies until Monday at the earliest.

      None of us know the full facts of the situation, and I'm sure there's something someone isn't saying, but everyone should be able to easily pick out the obvious misinformation being thrown around. Would you work for free for 2 years, and then report that you were receiving money every quarter during those two years? Publicly traded companies' profit and loss statements are public information.

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