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[Forum Event]Thankful for Goodies - Turkey Day Showdown

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  • [Forum Event]Thankful for Goodies - Turkey Day Showdown

    The finalists have been chosen and now the fight begins. Welcome to the Turkey Day Showdown!

    Quick note: In case you are concerned about the View and Post counts, and being redirected, this thread is located in Off Topic, with redirects in BH, ES, and YT. This makes it possible for everyone to vote in the same thread.

    Duration: 11/27 - 11/30 (or 12/1 if you are in GMT+8)
    Poll will automatically close on 11/30 at 7:00 PM EST (midnight Euro, 8:00 AM on 12/1 Oceanic)
    Rewards will be sent starting on 12/1.

    The Rewards Schedule
    Individual Rewards:
    Top 1 (only 1 player):
    • if he/she comes from BH: Coupon x50, Black Friday Pack x5
    • if he/she comes from ES: Bound Gold x500, Pooh Style x1
    • if he/she comes from YT: Voucher x 500, Lucky Exchange Pill x300

    Top 2 and 3 (2 players):
    • if he/she comes from BH: Coupon x40 Thanksgiving pack x10
    • if he/she comes from ES: Bound Gold x400, 1 week VIP card x1
    • if he/she comes from YT:Voucher x 400, Lucky Exchange Pill x200

    Game Rewards:
    If Blade Hunter players win the most points, then all BH players will get:
    • Coupon x5
    • Medal Refine Stone x10
    • Lesser Reforge Stone x25

    If Eternal Saga players win the most points, then all ES players will get:
    • Bound Gold x100
    • Medal Upgrade Pill x5
    • Artifact Evolution Stone x5

    If Yitien players win the most points, then all YT players will get:
    • Voucher x 100
    • Super Card x 2
    • Greater Enchant Stone x5

    How This Works
    There are 9 finalists, 3 from each game. Vote on your favorite Thankful for Goodies entry in the poll above. At the close of the poll on 11/30, each finalist will be given a score based on how many votes they have. The top 3 voted entries will receive the Individual Rewards.

    Each game's point totals, based on total votes, will be added together. The game with the most points will win the Game Rewards. Only one game will win the Game Rewards.

    Points Explained
    First place = 9 points
    Second place = 8 points
    Third place = 7 points
    Fourth place = 6 points
    Fifth place = 5 points
    Sixth place = 4 points
    Seventh place = 3 points
    Eighth place = 2 points
    Ninth place = 1 point

    Each entry will be given points based on the place in the poll. If your game's entries are in First, Fifth, and Eighth places, your game will have earned 16 points. If another game's entries are in Second, Third, and Fourth places, it will have earned 21 points, and would be declared the winner, earning the entire game the Game Rewards. Pay attention to how your game is doing in the polls- the key is to keep all 3 entries representing your game at the top in order to win.

    Note: In the unlikely event there is a tie for total points, the winner will be the game with the highest ranked person. For example, if BH and YT both get 16 points, if BH had a finalist in 1st place, then BH would win.

    The Finalists
    For reference, the images here are thumbnails. If you wish to see the full sized picture, just click the links above the images.

    Blade Hunter Finalist Entries
    Izabella:Click image for larger version

Name:	BHIzabella.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	11.2 KB
ID:	1761842 Mahapatra:Click image for larger version

Name:	BHMahapatra.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	10.9 KB
ID:	1761841 Mahazhuri:Click image for larger version

Name:	BHMahazhuri.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	17.0 KB
ID:	1761843

    Eternal Saga Finalist Entries
    DjTamzinDnB:Click image for larger version

Name:	ESDjTamzinDnB.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	33.4 KB
ID:	1761844 Kitsune:Click image for larger version

Name:	ESKitsune.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	36.5 KB
ID:	1761845 PrinceKillua:Click image for larger version

Name:	ESPrinceKillua.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	6.4 KB
ID:	1761846

    Yitien Finalist Entries
    Flea:Click image for larger version

Name:	YTFlea.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	4.5 KB
ID:	1761847 IshizuIshtar:Click image for larger version

Name:	YTIshizuIshtar.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	4.2 KB
ID:	1761848 wildpoison:Click image for larger version

Name:	YTwildpoison.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	2.4 KB
ID:	1761849

    If any part of this is in any way confusing, please ask in this thread, and I will clarify it for you.

    The polls have closed! Congratulations to the winners!

    Finalists by Poll Rank:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	TFGranklist.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	32.4 KB
ID:	1762056

    Point totals for each game:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	TFGgamewin.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	6.6 KB
ID:	1762057
    Izabella - Blade Hunter
    Mahapatra - Blade Hunter
    Mahazhuri - Blade Hunter
    DjTamzinDnB - Eternal Saga
    Kitsune - Eternal Saga
    PrinceKillua - Eternal Saga
    Flea - Yitien
    IshizuIshtar - Yitien
    wildpoison - Yitien

    The poll is expired.

    Last edited by MemoryLane; 11-30-2014, 09:06 PM.
    New R2 Community Discord Server:

    Received a random forum error? Refresh the page first, sometimes the error message is the error.

    Some inboxes are broken, including mine. Please don't send me private messages at this time.

    Rules of the Forum are found here.

    R2Games Ticket System for browser games:

  • #2
    Change Greater Enchant Stone x5 to Superior Enchant Stone x 5, Better for overall yitien players.


    • #3
      Originally posted by alfredojryap View Post
      Change Greater Enchant Stone x5 to Superior Enchant Stone x 5, Better for overall yitien players.
      I wish I could. Unfortunately, I didn't get to help pick the rewards
      New R2 Community Discord Server:

      Received a random forum error? Refresh the page first, sometimes the error message is the error.

      Some inboxes are broken, including mine. Please don't send me private messages at this time.

      Rules of the Forum are found here.

      R2Games Ticket System for browser games:


      • #4
        that dancing Turkey u got for a pic Memorylane cracks me up lol.
        Last edited by Flea.10; 11-27-2014, 06:19 AM.
        Clan Leader@HELL


        • #5
          I vote for u Flea!!!


          Clan: Heat
          Motto: Fight and Die with honor


          • #6
            Voted for it.... hope it will be a great reward.
            Keep up the good work!!


            • #7
              Flea, that pic is so cool and creative! I voted for u!



              • #8
                S77 you guys rock.. thanx
                Clan Leader@HELL


                • #9


                  • #10
                    I voted for u Izabella

                    Blade Hunter
                    Server 30
                    IGN: Smith
                    Last edited by Smithcool; 11-27-2014, 01:57 AM. Reason: error game :D


                    • #11
                      GianT S-81
                      i vote Flea


                      • #12
                        LoLs S79
                        i voted Flea coz strong than ALL xD


                        • #13
                          This is going to get really interesting, isn't it? Off to a great start already. Hope you're all telling everyone in your guilds/clans/servers to come and vote too! Don't forget, it's not just which individual gets the most votes- all 3 people representing your game need to do better than the other games for the entire game to win their prize.

                          Closing time on the poll is wrong because polls don't let you choose the time, just how many days after the posting time. I'll fix that on Friday.

                          Oh, and since we're all together, I'm trying to think of some really fun and original Christmas-time forum events for YT, BH, and ES. If you all want to help me come up with something, I welcome the input.
                          Last edited by MemoryLane; 11-27-2014, 03:04 AM.
                          New R2 Community Discord Server:

                          Received a random forum error? Refresh the page first, sometimes the error message is the error.

                          Some inboxes are broken, including mine. Please don't send me private messages at this time.

                          Rules of the Forum are found here.

                          R2Games Ticket System for browser games:


                          • #14
                            :P Ishy mates dont get online til afew more hours.. and Ivy servers are the same.. they are by far more popular than i am because them being cute girls and all.. and then there's the annoying Flea not very liked is only lookin good here in the first few hours cause this is more my time zone.. i dont expect to keep this lead for long.

                            idea for Christmas-time Forum event..
                            maybe a puzzle like a big triangle(being xmas tree) made of smaller triangles and guess how many triangles are in the picture.
                            with multi choice vote answer and all correct votes get reward (eg. Lucky Exchange Pills to the number of voters x2.?)
                            Clan Leader@HELL


                            • #15
                              Mahapatra is the best

