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[Forum Event]Thankful for Goodies - Turkey Day Showdown

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  • #46
    go go flea go...! win something for us
    I don't have an attitude problem. You have a problem with my attitude, and that's not my problem.


    • #47
      i voted for you izabella

      blade hunter
      ign: â˜*Unknownâ˜*

      do not joke with me

      i'm not joking â˜*


      • #48
        DUM DUM DUM just DUM, IF i wanted to WIN i could Hands down, BTW im Artist For D.C Comic Will not give my name do to Copy right law but Trust me i would kill all these PICS


        • #49
          uhhh why is the crappiest (and creepiest) "drawing" i have EVER seen, in the lead for votes.... how did it even get into finals?! disgust.. and flea.. if the other drawings didnt meet the "requirements" why were they chosen? because they were all actually GOOD unlike that turd you crapped out and smeared on paper.. sooo yea if u want to try and put down other peoples art i will put yours down too... altho i dont see how that is considered artwork at all.


          • #50
            Originally posted by R217517783 View Post
            uhhh why is the crappiest (and creepiest) "drawing" i have EVER seen, in the lead for votes.... how did it even get into finals?! disgust.. and flea.. if the other drawings didnt meet the "requirements" why were they chosen? because they were all actually GOOD unlike that turd you crapped out and smeared on paper.. sooo yea if u want to try and put down other peoples art i will put yours down too... altho i dont see how that is considered artwork at all.
            heyy wow what a moving comment that my picture really reached out and made you feel like that. thank you i feel honored that the picture ment to much to someone , it surely must have caught your eye.. and the only reason like i said before is that im winning is cause i fished through the game for players to come and vote. and they probable didnt even look at the drawings and just voted me cause im tryin to win for the whole game...

            if you dont like im winning go to your game and fish for voters to beat me.. not just cry and bad mouth me when you obviously havnt read this thread either.. but i spose it is just easier to to lose and cry than it is to try. as i see it you guys are now saying your better than us but are all just talkers with nothing to back it up...

            and Mr DC Comics (should have entered not just 'what if') lol.... just lol.. yeah draw a pic and leave it to fate isnt how this game works.. i spent more time getting players to forum to vote than you maybe spent awake the last days haha.. back to sleep with you now while i still fish out more voters and spread the votes over all our pictures Mwahahahaha
            Clan Leader@HELL


            • #51
              I'm glad you don't play ES, flea. I only read a couple of your posts and I already can't stand you.


              • #52
                wow this flea has underwear in a twist wew


                • #53
                  Originally posted by LoIerto View Post
                  I'm glad you don't play ES, flea. I only read a couple of your posts and I already can't stand you.
                  i dont even no you and i cant stand you so i guess u and flea are equal after all.

                  wrong account



                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Guild_Leader_Heaven View Post
                    DUM DUM DUM just DUM, IF i wanted to WIN i could Hands down, BTW im Artist For D.C Comic Will not give my name do to Copy right law but Trust me i would kill all these PICS

                    good 4 u, you deserve a cookie. If u didnt draw a picture 2enter the contest then tbh nobody cares about you goodluck wit your 'comic' i think anyone could draw a comic book lol

                    wrong account stil



                    • #55

                      Thoughts and suggestions on Christmas-time forum events for YT/ES/BH? I don't know about all of you, but I'm totally feeling another round of this madness
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                      • #56
                        Originally posted by MemoryLane View Post

                        Thoughts and suggestions on Christmas-time forum events for YT/ES/BH? I don't know about all of you, but I'm totally feeling another round of this madness

                        Christmasy theme picture has 2be of all classess from the game we play with hand drawn-paints or whatever u use 2 draw Christmas icons like mistle toe, christmas trees, presents and all that jazz


                        • #57
                          lol DjTamzinDnB.. who i think actually did have the best picture of all 9 finalists .. wall poster material i think.. if any should have been voted on from that game should have been that. had all that R2 askd for.. people, pumpkins, turkey and would have been an honor to have lost to that poster.. but its seems that its only personal glory the others are after and just seem like big mouths who are bitter they didnt realize this was not about art... i hunted voters from our whole game for our whole game..thats where i put more effort into and not the actual drawing.
                          im a tattooist and know i can draw very well. i wasnt expecting to make it to round 2 but being such a small selection for R2 to pick from in Yitien group im not surprised i made it.
                          and im not here to make friends but to play a game i enjoy.
                          i started Blade Hunter game on S4 to see what they and the game are like and soon as i spoke in chat i was called stupid. so i made it my goal to make sure they didnt win.
                          Clan Leader@HELL


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by hibernate View Post
                            Christmasy theme picture has 2be of all classess from the game we play with hand drawn-paints or whatever u use 2 draw Christmas icons like mistle toe, christmas trees, presents and all that jazz
                            No way you'd get a sample pic out of me then. My thanksgiving one was pushing it.
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                            • #59
                              Originally posted by MemoryLane View Post

                              Thoughts and suggestions on Christmas-time forum events for YT/ES/BH? I don't know about all of you, but I'm totally feeling another round of this madness
                              maybe an event that doesn't see the other games miss out completely cause of numbers. we still have a whole clan of accounts in S15 waiting as a backup in case votes are needed for last minute point
                              maybe just an event that rewards players who participate with a vote or comment.,means my other server chars on this email miss out tho.

                              i only say this because i think the best picture (DjTamzinDnB-Eternal Saga) will receive nothing from this last round.
                              Last edited by Flea.10; 11-28-2014, 05:46 AM.
                              Clan Leader@HELL


                              • #60
                                Any game can win this, they just need to think a little more strategically. They don't need to beat you in the polls, Flea. They can win just by having all of their entries be higher in the polls than the other two Yitien entries, which at this point is extremely easy to do, since all efforts have been focused on you.

                                It certainly is going to be fun to watch this.

                                Back to Christmas themed events. I think a baking/decorating contest would be really fun. Something like bake a cookie or a cake, decorate it, take a picture.
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