Beastmasters are wandering nature lovers who over the years have managed to tap into the spirit world and acquire powers long forgotten to many. With the ability to harness nature, this new brand of warriors can summon familiars to fight alongside them and cause earthly destruction to any who would get in their way. All familiars come with their own set of stats that scale with their beastmaster's. They also have their own unique skills and abilities too!
Familiar Tab
Familiar Action Bar
You can learn more about your familiar by going to your character screen, or by clicking the "I" on your familiar's action bar. Be mindful when selecting which group of familiars to go with. If you learn the Spirit Fox skill, then you can't learn the Iron Boar, and vice-versa. You can see all the different familiars below. Note that only one familiar can be summoned at a time.
Feral Tree Familiars
Spiritual Tree Familiars
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