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[Announcement] EMERGENCY SERVER MAINTENACE @ 4:30 AM EDT 07/20/2012

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  • Sc3n3
    Originally posted by kevin911 View Post
    Rollback would **** people off especially me >.< i just bought my new costume! =P
    Billing would be able to reimburse you for the xtal and you could reacquire your costume.

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  • smurfs16
    Originally posted by Sc3n3 View Post
    Purchases would be reapplied. Billing records would still be there it's completely seperate from the server that you're on.
    So what? I made my lv14 Hellwing by Gmut-events in-game, never cashed so I have no billing records. Does that mean I get rolled back because of the stupidity of others and the lack of GM's to think of a requirement?

    Rollback = too hard to judge who has and who hasn't exploited, a huge hassle because it's never full exploit but also buying from other players. You'd have to refund the gmuts with ingame gold, give the player a compensation or you risk loosing a ton of players.

    Also make the level-requirement lv43, since that is the quest where you get the Horse and even from when I started playing, that is where most got their bear.

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  • ZombiePyro
    Originally posted by Caia_R21125326 View Post
    Next time.. umm .. Need to bribe the healers and the hulk.. oops gladiator..

    LMAO you funny just like in-game ^_^

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  • Exxmoon
    Originally posted by Sc3n3 View Post
    Purchases would be reapplied. Billing records would still be there it's completely seperate from the server that you're on.
    Yeah, but that'd take days for them to do with all of the accounts.. Days of downtime = Lots of money/players lost.

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  • R22278558
    Although to be honest a lvl requirement on the bear wouldn't bother me except for one thing. When we can Edilon( not sure if this is active on other servers yet ) will that mean we have to go mount-less till 45 unless we buy a turtle and start again. As it stand the bear lvl 45 doesnt effect me im just thinking of the future

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  • GGforYou
    Originally posted by bakul_turbo View Post
    In my opinion, it would be nice to mention how much time left before maintenance. Some of us are not from US and we have no idea what time is on PST, EDT, or etc. I thought 4:30AM EDT server time is exactly the same with 4:30AM my server time (Nebular Ridge), and when I looked at the announcement, I was relieved that I would have enough time to finish my vault (because it was like 3 more hours to go from my server's time). But then all of sudden, I was disconnected.

    So I think it would be better to state the time, and how much time left before the maintenance will happen (like maybe "Urgent Maintenance in 4:30AM EDT server time (1 hour to go)) or something, so that people can arrange their time.

    And now, I've wasted one attempt on vault. For nothing.
    lol that's another problem

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  • Thorn83
    Originally posted by Mactavish View Post
    Heck ya nice one r2 now thats what im waiting so those god damn spamming mount upgraders for those kind of GMUT event dont let the cheaters win^_^if you have a problem with me............ill kick your head to the wall^_^
    lmao cheaters? Aw you just missed out on doing it so ur bitter right? LMAO

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  • BiohazardXIII
    Would be nice to be able to play as I'm not one of the people taking advantage of the event.

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  • Caia_R21125326
    Originally posted by Baixiu View Post
    It's not a problem Caia, we can do it again later
    Next time.. umm .. Need to bribe the healers and the hulk.. oops gladiator..

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  • kevin911
    Rollback would **** people off especially me >.< i just bought my new costume! =P

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  • Thorn83
    OMG u are kidding??? You guys stuffed up majorly what a chump move. How is it fair to do this now? You stuffed up, so if we choose to benifit from that stuff up what right u got to take that away? You should have thought before u did it. LMAO Lamest game running ever (Hey IM entitled to my opinion and I havent sworn once) If this game was run by artix it would be so much better.

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  • Mactavish
    Heck ya nice one r2 now thats what im waiting so those god damn spamming mount upgraders for those kind of GMUT event dont let the cheaters win^_^if you have a problem with me............ill kick your head to the wall^_^

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  • SayianSaga
    Originally posted by Sc3n3 View Post
    So basically anyone who didn't exploit this already is just stuck in the dust unless they wanna make lvl 45 alts, nice whish i woulda been one of the lucky ones exploiting it then.

    How about you roll back the mounts on every server to what we had yesterday or do a complete server rollback to give it a level playing field.

    Feeling kinda screwed over here any way it goes but w/e I guess

    Or how about instead of 45 putting it at 30 so i an get some use from the damn characters im gonna have to lvl

    +1 to this ! so that means yay to the exploiters that got their mounts huh? and in your face you suckers to us that didnt get them..

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  • justmic05
    i love you GM

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  • ZombiePyro
    ROTFL people spamming the eggs as well just to get MC ^_^

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