Originally posted by maestropain
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[Patch Notes] Crystal Saga 3/27 Update
Originally posted by puppetbomber View PostSomeone doesn't understand how marketing works, lol. Now that FRCs and Mount Conversion Stones are basically unfarmable and EWs are scarce, players who do have them will inflate the price even more and players who do need them won't be able to afford purchasing ample amounts of these rare items. XD I've seen 11G EWs jump to 20G+ overnight with this change, and it'll only get worse with the limited quantity of these items floating around and the high demand for EWs in particular.Originally posted by Dr.QHm... best Tenet level, or home mortgage payment... what to do, what to do...
Originally posted by puppetbomber View PostSomeone doesn't understand how marketing works, lol. Now that FRCs and Mount Conversion Stones are basically unfarmable and EWs are scarce, players who do have them will inflate the price even more and players who do need them won't be able to afford purchasing ample amounts of these rare items. XD I've seen 11G EWs jump to 20G+ overnight with this change, and it'll only get worse with the limited quantity of these items floating around and the high demand for EWs in particular.
Originally posted by maestropain View PostThat is marketing and a whole lot fairer. At least now the items are actually rare and worth the price. I'd pay 30-40g per E-wing if it was actually rare rather than 10g for E-wings when players got 30-40 a day from events (Some got over 100-200 a day) By all rights E-wings should have been the same price as H-wings : 50S max.
You would pay more for an item if it is rarer, and less if it is more common? You are a genius, is all I can say. Did you have any other useful comments on the complete removal of items for example? Or are you in league with the R2 Support that say "Well we did not change anything except making the items bound"?
i 100% understand why its been done and why there is players pro for this but what about players like me whom has only been playing 6-7 month for first 3 months i didnt realy enter iob since i was new to game n didnt realy no what it was but now i have like 3000+ frc saved n im on [Ultimate Angel Lord Wings] witch take ewi just think its a lil un fair that i will never hav the chance to fuse wep with out cashing and there will always be players that hav better wep because ov when i started ive never sold ew or abused i only hav 1 char
so alot ov hard work for nowt i guess
why dont you make a game? why dont you? lets see if you can do any f...ing better? They think of money? they need a living! Why would they bloody make a game for free. think about it dude. like no im gonna waste my day at work to get no money hahahaha. your hilarious @millinium.Originally posted by millinium View Posthoping for another DDoS attck and pls destroy this game completely...owners of this game are so stupid that they only think of money..