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Time to fix rigged iob

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  • #16
    i think ill just continue to exploit it all. forums and tickets get no response. sorry s35-53 but crypt and iob is gonna be ♥♥♥♥ED up for a while i can be an arse too.


    • #17
      oh yea im envious you guys can even do iob. its sleep time for me :'((((((((((((((((((((((((((
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      • #18
        hey weezing you wanna know how to win 1st place in crypt at reset? ill tell you. all u gotta do is open a consolation pack right as the server strikes midnight. lmao u got trolled. paybacks a ***************


        • #19
          R2 is completely ignoring this problem altogether how... professional.


          • #20
            Originally posted by NotoriousInfamy View Post
            R2 is completely ignoring this problem altogether how... professional.
            R2 is aware of the problem, they know what it is and exactly how people are doing it , It will be fixed in a few weeks.
            Just because there are no comments yet does not mean it hasn't been read.


            • #21
              I would like to point out a few flaws in your logic....

              Point 1. Most of the Items you can get from the IOB packs can be obtained in other ways..... Ie: Soul Shards can be obtained by doing Ladder, exchanging SRC, and also through your Daily log-in rewards.

              Point 2. Not everyone tries to upgrade their wings, some just use the other rewards from the purple packs.

              Point 3. People don't use the EWs for just their Wings, they also use them for cash, 1 EW costs 15-20g, that comes in handy for those using the money to make FS.

              Point 4. Almost everyone in the game is at a point where they can get things easily, and don't care about how IOB works out as much as you do.

              These are the points that make everyone else ******, you are ruining it for more people then you are helping.... Since most low level toons are just alts anyway....
              Game:Crystal Saga
              Server:S58 Holorn Cliff
              Level: 198-Eidolon
              Class: Knight
              Guild: (S6)Insidious

              "Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution"
              -Albert Einstein


              • #22
                you just keep proving how much of a noob you are with everything you say.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by MisterCuddles View Post
                  R2 is aware of the problem, they know what it is and exactly how people are doing it , It will be fixed in a few weeks.
                  Just because there are no comments yet does not mean it hasn't been read.

                  Not impressive at all. It's written in the first post of this topic. And lmao @ "It will be fixed in a few weeks".


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by sebastian1988 View Post
                    Not impressive at all. It's written in the first post of this topic. And lmao @ "It will be fixed in a few weeks".
                    I imagine it's because the staff is taking a vacation due to Chinese New Year's; just like there being no maintenance till February. So just give it some time.


                    • #25
                      apparently all that was needed to have this fixed was to crank up the heat. this issue was reported several months ago via a few forum threads and several tickets. something shouldve been done about it a long time ago. i dont know what those other forum threads said in them and theres too many posts regarding iob to search thru them all, but this thread is detailed enough in how to do it and how to fix it that it pretty much leaves them no choice but to fix it unless they dont mind ppl exploiting things. im curious to see how they handle it.

                      i also might ad, beepuddy wtv, that this is an exploit that ppl have been taking advantage of... im pretty sure iob wasnt intended to be exploited, and im also pretty sure its against the rules to exploit things like that. so im not ruining anything, the ppl exploiting it have ruined it.
                      Last edited by PrinceKuja; 01-24-2014, 10:05 PM.


                      • #26
                        I'm a American GM in US with near constant contact with each department, I work in many departments so will be bouncing around a bit. But I Rarely go on holiday. The issue has been reported to all the proper channels, Would like to remind everyone its against TOS to encourage any type of exploiting in any situation. About the Delay would say that is because taking into consideration what can be done and what can't with the suggestions from players over time. We always appreciate players input to advance the game and improve it. Please keep the thread Civil aligned with Forum& Site rules.


                        • #27
                          IKR some people hate that bug in IoB but i have some points for u too:

                          1:If u want SS u can do TT, Avernal, ur daily exchange and ur daily bonus, also Ladder 75 every day or just do Ladder no matter what lvl u can do.

                          2:If u want G.mut for mounts, simply make g.muts alts (FTW♥), do TT (again >.>,), if u are scion or eidolon u can do Rebirth quest and others events like CoF.

                          3:If u want FRC in ur server after one side are done other zone can collect and get 2 green packs, If IoB it's bugged the other Zone w/o bugg can collect and get 5 or 6 green packs maybe lees maybe more, depend on ur server.

                          4:If u want HW just do ur dungeons, TT and Avernal for AFK.

                          5:x2 exp and x3 exp, simply,,, TT and Ladder also.

                          6:Your daily log bonus give ESO also Nargon.

                          7:About HO Avernal give a lot of that,, and both Zone in IoB will get it.

                          See, many events will give u the others items or also, u can exchange ur EW for any item (cuz ppl are obssesed with wings like u said :3) And if u will hate me for just give u some points IDC :3

                          Name : (S56) Mello happily married with (S56) Zetho ♥
                          Server : S56 S58 K1 etc etc etc xD
                          Level : 149 Eidolon
                          Guild : (J5) Unstoppable ♥


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by PrinceKuja View Post
                            you just keep proving how much of a noob you are with everything you say.
                            I'm sorry you feel like our so much better than everyone else, but only noobs call people noobs... Face it, if something isn't going your way, then you make others feel bad to make yourself feel good... Seriously dude, Call me a noob all you want, but you don't see me calling you one.... If you have a problem with us so called "noobs", then why not take it in-game..... I'm pretty sure there are a million people just waiting to KOS you man.... You talk a good game, but thats all it is, your just a feeble minded Keyboard Warrior....
                            Game:Crystal Saga
                            Server:S58 Holorn Cliff
                            Level: 198-Eidolon
                            Class: Knight
                            Guild: (S6)Insidious

                            "Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution"
                            -Albert Einstein


                            • #29
                              uhhh ur wrong again nobody wants to kill me, everybody agrees with me. so brainstorm all u want and try again.


                              • #30
                                haha do u need to be reminded this is a thread pointing out that iob is being exploited and its a request to fix the damn thing? so saying oh no we like ew and theres other ways to get gmuts and ss bla bla bla is totally retarded and irrelevant to the point of this thread. why dont you run around encouraging exploits some more and see if you dont get banned smart ***. just shut up already

