I've recently begun noticing a difference in my toon's critical strike and chance depending on whether or not the toon is online, and I was wondering why that was. When my toon is online, it shows 1,714 crit strike and 95% crit chance from my own personal view of the toon, as well as viewing my toon from say, an alt. However when I view my offline main toon from an alt it shows that my crit chance has been reduced to 1,707 crit strike and 93% crit chance, proceeding to return to 1,714 strike and 95% chance if I login the toon. What's causing the reduction? (I have no buffs, no elixirs, my pixie is summoned, my gear/mount/wings have not changed, etcetc.)
Online View

Offline View

P.S. Now that I'm looking at the two inserts, my HP, MP, both attacks, and defenses also fluctuate depending on online/offline status. O_O?
Online View
Offline View
P.S. Now that I'm looking at the two inserts, my HP, MP, both attacks, and defenses also fluctuate depending on online/offline status. O_O?