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Acct Sharing

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  • #31
    Originally posted by VicZar View Post
    OK, cut the long reply.

    Why do we ban? Because SOMEBODY reported. And it is for the safety of the users. Bans are more for teaching people lessons not to just simply share their accounts.

    "Never share your accounts for your own safety, convenience, or your benefit, lest you know thy consequences".
    Sure, go ahead, share an account. If you're both happy and mutual and all the rainbows in between and peace shall reign supreme between you both, why not? I bet that there are hundreds of people who are sharing accounts right now.

    Why didn't they get banned? Simple: Nobody complained.
    They told me that to make you fall in love with me, I had to make you laugh...
    But everytime you laugh, I'm the one who falls in love...


    • #32
      my two cents really isn't needed in this thread...but i'll throw it out there anyways. i can see the logic behind no sharing of accounts...its for our protection and so unneeded work isn't piled on the admins due to some report from the owner if the person they shared with stole from them, but still i feel it shouldn't be enough to give a ban unless someone finds issue with it, which from the looks of this thread it seems to be the focus point of one person was banned due to a report.

      now, i really don't see the reason why anyone should be banned in the first place. lets say i use main Bob in one location and i use alt Jack in another location (lets say...both created on different IP address), but i sometimes log them in using the same locations. basically different/same pc sometimes, different ip/same ip sometimes, maybe alt is farming while at the library which i do often since i can't play well at home on a 2 second delay satellite connection but i will login this alt at home when i am vending. Its impossible to tell who the owner is at this point and even if i am the owner it would seem like i was sharing...with myself? technically...we don't even own our own accounts so basically we can't share it if we don't own it in the first place. So...say someone claimed account sharing and there was a would this situation be handled? Same scenario can be applied to net shops, where proxy servers from all different countries tend to be utilized to be able to play some games and use their net anonymously (at least in my experience).

      god forbid, someone shared something that technically doesn't exist...some 1s and 0s...something that could easily disappear at any given moment in time. I feel bad for those traditional families who share everything with each other, or those open relationships where loved ones share their login details with each other for everything (my parents do the same thing) i guess that means they are unwanted here and their money should be spent elsewhere (Also lets not forget children who play this game...parents often monitor and keep track of logins, damn another ban for the ban hammer o.o). i guess we all need bans least those who live in the usa (even some other countries do what i will say now), because soon all our info will be monitored as we communicate over the net, exposing those passwords to the government. guess this game needs to be shut down as we all will be sharing our details. Oh...i almost forgot. R2 admins have access to our data...once they see our password it's technically shared as we agree they can do what they want with us when we sign up...bans for everyone yet again :O

      in the end...just be nice on ticket with R2, be honest...i'm sure they are more kind than they are making themselves out to be. don't rant on the forums like an idiot like me and keep it in private with them...i'm sure they'll work something out if there is indeed no malicious intent.
      Crystal Saga:
      Server: Aquatic Crypts
      Name: (S15)Sidoh
      Class: Knight
      Plane: Eidolon
      Level: 100

      Server:Server: S87 Key Grove and S58 Drays Keep
      Name: [S87]Kenshin/[S58]SweetnSour
      Class: Swordman/Elementalist
      Level: 5x/6x


      • #33
        This is really Unfair. I been playing in S32 for long time, I gave a hacker that i thought was a Friends my account to level up while i was on vacation. Once i come back he change all my account info. He demand me to pay him $$$ to give back the account. Then i file a ticket. And Ya Permanent Baned my account ? Other players got baned 1-3 days for sharing and I got baned permanent. What type of community is this ? I don't mind spend $10,000 - $20,000 On this game. But this is not fair !!!!!


        • #34
          Originally posted by craazytiger View Post
          This is really Unfair. I been playing in S32 for long time, I gave a hacker that i thought was a Friends my account to level up while i was on vacation. Once i come back he change all my account info. He demand me to pay him $$$ to give back the account. Then i file a ticket. And Ya Permanent Baned my account ? Other players got baned 1-3 days for sharing and I got baned permanent. What type of community is this ? I don't mind spend $10,000 - $20,000 On this game. But this is not fair !!!!!
          if i'd have a guess it might have been all the TT ppl use other peoples accounts for then get reported for might have had a weighing factor. which is a risk you took by sharing account info. and technically put others at risk - and let be abused in varying ways with your account. maybe if you can prove your you, and that your actually a good person &wont be getting in trouble not only just supporting cs with money. since that is like a bribe to get out of trouble. ask if can be lifted or changed to a month ban remaining or something, be chill+respectful an you never know, could get a diff response then just- your perma banned . deal with it. you char was on my friends list still after he got banned from your char. so its there. should be thankful didn't get deleted....


          • #35
            I Like your reply very Much. But I did File many tickets In, They Never ask Me to proof that I'm the original Owner of the Account. Instead they said they can't get the account back. If they the owner of this game, and they can't get an account back,( that sound like a lie to me )


            • #36
              Ok hold on. You need to provide proof that isn't he said/she said but then how can you do that if that's how our suspicions are raised in the first place? What sort of proof can you provide that isn't extrapolated through text such as speech patterns and statements of confessions?

              Also, why should a player be banned for account sharing? A player is already risking his heavily time and money invested account by doing so but only because he/she can't play everyday or is quitting. It's a waste. But if GMs are going to ban a player given "evidence" and investigation, how can you expect players to come back if they can get behind so quickly without having someone else play for them during their absence?
              Sith's Priest Guide


              • #37
                Originally posted by sithewarrior View Post
                Ok hold on. You need to provide proof that isn't he said/she said but then how can you do that if that's how our suspicions are raised in the first place? What sort of proof can you provide that isn't extrapolated through text such as speech patterns and statements of confessions?

                Also, why should a player be banned for account sharing? A player is already risking his heavily time and money invested account by doing so but only because he/she can't play everyday or is quitting. It's a waste. But if GMs are going to ban a player given "evidence" and investigation, how can you expect players to come back if they can get behind so quickly without having someone else play for them during their absence?
                Someone saying they are sharing their account is usually the proof that's given. Chat that says "Oh, I'm not playerx, I'm just piloting the account for them"- that's pretty good proof of account sharing.

                Account sharing, sharing passwords, giving an account to someone else, etc, is all covered in the Terms of Service. The GMs usually don't go hunting for people who break that rule, and it is known that a LOT of people do share their account for one reason or another, but if someone has proof and reports the player for it, the person could be banned because it is quite clear in the Terms of Service that it's not allowed.
                New R2 Community Discord Server:

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                Some inboxes are broken, including mine. Please don't send me private messages at this time.

                Rules of the Forum are found here.

                R2Games Ticket System for browser games:


                • #38
                  Account sharing is for lamers, not all people share accounts. I don't cause hopefully one day when I can turn my ideas into profit making setups..I don't want others who know my account to change info or take it all for themselves. Getting proof is hard unless the person comes right out and says its a different person, but then again it's not that hard to get them to trip up and get them to say who's playing. If everyone only played their own account you would see how weaker a lot of others would be. Making it a fair game
                  Lil by lil my signature will become better.

                  Ign: Sai
                  Level: 130
                  Class: Rogue
                  Plane: Eidolon
                  Honor: Emperor
                  Server: (S31)TreeOfLife
                  Guild: Rebels
                  Pet: DemonKing


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by craazytiger View Post
                    This is really Unfair. I been playing in S32 for long time, I gave a hacker that i thought was a Friends my account to level up while i was on vacation. Once i come back he change all my account info. He demand me to pay him $$$ to give back the account. Then i file a ticket. And Ya Permanent Baned my account ? Other players got baned 1-3 days for sharing and I got baned permanent. What type of community is this ? I don't mind spend $10,000 - $20,000 On this game. But this is not fair !!!!!
                    this is a good example why account sharing is prohibited


                    • #40
                      I really Don't Need the Account back Really. I just want to be treat equal like everyone else here. But what happened on my account (S32)Crzytiger is unfair.


                      • #41
                        Not to be mean or anything but it's amazing how dumb ppl can act really. Would u give ur email pwd or ur facebook login to someone u met online? I bet on no. Why do u share ur game account info then? Especially if u cashed for ur toon, why on earth would u trust someone that's not a real life friend/family member.

                        And that goes for everyone rlly...u're on vacation, u can't play...fine, live with it, u'll play later. I saw ppl shouting on wc that they needed "pilot for my account". That's just stupid. Srsly?...


                        • #42
                          Money is easy to gain. You can't bring it with you when you Die. So Don't worry too much about it.
                          IGN: (S32)GaLon
                          Class: Noob Priest
                          Pet: Too many that i cant count
                          Guild: FTW (aka Pervy guild)
                          Love Oyster if you know what i mean


                          • #43
                            So I just read the Terms of Service and no where did it say you can't share an account. Can someone point me to where R2 says that you can not do this?


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by AryaTrueheart View Post
                              So I just read the Terms of Service and no where did it say you can't share an account. Can someone point me to where R2 says that you can not do this?
                              No Ownership Rights in Account

                              You acknowledge and agree that you shall have no ownership or other property interested in any account stored or hosted in an R2Games system, including without limitation any R2Games account or Crystal Saga account, and you further acknowledge and agree that all rights in and to such accounts are and shall forever be owned by and inure to the benefit of R2Games.

                              Ownership/Selling Virtual Accounts/Items

                              R2Games does not recognize the transfer of Crystal Saga Accounts or R2Games Accounts. You may not purchase, sell, gift or trade any Account, or offer to purchase, sell, gift or trade any Account, and any such attempt shall be null and void. R2Games owns, has licensed, or otherwise has rights to all of the content that appears in the Game (see “no ownership rights in account” above). You agree that you have no right or title in or to any such content, including without limitation the virtual goods or currency appearing or originating in the Game, or any other attributes associated with any Account. R2Games does not recognize any purported transfers of virtual property executed outside of the Game, or the purported sale, gift or trade in the “real world” of anything that appears or originates in the Game. Accordingly, you may not sell in-game items or currency for “real” money, or exchange those items or currency for value outside of the Game.

                              Changes to the Terms of Service

                              R2Games reserves the right, at its sole and absolute discretion, to change, modify, add to, supplement or delete, at any time, any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, any feature of the Game or the Service, hours of availability, content, data, software or equipment needed to access the Game or the Service, effective with or without prior notice; provided, however, that material changes to this Terms of Use Agreement will not be applied retroactively. If any future changes to this Agreement are unacceptable to you or cause you to no longer be in compliance with this Agreement, you must terminate, and immediately stop using the Game. Your continued use of the Game following any revision to this Agreement constitutes your complete and irrevocable acceptance of any and all such changes. R2Games may change, modify, suspend, or discontinue any aspect of the Game at any time. R2Games may also impose limits on certain features or restrict your access to parts or all of the Game without notice or liability.

                              At the time your Account is opened, you must select a password. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and are responsible for any harm resulting from your disclosure, or authorization of the disclosure of your password or from any person's use of your password to gain access to your Account or Account Name. At no time should you respond to an online request for a password other than in connection with the log-on process to the Service. Should it be determined that you did reveal your password to a person who is not you, R2Games reserves the right to disable the account.
                              right there in the sections names which are bold and big in this quote. it is not yours, or anyone else's accounts, so individuals have no right to give away or trade etc what is not theirs to do so with. that is commonly called stealing, even if its a gift.


                              • #45
                                play in other site hosting this game where account sharing is not an issue

