Here's a thought... Why not just level your alts to 30? :P
There is a reason they put a limit on dungeon runs.
However, making trade available at 30 kinda makes all relatively good equips you find at 29 and below kinda useless... For instance. A rogue finds a gold OS sword at level 21 and a knight finds a gold OS dagger at 21. No way for them to give it to each other so the only option they have is to both trash. Seems like a waste :/
There is a reason they put a limit on dungeon runs.
However, making trade available at 30 kinda makes all relatively good equips you find at 29 and below kinda useless... For instance. A rogue finds a gold OS sword at level 21 and a knight finds a gold OS dagger at 21. No way for them to give it to each other so the only option they have is to both trash. Seems like a waste :/