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  • Special

    How does one get special treatment like the one s21vamp88 has gotten?
    He has not once but twice npc his items (i.e.; Olympic insignia and Fragrachs weapon) and every time his items have been restored to him.

    Need I point out that there is a thread that specifically state that "We regret to inform you that we cannot give back the items that are accidentally sold no matter how valuable it is or no matter how much you have spent to it," which can be found on

    So I would personally like to know what makes him so special and great and above all the rest of us that he gets special treatment.

    I mean if you can make an exception for one person (s21Vamp88) then how about the rest of us

  • #2
    I want to know how does r2 determine who gets items back and who doesn't?
    Who they will bend and break rules for?
    Because if you want to talk about fairness you either give us all back items we've lost,
    or you take back what you given back to him


    • #3
      Tbh, i had friends who lost their items too... they ticketed and never got it back though it was their first time. Weapon and pets, so yes it does sound pretty unfair this guy gets back his items 2 times.

      What is the criteria to get back items?


      • #4
        Same here I had friends who lost items too and never got them back and they have quit because of it. I mean if he can get his weapon and insignia back two time then everyone else should be able too. Also who's to say he won't do it again are you willing to bring it back for him again?
        Last edited by TeddiBear; 03-11-2013, 12:57 PM.
        S3 Swamp of Sanios
        Char: •TeddiBear•
        Guild: ΣтнεlισƝ

        ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つʕ≧ᴥ≦ʔ


        • #5
          how sad that his items got back and those other ppl that file a ticket didnt get their items back, unfair isnt it? hope should be fair for cashiers/non cashiers player..,


          • #6
            (In the past few days, we have received few tickets asking us to return back their items that was accidentally sold to NPCs. Please be advised that every player should be extra careful when selling equipments or items. We regret to inform you that we cannot give back the items that are accidentally sold no matter how valuable it is or no matter how much you have spent to it.)
            its clearly posted that R2 will not return accidently sold items back.And now R2 restores accidently sold ilem back to Vamp88 why is he so special he is a non cashier n is it fair to other players R2 sets the rules n R2 bearks thye rules why i accidently sold my wedding suit n my olympic insignia do i get it back aswell? R2 u all are really ** i want my Items back too that i lost so iam gooing to file a ticket soon if vamp can get his weapon back so so will i iam a cashier i might not have spent much but still i cash


            • #7
              we all know sometimes ppl made mistake like in this game accidentally sold of items w/c is valuable to the owner, R2 made a rules of no obligation on those item lost, but in his case (S21vamp88) got back his items who he was accidentally sold, is it fair for the other players who also lost/accidentally sold items that file a ticket didnt get back their items too? what's so especial with him that he get back his items?
              please RULES ARE RULES


              • #8
                exactly like everyone thats posted above it is unfair and unjust, rules are rules and they are to be fallowed and if exceptions are made then do it for everyone not just him -_________-


                • #9
                  I know of people who have lost 4 perfect fire opal gems while making orange gear, and they never got their gems back and this happened way before (S21)Vamp88 got his frag back. And to this day, my friend hasnt gotten his gems back, what makes vamp so special among the thousands who play CS? Just want to know that its not fair how only certain people get their items restored and others dont.


                  • #10
                    Ok I must say I know of people who cashed above 4k in this game. When they NPCed their +12 weapon (back then +12 was a BIG deal) and ticketed r2, they were told R2 will not return accidently sold items back.

                    thats the reason they quitted. so why is this free player so special? when those who cashed big cant even get theirs back though it was their 1st time? can a GM or Mod comment on this please?


                    • #11
                      I totaly agree here.

                      In the grown up world, rules are rules.

                      Apperently this does not stand up here.

                      U can give 1 player all back, BUT GIVE ALL OTHER PLAYERS THEIR STUFF BACK TOO!!!!

                      Besides this game is bugged with every new weapon, item, insignia or event. How should players know what is safe to do and what not??


                      • #12
                        So what if it is bugged people are smart enough not to sell it and its you fault if you do.
                        There are 2 steps to selling your item 1) you click the item and 2) you click yes or no but in vamps case he clicked yes so therefore it is his fault for selling and shouldn't have gotten it back


                        • #13
                          I noticed these occurrences that R2 gives more advantage to selected people.

                          Server: [S60]Exigent Bluff
                          IGN: Lust
                          Class: Shadow Rogue
                          Level: 90 Scion
                          Honor: Grand Duke
                          Pets: Super Demon Teeka
                          Weapon: [Perfect]Auguric Dagger IV +9
                          Sperion:Sky Attack Sperion

                          "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new".
                          -Albert Einstein


                          • #14
                            the solution is simple. r2 you better take back the item from this guy, or you return everyone back their lost items

                            i should get back my marriage restored too, since i was hacked and deleted which isnt even my fault not like this guy who keeps NPC his items and you keep telling me no you cant do it and how i have to marry again and pay for it again. this is just NOT FAIR MAN


                            • #15
                              bec of his name maybe?hahaha...nahhhh R2 is always bias anw..sense of favoritissssmmmm?maybe or maybe not...o well yeah it does really unfair for others..i have a friend who accidentally sold his pristine agies(if i spell it right) +14 and he never got it back..and another friend who sold his olympic insignia and he got it back....rules have been break in this simple scenario haha

