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  • #16
    From my knowledge, vamp88 hasn't cashed so don't use the casher argument. He's a hardwork F2P player. And he's not the only one to have gotten frag back. It does seem like the only way to get gear back is by 1) gotta be a frag and 2) gotta have the right person answering the ticket as even the first responder said no.

    And I think the reason he got it back is because he shouldn't have been able to vend it accidentally in the first place. The other frags are nonsellable (yes, they weren't always but they are nonsellable now) so why would have he expected the new ones not to be? R2 should have made those nonsellable when they released them, so it wasn't his fault, it was R2's fault for not putting in what players expected from a continued weapon.
    LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

    LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



    • #17
      so squint thats your frag story. what about his other item then the insig? why was he able to get it back and another guy here cant?

      and thats precisely OUR POINT. the game is alive because of people cashing, and if even they cannot get it back why a F2P player can? is he relative or friend of the GM or mod?


      • #18
        Originally posted by ashurada2003 View Post
        so squint thats your frag story. what about his other item then the insig? why was he able to get it back and another guy here cant?
        That one I can't explain other than by the "2) gotta have the right person". He should try a new ticket or request another person look at it if the current person ticket handler is a nub. He should also try making a forum post to get all of us players (and more importantly the moderators) on his side, as vamp88 didn't really have hope until a moderator (shadowgammadraco) took his side after a friend of his made a forum post.

        But for the frag, obviously that was a mistake on R2's part for not making it unsellable like the other frags. It's bad enough he didn't get his gems back, only the frag.
        LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

        LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



        • #19
          Originally posted by (S14)Squintina View Post
          From my knowledge, vamp88 hasn't cashed so don't use the casher argument. He's a hardwork F2P player. And he's not the only one to have gotten frag back. It does seem like the only way to get gear back is by 1) gotta be a frag and 2) gotta have the right person answering the ticket as even the first responder said no.

          And I think the reason he got it back is because he shouldn't have been able to vend it accidentally in the first place. The other frags are nonsellable (yes, they weren't always but they are nonsellable now) so why would have he expected the new ones not to be? R2 should have made those nonsellable when they released them, so it wasn't his fault, it was R2's fault for not putting in what players expected from a continued weapon.
          So what your saying is only frag can be replaced yet many others who've done the same didn't get theirs replaced and also you said depends on which gm answers so are you implying that some gms don't listen to their own rules?


          • #20
            we all know that frag can be sold to npc and there's a rule R2 dont give back items w/c lost due to accidentally sold to npc, the question is why they get his frag back while those other ppl who made the same mistake didnt get back their things? its unfair right? so it should be back those things lost from player who file a ticket or dissolve his frag again for others sake to be fair... and there's an option if u want to sell the item or no right? so we should be aware of that to prevent selling valuable items
            Last edited by Ceemac; 03-11-2013, 09:23 PM.


            • #21
              only way i kow u can Accidently sell and ORANGE item is with a macro..if ur selling and u put ur mouse on a orange item i'm sure ur NOT gonna sell it..and i coulda swore macro's aint allowed


              • #22
                Originally posted by Buggster99 View Post
                only way i kow u can Accidently sell and ORANGE item is with a macro..if ur selling and u put ur mouse on a orange item i'm sure ur NOT gonna sell it..and i coulda swore macro's aint allowed
                Except some people have lag and it might look like they're clicking on one item when they're really clicking on another. That happened to me once, accidentally sold a pet equip when I thought I was clicking a gold, but lag made stuff happen. Thankfully in my case, it wasn't a big deal since it was a low level pet equip I was saving for my 2nd main and I could just get her another one, and I don't suffer lag anymore now that I have a better computer and connection, but not everyone is that lucky.
                LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

                LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



                • #23
                  I also lost many Items by selling them by mistake like stacks of wings, gmuts etc... so frag isnt the only Item that can be sold by mistake, and I never got anything back. I sent tickets and the responses I had from gm was *too be fair too everyone we cant send your Items back*. So now that giving Items back due too a mistake we made is a possibility I will make another ticket asking for all I lost.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by (S14)Squintina View Post
                    Except some people have lag and it might look like they're clicking on one item when they're really clicking on another.
                    Well its not r2's fault that you have lag, does that mean that every time someone lags and something happens r2 is responsible? If thats the case then everyone who's ever complained bout lag or have lag should get some kind of compensation since he did is that right?
                    S3 Swamp of Sanios
                    Char: •TeddiBear•
                    Guild: ΣтнεlισƝ

                    ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つʕ≧ᴥ≦ʔ


                    • #25
                      i want back my dk gen 2 and my slayer armor


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by TheVoid321 View Post
                        So what your saying is only frag can be replaced yet many others who've done the same didn't get theirs replaced and also you said depends on which gm answers so are you implying that some gms don't listen to their own rules?
                        Regarding the first part: if they sold it back when all frag shards were sellable, that's a different story. Otherwise it could just be they had a bad gm.

                        And to the 2nd part, yes I am implying some gms don't follow the same set of rules because some are strict while others have a heart and know how hard it is to get a high level frag and that it's important not to alienate players over a silly mistake. So if you get a strict gm, try again until you get one with a heart.

                        Is it fair? Nope. But it's more proactive than giving up.

                        Honestly I don't get why there's no option to buyback items within your last 5 purchases or something. I don't know if chinese CS does, but if it doesn't, someone who speaks chinese should really get on their forums and suggest it. I also don't get why items that no one in their right mind would want to sell are sellable. All valuable items should just be nonsellable and nondestroyable without filing a ticket, and gear with gems socketed should be nondisenchantable. Lots of shoulds, all of which make perfect sense. Human error happens, whether it's because of lag or fatigue or someone distracting you. You shouldn't have to lose something you worked hard for over a small error that shouldn't be allowed by any kind of realistic gaming logic in the first place.
                        LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

                        LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



                        • #27
                          Click image for larger version

Name:	Sin título.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	177.8 KB
ID:	1664880

                          well now i can get back my armro and i m searching my ticekt of my dk gen 2
                          Lycanmarsh (s14)
                          Eidolon 149 ....... gmi hate me.....
                          Wings Divine.. (are horrible)
                          Mount: the pink ( orrible too)
                          low tenets

                          souls alot of...... but pixie eating all my ss#09

                          Looking for------->
                          Pucs , want the last pixie#14
                          and new mounts#24 plz :cool:


                          • #28
                            So what your saying is that all those who lost something should flood R2 with tickets and hope they get one that has a heart ?


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Vicking View Post
                              So what your saying is that all those who lost something should flood R2 with tickets and hope they get one that has a heart ?
                              I guess so, if you really want it back that hard and if it's something worth flooding for. (a lvl 40 pet equip, for example, would not count. It's easy enough to get another one).
                              LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

                              LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



                              • #30
                                Originally posted by (S14)Squintina View Post
                                Regarding the first part: if they sold it back when all frag shards were sellable, that's a different story. Otherwise it could just be they had a bad gm. silly mistake. So if you get a strict gm, try again until you get one with a heart.
                                First of all i was not talking bout shards
                                Secondly isn't this the case with s21vamp88's frag weapon it was "sellable" thats how he was able to sell it and get it back when others have done the same and didnt
                                And lastly like you said its a silly mistake you live and you learn and so if we get a strict gm just keep spamming them with tickets till we get a nice one? yea that will go over well :3

