where is the RULE there? i know how hard to get to that frag level and also with his gems but with those ppl who want to get back their lost items or accidentally sold items valuable or not, did they get their items back who tried to file tickets too so unfair.., so disregard the rules?
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Originally posted by TheVoid321 View PostFirst of all i was not talking bout shards
Secondly isn't this the case with s21vamp88's frag weapon it was "sellable" thats how he was able to sell it and get it back when others have done the same and didnt
And lastly like you said its a silly mistake you live and you learn and so if we get a strict gm just keep spamming them with tickets till we get a nice one? yea that will go over well :3(S14)Squintina
LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest
LVL 55 eidolon ice mage
well new rules u can brake somerules lolLycanmarsh (s14)
Eidolon 149 ....... gmi hate me.....
Wings Divine.. (are horrible)
Mount: the pink ( orrible too)
low tenets
souls alot of...... but pixie eating all my ss#09
Looking for------->
Pucs , want the last pixie#14
and new mounts#24 plz :cool:
ikr how can he get back his dagger while there a thread that is about WE CAN NOT GIVE BACK PLAYER ANY THINGS THAT ACDENTILY SOLD TO NPC and i heard that this is not his first time, and he get it back just because a mod helped him to get it back? wow ...Crystal Saga
IGN: (S14)Thepkmaster
Level:Eidolon Lv80+
Guild: (S21)Ascendancy
Broken Realm
IGN: darksidepk
Sever: [S1]Frost Highland
Level: Lv 40+
Guild: None Yet o.o
you see the other thread. where vinnigirl posted http://forum.r2games.com/showthread....n-sold-for-57s
she lied for him guys
she said he spent a lot of MONEY but hes always telling all of us he is a FREE player and BUY VIP and CRYSTALS using GOLD. SO Vinnigirl, how much MONEY was really spent on his weapon?
And she even said he is a major player? like ***? so they basically distorted facts to con the mod into helping. And notice that they never informed it ISNT his first time. He obviously is running some autovend program or something ingame.
Look at how vinnigirl lies " Just know that when he walks, our server will die/ many people willl quit also." Maybe she is his alt? Actually more people will cheer if he quit because hes always rude to us, and loves to KS people at bosses.Last edited by ashurada2003; 03-11-2013, 11:30 PM.
Just putting my thoughts in this, i would not have mind if this was the first time but to hear that he has done it before and they still replace it i mean thats just not right especially to the other many people who never got it back and have quit because of it. So i do agree with them either take back the wep you gave him or give everyone else their items back too and also squint are you saying cashers dont matter in this game? Because without them people would not be able to get morphs to morph pets, costumes, gmuts ew's and so on.. And looks that way xia rules dont matter
Originally posted by Peanuts View Postalso squint are you saying cashers dont matter in this game? Because without them people would not be able to get morphs to morph pets, costumes, gmuts ew's and so on.. And looks that way xia rules dont matter
I said I didn't want to hear the casher remark (the "of course he got his frag back because he's a major casher"). I most certainly am not saying that cashers don't matter. I know how important cashers are and I stick up for them when people accuse them of selling OP (real money > gold/platinum, they can charge whatever they want).(S14)Squintina
LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest
LVL 55 eidolon ice mage
exactly peanuts.
i got hacked by some unknown guy, lost my marriage and stuff and r2 would not restore it back. said i have to CASH IT AGAIN. And Vamp88 a major player? Definitely not, now that's a big fat lie.
Oh squintina is always talking how paying 10p for a VIP is worth it on wc, thus she is likely a F2P player too and thus sides with Vamp88 a fellow F2P player. And yes, he used to say we are stupid for cashing although we are the ones keeping CS alive man. Maybe they think the game can run without mallers.
Ok R2 if you only restore for 1 guy, and not for the others this shows favorism and more people will quit if they dont get their items back.
Originally posted by (S14)Squintina View PostI most certainly did not say any such thing.
I said I didn't want to hear the casher remark (the "of course he got his frag back because he's a major casher").
Maybe you are referring to Vinnigirl who lied he is a major casher as in so much MONEY was spent
Originally posted by ashurada2003 View PostHello Squint, maybe you need glasses? Where did people say on this thread he is a major casher? Everyone knows he is F2P like he always reminds us. We are all annoyed because mallers cant get theirs back, but he can. Why is he so special?
Maybe you are referring to Vinnigirl who lied he is a major casher as in so much MONEY was spent(S14)Squintina
LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest
LVL 55 eidolon ice mage
Originally posted by jeron214 View Postexactly peanuts.
i got hacked by some unknown guy, lost my marriage and stuff and r2 would not restore it back. said i have to CASH IT AGAIN. And Vamp88 a major player? Definitely not, now that's a big fat lie.
Oh squintina is always talking how paying 10p for a VIP is worth it on wc, thus she is likely a F2P player too and thus sides with Vamp88 a fellow F2P player. And yes, he used to say we are stupid for cashing although we are the ones keeping CS alive man. Maybe they think the game can run without mallers.
Ok R2 if you only restore for 1 guy, and not for the others this shows favorism and more people will quit if they dont get their items back.
And I'm only "siding" with him because a lot of people here are very one-sided and I think it's important to discuss both sides. If you accidentally vendored your frag, I'm sure you'd like to get it back. I also mentioned that I think it's stupid we can sell it in the first place and other things I think are stupid that should be fixed. I also mentioned that GMs are not always equal in their judgement. So as you can see, I'm also pointing out the unfairness people are talking about, but rather than being jealous, I'd rather they actually implement ways to stop people from making very human mistakes that they didn't mean to make in the first place. The very least they could do is have the confirmation box print out the name of the item. If you honestly think you clicked on something else, having a confirmation box that says nothing about the item you're REALLY selling isn't going to be very helpful in stopping you from making a mistake.
People in these forums always view those that disagree to be on the other person's side, even if that person says some things that agrees with what they are saying - just in a different way. Is it really that hard to actually think about what someone is saying instead of just jumping to an immediate interpretation that is completely incorrect? (like saying I don't think cashers are important even though my post history very much sides with the importance of cashers).
Of course I don't know why I'm writing this as I'm sure someone will read one sentence they disagree with and completely ignore the rest, possibly taking it out of context, and reply to it in yet another unproductive manner.(S14)Squintina
LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest
LVL 55 eidolon ice mage
Originally posted by (S14)Squintina View Post. The very least they could do is have the confirmation box print out the name of the item. If you honestly think you clicked on something else, having a confirmation box that says nothing about the item you're REALLY selling isn't going to be very helpful in stopping you from making a mistake
And this isnt the first time he does this, so you are saying it is ok for him to keep doing this and keep getting restored and we have no right to be jealous when we cant even get our first time restored?
And why wasnt he even wearing his weapon? Common sense wear your frag to avoid this
Originally posted by jeron214 View PostThere is already a confirmation are you sure you want to sell your item.
And this isnt the first time he does this, so you are saying it is ok for him to keep doing this and keep getting restored and we have no right to be jealous when we cant even get our first time restored?
And why wasnt he even wearing his weapon? Common sense wear your frag to avoid this
"There is already a confirmation are you sure you want to sell your item. "
I acknowledged there was a confirmation box, which you so rightfully quoted, so why are you repeating something I already said?.
I also pointed out (the part you didn't really read) that if you thought you were selling something else and had not realized AT ALL that you accidentally clicked on your frag, the confirmation box won't help you. If you honestly thought that, you'd click Yes. What WOULD be helpful was if it actually listed the name of the item in that confirmation box. Thank you for reading but not actually thinking about what I said for more than 2 seconds.
And yes we have the right to be jealous, but instead of just being jealous and complain, why can't we be proactive about offering suggestions so that such situations don't happen in the first place?
And I dunno, maybe he wears another weapon as his primary and carries his frag around for frost? Maybe he was farming and didn't want to have his durability lost? I will agree that the ideal thing would be to wear your frag at least before heading to the NPC or vaulting it (something which you didn't directly say, but I actually thought about what you wrote).Last edited by (S14)Squintina; 03-12-2013, 12:22 AM.(S14)Squintina
LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest
LVL 55 eidolon ice mage
Im only one sided because many people have never got their frags back no matter how much they have upgraded on it and had to start over and I dont expect them to be all "gratz vamp for getting your frag back and i didn't..." Now whos side do you think they'll be onS3 Swamp of Sanios
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