Originally posted by venomeh
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Tagalog in wc all the tme
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(S6)Wisteria889Class: Mage
Server:Windshear Peaks
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Originally posted by wisteria589 View PostWhat if they dunno english it wouldn't be direspective since they wouldn't know what any of you were saying XD and yeah they wouldn't know it so it wouldn't be much of their fault sorta've,well maybe just a little ._.Stalkers OP.
Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs"
You cant mind your own business because you pay attention to things that doesn't concern you, BTW it happens that there is an IGNORE option in case you don't know. And if the ignore option don't work, and you see majority of people using FILIPINO in chat, you must be in a PINOY dominated server, i suggest you switch server if your problem still persist
Originally posted by ValariusXT View PostYou cant mind your own business because you pay attention to things that doesn't concern you, BTW it happens that there is an IGNORE option in case you don't know. And if the ignore option don't work, and you see majority of people using FILIPINO in chat, you must be in a PINOY dominated server, i suggest you switch server if your problem still persistStalkers OP.
Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs"
Originally posted by venomeh View PostI can, however it's hard to talk english with someones there when theres all time someone spamming tagalog like I said.. I don't wanna put half of the server on ignore list, then I'd miss lot of buying/selling offers as well. Well majority there probably are pinoys, and going to new server isn't an option.
Originally posted by YA-HA View PostCan I just say that It did say World Chat right not Great Britain Chat ok.Last edited by venomeh; 09-02-2012, 06:08 PM.Stalkers OP.
Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs"
I just want to pop in and say something to the people who are saying that some people don't speak English.
*edit* Most of these flippin Filipinos have English spelled names and speak English occasionally. Futhermore IF they don't speak ANY English then *** are they doing playing an ENGLISH TRANSLATED GAME on AMERICAN SERVERS?
It's not all Tagalog in world chat. I see a bit of spanish and french at times too :P
The only purely english part of the game is when sending in a ticket- staff only provides support in English.
The forums, chat, etc, are all multilingual. Does that mean some people won't understand some of what's posted? Yes it does, but it's not against the rules and it's not likely it will change at this point. It is suggested that if you need help or have a question then using English is recommended just because you're more likely to get an answer when everyone can read it.
I don't see why people are suggesting putting people on ignore for not speaking english in chat. If they are speaking a different language, then they aren't speaking to you and you don't really need to know what they are saying, regardless if it's world chat or not.
Please keep in mind that it is not okay to flame the people who don't speak english in chat or on the forums, and further flaming will result in this thread being closed.New R2 Community Discord Server: https://discord.gg/VFMzFDqKq5
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Originally posted by wisteria589 View PostJust let people speak how they want to speak.Some people dunno english lol
It has nothing to do with capability of the language or not, it's simply disrespecting others by talking in your native language on an english based game because of sheer laziness.
*edit* On top of that they believe to OWN the chat and if you happen to know a few tagalog words and they didn't know you did, they get mad >.>Crystal Saga:
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hmm ehh maybe some people just like to get on other peoples nerves by talking in a different language cuz it might be funnyif i knew another language i would start talking like tht and my friends would be all ???? XD
(S6)Wisteria889Class: Mage
Server:Windshear Peaks
Guild: (S6)SteinsGate
Proud player since 2011
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