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Reasons Why Crystal Saga is Dying

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  • #16
    Originally posted by KongolLOD View Post
    cs is dying bcuz of "false advertising" in the enchantment system and bugs. reported, unfixed bugs. and lack of compensation for just about everything. on dovo they actually cared enough to compensate people for known bugs that r2 hadnt fixed. and another reason is the amount of idiots that cry over things without having any real experience or understanding of anything but r2 seems to listen to them over the voice of reason. just what ive seen and heard the players talking abou, and experienced myself.
    I have been playing CS a very long time , and mistakes on R2's end that may have been preventable are always compensated , If you come to R2 with a problem and you are patient and reasonable generally it will get fixed for you if possible. as for "false advertising" in enchantment , its generated probability and it will never be exact % of success you are just getting the best guess at what may happen .


    • #17
      Originally posted by TheJudge1 View Post
      where is the beast master class then ?
      When they want to give it to us, they'll give it to us, buddy.
      The King doesn't fall so easily boys


      • #18
        Originally posted by MisterCuddles View Post
        I have been playing CS a very long time , and mistakes on R2's end that may have been preventable are always compensated , If you come to R2 with a problem and you are patient and reasonable generally it will get fixed for you if possible. as for "false advertising" in enchantment , its generated probability and it will never be exact % of success you are just getting the best guess at what may happen .
        I have been playing a long time as well, 2.5 years to be exact, and I am going to have to disagree with this. Some things they could have prevented never get compensated. You may not remember this or not, but a long time ago when they had their very first mount extravaganza, a ton of players made level 11 alts and got them battle bears and took the greater mounts. R2 performed emergency mait to fix it, but they said they would also be punishing those who did it, and that never happened. Basically it was first to do the event got the rewards. That's just one example.

        Originally posted by BrotherVT View Post
        Our Devs will follow exactly how the original version of Crystal Saga has it at.
        This is false, you should go look at their coupon exchange ratio for items, I recall it being about 8 coupons for health orb and maybe 2 for an afk card. This was implemented there at the start of the game and has remained permenant. Why do we have higher exchanges? Oh yeah cause R2 feels like it.
        Last edited by risengaw; 12-24-2013, 11:34 PM.
        What are bugs?


        • #19
          You are correct, it is because R2 feels like it. But hey, my statement was meant for the content that was to be released - not about the exchange rates or any of that.
          Yes, R2 wants the exchange rates higher. Another version has 18 Vouchers for Health Orbs and 3 for AFK Cards. Then another is 20 and 8 vouchers.
          They must have felt like it, also.
          The King doesn't fall so easily boys


          • #20
            Originally posted by BrotherVT View Post
            You are correct, it is because R2 feels like it. But hey, my statement was meant for the content that was to be released - not about the exchange rates or any of that.
            Yes, R2 wants the exchange rates higher. Another version has 18 Vouchers for Health Orbs and 3 for AFK Cards. Then another is 20 and 8 vouchers.
            They must have felt like it, also.
            And thus the question appears, which company is better, most people have been switching due to lack of care. Back on topic now, I do believe that yes this game, for this company at least, is dying. I have seen it happen before and this game is following that path as well.
            What are bugs?


            • #21
              Cause the average chinese MMO lifespan is between 1-3 years. And only a few may last longer than that.


              • #22
                Originally posted by MisterCuddles View Post
                I have been playing CS a very long time , and mistakes on R2's end that may have been preventable are always compensated , If you come to R2 with a problem and you are patient and reasonable generally it will get fixed for you if possible. as for "false advertising" in enchantment , its generated probability and it will never be exact % of success you are just getting the best guess at what may happen .
                This is not entirely true imo.
                I've been playing for about two years now and have seen some terrible things happen.
                My personal favourite is the mount fusion controversy. Plenty of players who hopped onto merging fully fed killins to make the best mount possible got mounts equivalent to fusing just lv 1 mounts with no fusion stats resulting in stats around 60% while newer fusions are resulting in the 90s. The cause of this was the fusion process not including any PC gained stats and not including gen1 fusion stats. Was this fixed? Secretly some patches months later. Was it announced officially? Nope. Were players compensated? Apparently, it is difficult for them to determined what fusion materials was used by players ie they didn't know if a lv 19 or 20 kilin was used etc. What they did give to players seemed to vary. I've heard of from two people that their compensation was 1k g muts while another got a new kilin. Is this ANYWHERE near the cost to fuse, the cost to feed, and the cost to morph 4 kilins? When the issue was found, they should have made an official announcement a long time ago and stopped players from fusing before this happened.

                And if more things like this happened, I wouldn't be surprised if the player base keeps disappearing due to a lack of due diligence.
                Sith's Priest Guide


                • #23
                  Originally posted by MisterCuddles View Post
                  I have been playing CS a very long time , and mistakes on R2's end that may have been preventable are always compensated , If you come to R2 with a problem and you are patient and reasonable generally it will get fixed for you if possible. as for "false advertising" in enchantment , its generated probability and it will never be exact % of success you are just getting the best guess at what may happen .
                  sadly, ive only ever been properly compensated a couple of times when there have been dozens of issues i should have been at least partially compensated for no matter if i fly off the handle like a drunk nerd rager or calmly and politely explain my situation and ask for what i should have had in the first place.

                  and as far as enchantment goes... i know its never going to be an exact number but the every day experiences of the general population prove the % to always come up much lower than shown. only on rare occasions are they equal or better than whats shown.

                  i dod think that if r2 cared more about the player base they would fully compensate for stupid little things like quiz answers not registering or items not being delivered. people put in the time and effort, and do everything right, how can it hurt to send a few virtual items when the system screws up. as long as the players are honest and dont try to abuse kindness it would help a great deal. could go on forever about stuff but i rly dont care anymore haha


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by sithewarrior View Post
                    This is not entirely true imo.
                    I've been playing for about two years now and have seen some terrible things happen.
                    My personal favourite is the mount fusion controversy. Plenty of players who hopped onto merging fully fed killins to make the best mount possible got mounts equivalent to fusing just lv 1 mounts with no fusion stats resulting in stats around 60% while newer fusions are resulting in the 90s. The cause of this was the fusion process not including any PC gained stats and not including gen1 fusion stats. Was this fixed? Secretly some patches months later. Was it announced officially? Nope. Were players compensated? Apparently, it is difficult for them to determined what fusion materials was used by players ie they didn't know if a lv 19 or 20 kilin was used etc. What they did give to players seemed to vary. I've heard of from two people that their compensation was 1k g muts while another got a new kilin. Is this ANYWHERE near the cost to fuse, the cost to feed, and the cost to morph 4 kilins? When the issue was found, they should have made an official announcement a long time ago and stopped players from fusing before this happened.

                    And if more things like this happened, I wouldn't be surprised if the player base keeps disappearing due to a lack of due diligence.
                    My Friend got compensated for a legen.... wait for it....... 2nd gen Kilin with all 4 Kilins at lvl 20, while in reality he fused it with 3 lvl 20 Kilins + 1 lvl 20 Hellwings , and then after a few weeks pass, he suddenly get around 2500 GMT out of nowhere, and he checked his e-mail that he was compensated for that GMT.... Ridiculous.... so he really really gets over compensated...

                    Personally, my favourite is the whole s6,10,11,29, and so on merged server Crystal Bug, buy 5 dollars worth of Crystal and get 99 million or much more crystal. They didn't rollback the server, they only ban / deleted the character who 'abused' them, but there are so many ewings, df, and other things that went on sale in people's shop for 1 copper each. I know a lot of people upgraded from Angel Lord wings to Demon Lord wings in a matter of minutes (this is before IoB exist) and gets to keep it until now, already reported the names too, but no action was taken. By people there, I meant alts, alts who have demon lord wings, thanks to the 1 copper Ewings..


                    • #25
                      I think Cs would have alot more cahsers if everything in the store wasn't so dammed expensive. -.- Anyone with eyes can see this....


                      • #26
                        Idk if it's just me or what, but my server (s67) is dying. people lost interest in playing the game after they saw the chi system, which uses crystals and can fail. plust the price of the chi essence is ridiculously high. also, as of now, I saw starglade l1 with just a bunch of people, where as last week it was still full of people vending. r2 should resolve this problem cause if non cashers starts to lose interest in the game, so will the cashers that are left in the server.


                        • #27
                          the chi system is a new system. they've already said that there are no methods of getting one of the items yet. which means in the future (if people had patience) there is going to be events to obtain them.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Devilord View Post
                            My Friend got compensated for a legen.... wait for it....... 2nd gen Kilin with all 4 Kilins at lvl 20, while in reality he fused it with 3 lvl 20 Kilins + 1 lvl 20 Hellwings , and then after a few weeks pass, he suddenly get around 2500 GMT out of nowhere, and he checked his e-mail that he was compensated for that GMT.... Ridiculous.... so he really really gets over compensated...

                            Personally, my favourite is the whole s6,10,11,29, and so on merged server Crystal Bug, buy 5 dollars worth of Crystal and get 99 million or much more crystal. They didn't rollback the server, they only ban / deleted the character who 'abused' them, but there are so many ewings, df, and other things that went on sale in people's shop for 1 copper each. I know a lot of people upgraded from Angel Lord wings to Demon Lord wings in a matter of minutes (this is before IoB exist) and gets to keep it until now, already reported the names too, but no action was taken. By people there, I meant alts, alts who have demon lord wings, thanks to the 1 copper Ewings..
                            they cant ban players for buying shop items unless they have proof that those players buying shop items are the main or alt of the person taking advantage of the bugs. somebody could just use a vpn, abuse the crystal bug, sell loads of items for dirt cheap and r2 wouldnt have a clue who is behind it so long as everybody on the server was buying these ew etc from the same shop


                            • #29
                              I see crystal saga is the same as 2 years ago Still refereshing as ever :O I wonder if multiple alts still work to help a free player... is it 8 alts now or 10..

