S(99) Just had a server wide crash again. 12:48AM. Lag spike, and then everyone was disconnected.
And not trying to cause trouble, just documenting crashes so we can get an idea of what's happenning. We have a mass of bots on our server that
promote MALL MMO and I'm wondering if that's a cause?
Again, do what you can. I'll document so we can get an idea of what is causing these disconnects for these past days.
Note to earlier post with alarms about security issues: My response was posted before your comment about a ticket being filed. Thank goodness it's being lookd into. Last I knew, you had reported you were not aware of the issue. So, I go into panic mode, because
with all the hackers and phishing scams out there, you never know. I'd rather raise an alarm, even missing a response that someone's on it, than say nothing and assume they
know when they do not.
Thanks for working on it. I'll keep watch from my end.
1:44AM Server wide Disconnect. 'lost connection to server' popped up briefly, but went away to character loading screen. Lag spike proceeded the Disconnect.
And not trying to cause trouble, just documenting crashes so we can get an idea of what's happenning. We have a mass of bots on our server that
promote MALL MMO and I'm wondering if that's a cause?
Again, do what you can. I'll document so we can get an idea of what is causing these disconnects for these past days.
Note to earlier post with alarms about security issues: My response was posted before your comment about a ticket being filed. Thank goodness it's being lookd into. Last I knew, you had reported you were not aware of the issue. So, I go into panic mode, because
with all the hackers and phishing scams out there, you never know. I'd rather raise an alarm, even missing a response that someone's on it, than say nothing and assume they
know when they do not.
Thanks for working on it. I'll keep watch from my end.
1:44AM Server wide Disconnect. 'lost connection to server' popped up briefly, but went away to character loading screen. Lag spike proceeded the Disconnect.