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Mass Synth &Bulk Gem Coupon Exchanges

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  • #16
    i like this idea...
    (S39)Schrodinger, Eidolon, Knight
    server: Erie Marsh

    "Save a life, grope your wife" Breast Cancer awareness
    "Stupid people are like slinkies, they are good for nothing but will bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs."


    • #17
      Originally posted by sangofighter View Post
      Is there any way to add a 1x, 5x, 10x to Gem Coupon Exchange, after selecting gem type, so we don't have to manually X amount of times. This way we could save ourselves from carpal tunnel syndrome. Also this should be applied to Gems Exchange too.

      The alternatives to all this stuff is having a flawless coupon exchange in which we could just synthesis them and make 1 easy exchange.

      hehe how about let us enter a quanitiy same us all lotsa misery.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Lightlord01 View Post
        hehe how about let us enter a quanitiy same us all lotsa misery.
        I think it was already said that the game wasn't developed to allow us to enter a quantity, other then from buying from shops and npc shops. Although they should think about making a npc shop that can allow us to type in quantity of gem in exchange for those coupons.

        I have already rubbed the paint off my mouse cause of all the clicking.


        • #19

          Can you please change the synthesizing? The gem exchange takes so long and when I rush I sometimes click on a gem I cant use. Also for the Charm exchange I sometimes get prestige instead of xtals. Could you somehow make it into the synthesize bar somehow? thank you


          • #20
            gem exchange

            Many times have we all clicked the wrong gem when turning in gem coupons. We end up get a gem that is useless to us. Perhaps the r2 team could consider maybe putting the exchange under the item synthesis system. It would make gem exchanging faster and therewould be less errors and upset people.


            • #21
              I know this has been suggested before but I'll still support this. Not only would this reduce errors, it'd also reduce the amount of clicking we have to do.

              Trading gem coupons for gems in synthesis, kind of like how we can make equipment using shards, would make it soooooo much easier.
              LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

              LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



              • #22
                Gem Coupon exchange..

                Coupon exchange takes a lot of time.. why not make it a lot more easier? and to avoid missclicks
                IGN: (S40)BossKYLE
                Server: (S40)Renulka Peninsula
                Class: Ranger
                Level: 150 Eidolon
                Ranking: Emperor


                • #23
                  How should we do it then?
                  阿謨伽尾盧左曩 摩訶母捺囉摩抳 鉢納摩 人嚩攞 鉢囉韈哆野吽
                  地・水・火・風・空に偏在する金剛 界尊よ


                  • #24
                    Item synthesis? Could save time if possible...

                    Making bound immaculates kills mah fingers


                    • #25
                      Gem Coupon Exchange

                      I dont know if this was suggested before but, if you please, do something about exchanging gem coupons. doing it one by one is really time consuming and boring. You can easily do it like gemming, having the option of selecting what kind of gem and the quantity players want to make.
                      This will really help us since people complain all the time how boring it is to do that
                      IGN: (S58)Jin
                      Class: Hybrid Knight
                      Server: Holorn Cliff
                      Rank: Emperor
                      Plane: lvl 140+ Eidolon

                      It's who you ARE, not who you TRY to be


                      • #26
                        would personally like to see a bulk gem synthesis,& bulk gem to coupon exchange as well
                        Last edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 05-28-2013, 08:41 PM.


                        • #27
                          Only solution to this I've found at the moment is to look into an autoclicking program. Doesn't change the one by one problem, but it does make the process much faster, albeit a little putzy to get them to work right.
                          The one and only Krysia from Sea of dreams (Thank god for that; one of me is too many!)


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by kylina View Post
                            Only solution to this I've found at the moment is to look into an autoclicking program. Doesn't change the one by one problem, but it does make the process much faster, albeit a little putzy to get them to work right.
                            Would Advise this once to please not use any type of third party program. can get you in a lot of trouble, click the link "please respect the site" in my sig to learn more if wish.
                            would say get everyone you know who is Saddened by this features difficulty in the long run and mention how some adjustments can help improve everyone's game-play in this thread.
                            the more positive supportive attention this gets the better it will go. will do what I can to help it get heard


                            • #29
                              There's lilke 3 solutions to this problem.
                              1. R2 implements some form of Item synthesis or NPC shop in which we can exchange coupons (exist from Japan CS from what i heard) for gems.
                              2. Follow the in-game rules and develop carpal tunnel syndrome (which i already have).
                              3. Use auto-clicking program to exchange coupons thus saving us time and energy.


                              • #30
                                a bulk exchange feature really should be implemented over this one at a time system
                                it is extremely annoying for players who have a large supply but dont have the time to do the exchange
                                not only for gem/coupon exchange but also rose--> crystal/prestige should also be able to be done in bulk as well
                                and any future exchange options that may/will be available
                                Sith's Priest Guide

