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Mass Synth &Bulk Gem Coupon Exchanges

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  • #31
    Why the heck are you merging threads together especially an old one. If you think its a viable thread just make it into a sticky so we hound on it.
    Last edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 05-29-2013, 04:04 PM.


    • #32
      Originally posted by sangofighter View Post
      Why the heck are you merging threads together especially an old one. If you think its a viable thread just make it into a sticky so we hound on it.
      dupe threads everywhere. best to show the gravity of the longstanding situation and how far back it dates with better account of the many different people not just randomly brought up stuff. even if there was one main thread for it- people would make others. would like everyone to comment on this one though if could please.


      • #33
        Originally posted by ShadowGammaDraco View Post
        dupe threads everywhere. best to show the gravity of the longstanding situation and how far back it dates with better account of the many different people not just randomly brought up stuff. even if there was one main thread for it- people would make others. would like everyone to comment on this one though if could please.
        Well then, I guess you should of done vault page 3, a while ago. Apparently, that should of been sticky too.


        • #34
          Yes excellent idea. There would have to be a new NPC created to do so. The event master is a 1 option click. A new NPC needs to be created to handle the job. It needs to contain the synth option as the gem synth screen does, but create it to mass synth the coupons.


          • #35
            Originally posted by sangofighter View Post
            Well then, I guess you should of done vault page 3, a while ago. Apparently, that should of been sticky too.
            don't think suggestion threads have ever been stickied. will give it a try on the well thought out ones with good details etc, and see if it helps people find some of them. again people might just make dupe threads though. so some might get merged again.


            • #36
              Mass Synth &Bulk Gem Coupon Exchanges poll

              Adding poll to thread


              • #37
                Originally posted by ShadowGammaDraco View Post
                and see if it helps people find some of them.

                Agreed w/ idea.
                Been thinking this for months.
                Ign: (S44)Euthanize
                Guild: (J1)Philippines
                Level: 150 Eidolon
                Class: Support Priest.

                I'm annoying.
                ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌


                • #38


                  • #39
                    R2 needs to implement this function because players cant be bothered to synth say... 10k flawed or chipped gems in a sitting, or exchange 500 shinings into coupons AND THEN into a gem type of your choice. If anything, it's discouraging players to do this because it is a time consuming process and even encouraging people to use bots. If R2 is remotely concerned about the use of bots, they should implement a system that disregards the needs for an autoclick program or similar in the first place.
                    Sith's Priest Guide


                    • #40
                      100% agree with this, hate waiting hours to synth gems... yes hours.
                      What are bugs?


                      • #41
                        This needs doing.
                        Server: Hellstorm
                        IGN: Skyfall


                        • #42
                          yes this needs to be done, and hopefully sooner than later too. i have toons with about 200 scratched gem coupons that i will never exchange unless they implement this feature. meaning that all these scratched gem coupons they love to hand out are pretty much useless, and its holding up my gaming


                          • #43
                            They could make it after you click the exchange then it say something like...
                            [ How many coupons would you like to exchange? ]

                            Originally posted by iTz_SoN
                            I will murder everyone I see in GR regardless of level.
                            I treat all players equally - so they all die.


                            • #44
                              Include in Item Sythesis Module

                              Gems to Coupons
                              Drag gems you want to convert into available boxes, then synthesis to exchange
                              Example: Drag a stack of chipped Ruby, Shiny Topaz, Flawed Emerald into 3 different boxed to synthesis Chipped Coupons, Shiny Coupons and Flawed Coupons

                              Coupons to Gems
                              Using an interface like the current Gem Synthesis, except the Primary Components would be Coupons of the same type and quality as the Gem you want. You can adjust the count as you would when making many gems.
                              Example: Choose Ruby Gems from the drop down, when you select an Excellent Ruby, the Primary Components needed would be An excellent Coupon and 20s, change the count to 5 to Synthesis 5 Bound Excellent Rubies


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Jimeous-CS View Post
                                Include in Item Sythesis Module

                                Gems to Coupons
                                Drag gems you want to convert into available boxes, then synthesis to exchange
                                Example: Drag a stack of chipped Ruby, Shiny Topaz, Flawed Emerald into 3 different boxed to synthesis Chipped Coupons, Shiny Coupons and Flawed Coupons

                                Coupons to Gems
                                Using an interface like the current Gem Synthesis, except the Primary Components would be Coupons of the same type and quality as the Gem you want. You can adjust the count as you would when making many gems.
                                Example: Choose Ruby Gems from the drop down, when you select an Excellent Ruby, the Primary Components needed would be An excellent Coupon and 20s, change the count to 5 to Synthesis 5 Bound Excellent Rubies
                                that fixes the issue with doing single exchanges, but... the synth speed will still be low. but i suppose thatd be ok, considering the amount of time u would save from swapping gems 1 by 1. maybe next millennium we will have what we paying customers have requested

