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Mass Synth &Bulk Gem Coupon Exchanges

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  • #46
    i dont very care about this part but i think R2 should make use stack item


    • #47
      i think R2 should also make use stack for item


      • #48
        i think if they dont adjust them gem exchange/coupon exchange soon im just gonna commit suicide.


        • #49
          this game needs lots of work on the small things that can be time consuming, annoying etc. gem/coupon exchange being one... hell i could go on forever. but i think r2 should really take some time to improve a bunch of features to improve the game play experience all around, by making it more user friendly and get rid of the room for error.


          • #50
            saving up my gems for a few days. will take a video of how long it will take to synth the gems that i make. pretty big deal when have hundreds or more chipped gems etc, "few seconds per synth" adds up.&sometimes its not the best time to synth gems, so can't do it as go- and is best to wait until have all proper materials for goals to reduce much needed space


            • #51
              Honestly I don't mind having to synth gems. Takes forever but I do it while dungeoning (just keep the menu open and go one by one).

              What bothers me is of course the coupons. We definitely need a better system for exchanging and claiming coupons because it's just too much clicking and it's boring so it dulls the mind and makes us prone for errors like clicking on the wrong gem >.< Let's say I wanted to make a flawless bound gem and let's assume I'm using shinings.

              First I have to turn 27 shinings into coupons = 27 x 4 clicks= 108 clicks just to get 27 shining coupons.
              Then I have to turn those 27 coupons into the gem of choice. That's 27x4 clicks if it's on page 1 , but 27x5 clicks if it's on page 2.

              So to make one flawless bound from unbound shining gems, I'd need to click 216 (page 1) or 243 times (page 2)! That's a lot of clicking! That's a lot of potential for error. At least if we could claim/exchange coupons through an interface similar to synth, where we pick the number and just wait, it'd be less clicking and less errors >.<
              LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

              LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



              • #52
                and if theyd hurry up and fix this and add another time slot for iob i could finally stop complaining about things lmao i have hundreds of gem coupons on several toons that i flat out refuse to exchange 1 by 1, i dont have time for it.


                • #53
                  "We truly understand that mistakes do occur and that is why we have several measures in place to safeguard against mistakes in selling or buying a wrong item; synthesizing or destroying the wrong equipment, etc."
                  is part of a response i got in a ticket. thats just wrong that they would say that. perhaps changing the gem swap interface to something more user friendly would make that statement somewhat true lol


                  • #54
                    I totally agree with this. making bound immaculate gems i make enough mis-clicks for another flawless gem of the kind. it's freaking annoying. and i agree with the idea of bulk synthesizing as well. personally i never get around to synthesizing my gems because it takes so much time.


                    • #55
                      This times 10 gazillion!!!!!
                      Kong server 5
                      Apocalypse guild
                      Ranger Eidolon lvl 150
                      Infinite Prestige title & BoL broken as a non-casher. Fused pure gen 1 kilin
                      Gen 3 Morphed Swordovan (Excalibur), Gen 4 Guardian Angel, Demon King, Cupid, Bunny etc...


                      • #56
                        Click image for larger version

Name:	gems.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	41.8 KB
ID:	1673024

                        Took a hour and a half to synth these to normals. uploading the video to show it now. was only momentarily slow at seeing it was done synthing some gems since it was taking forever had to walk away from comp couple times.

                        Last edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 08-08-2013, 05:15 AM.


                        • #57
                          How old is this thread, lol? I have so many gems I store them on 3 alts. I'm too lazy to synth them everyday. I could probably make enough frag shards to get the level X weapon but I was waiting for a speedy upgrade. I guess I'll just have to keep waiting. Good ideas like this are being pushed aside for dungeon farming worthless material for a worthless insignia. I don't know how you do it SGD. I see all your good ideas lost in the forums while lame events roll out every week. Put me in charge. I'll have events that will bring people back to the game!
                          "The freedom we believe we have is an illusion. Open your mind and see the truth of this world!"


                          • #58
                            Well,i'm glad there is already a thread for this ;D Anyways now my opinion : YES FREAKING DO THE MASS SYNTH AND COUPON EXCHANGES! My damn fingers hurt everytime i have to make a perfect fragarach upgrade/an immaculate gem.An imma is 243 shinings,and since i'm a rogue that focuses mainly on crit dmg,i have four immaculate opals.Now what do i need to DO to make these opals?First,obviously,farm gems.Now when i have enough gems for 162 shinings (162 because i already had perfect before making imma) Now,first i need to synth them.Now i have my gems in chipped,flawed(mostly flawed) scratched and normal.First i need to synth chipped into flawed.Then i need to synth a stack of each kind of flawed to scratched,then synth that to normal and only THEN i can make shining.All that takes over an hour,thats only the synthing and is the least painful part because you can do it while doing something else.Now,i have 162 shinings.Now comes the second most painful part : Exchanging those gems into coupons.I have to click like 4 or 5 times for every gem exchanged,so almost a thousand clicks just to exchange them into COUPONS.After doing that my finger hurts like hell,but nooo,that's not all.Then comes the most horrible part - exchanging those coupons into GEMS.Since i have to exchange 162 times,there will be some misclicks on the gems i dont want,that's a waste of shining gems and nothing i can do about it.And again,its a lot of clicking,so in total its like 2k clicks,imagine my fingers after that.Soooo i hope this will clear to R2 how painful is gem exchanging for people.And imagine when level 11+ gems come? Other versions of CS have them,so we might get them too,and then what? We exchange 500 shining gems to coupons and back just to make 1 lvl 11 gem? This needs to be fixed,NOW.Games are supposed to be fun,not torture for my hands.
                            LEARN TO SPELL PEOPLE,ITS ROGUE NOT ROUGE D:<


                            • #59
                              I have a better solution.
                              Add "I don't care" option


                              • #60
                                saved about 2 months worth of farming and took me an hour with 5 chars synthing about 4k normal gems
                                now, id love to make those into perfect gems, but no way in hell am I going to give myself CTS and spend hours clicking to get shinies into coupons into atk speed gems for all my chars
                                Sith's Priest Guide

