Hey everyone, first i would like to start off with simply stating that the following events could be revamped, and a extra touched could be added to simply make everything a tad bit more enjoyable.
1. Guild Resource Battle Ground
2. Sengolia
3. Avernal Realms
4. Dragonspine
5. Nimbus Crystal
6. Guild Crop
7. Finally Land Grab/Guild Showdown
I would also like to talk about a recent idea that popped into my mind: 8.New Guild Vs Guild PVP/E
Lets start
1. Guild Resource Battle Ground
at the moment guild resource battleground is plainly enter, collect resources (or kill players for resources) and we can all say that after awhile, you just enter, kill and leave due to boredom, as killing only stays fun for soo long.
I would suggest adding a extra touch to GRB, it is guild vs guild afterall, why not make it a big PVP ground? where killing and collecting resources give you points, which can be used anytime throughout the day for various things such as, PVP pots, guild copper, guild contribution points, and cash shop items such as, Health Orb,Mana Orbs,Afk cards,Rose,Faith Reset Cards, 1x/2x/4x offline exp tokens/2x exp cards/2xpet exp tokens, Guild Medallions etc... just give everyone a free choice in what they want, but the conversion rate must be high...
The conversion rate would have to be quite high, something like 1kill = 1point, and 1 guild medallion costs 1000 points, or a Health orb costs 100 points, 1copper = 10points and same for guild contribution, 1guild contri = 10points. This i know is pretty high, but gets people working for what they want, and increases enjoyment aswell, as you are working for something.
The points could be recorded on the character tab under movement speed as there is still one empty space there.
2. Sengolia Battle Ground
Sengolia is simply come in, get honour and make a legger thesedays, so i would suggest different sengolia maps, same concept with a added touch.
There are 2 teams like normal, 4towers, and one main crystal, i would suggest a different map for this sengolia, but bosses guarding each tower, and once killed, masses of mobs spawned which each grant 2honour upon being killed.
On the main crystal, 3 Bosses are guarding (have to be pretty strong to pose a challenge against players, make the teams work as a team to kill the bosses) each boss drops a handful of cash shop items, something like 1 SS, MC,GMUT,EW,PUC,HO,MO. would be suitable (something like the crypt boss)
It just adds that extra touch to pvp, and makes it more challenging and exciting
3.Avernal Realms
Kill mobs for 30mins and get bored, and you realise that the rewards aint that great either, decent but not great.
Avernal could again be revamped, as right now its the highest DPS wins and thats final, priests heals are not even counted, rangers heals, knights heals, much more should be counted in avernal or rogues will initially take the first spot many times, or mages too for that case.
what prizes or even drops do we get from killing the boss? i have never seen anything, or the mobs...
I would suggest if not even cash shop items, the mobs in avernal drop gems for the least. And the boss in avernal drop cash shop items (like the one in crypt) or simply 1 HO, something that makes the trouble worthwhile, please your players and they will pay more for the game
Awesome event! i would love to see this but for lv60-100, as we are always in need of gold badges, however i would like to add a few changes that would make this even better to participate in.
The dragon sword is up for taking free of charge (no dragons?) i would have thought a dragon boss protecting the DS would spawn. Turn it into fast-paced Carnage, that makes it exciting always, spawn a few bosses devs! have fun with events like this, add a twist where everyone gets rooted for 5seconds? or a skill like Dragons Wrath, takes off 50% of participants HP (bit over exaggerated but just offering the juice.)
Another major flaw i see is the player who has the DS, is way too fast for anyone to even think of catching up, reduce movement speed by30% just for holding the Dragon Sword (the power is too great to be handled all at once).
5. Nimbus Crystal
Grab the 8nimbus, go to starglade, do BB and hand it in. quite beneficial but i think more things can be added more on what nimbuses offer.
At the moment they are only used to upgrade guild and guild torch, they should be used for many more things, such as guild quest reset medallions, Guild leader exchanging nimbus once a day for a guild reward of 1 Health Orb?? or AFK cards? enough to give small helping hands to the guild members, so it is actually worthwhile to be in a guild.
Also guilds currently are very limited, like there are not many stuff to do for the guild except guild quests/guild resource battleground, a new event needs to be thought of which will come in no.8
6. Guild Crop
Simply plant your crop, protect and hand it in? BORING! and very time consuming, once you reach lv10 guild there is no reason to do guild crops, except for upgrading guild skills
if the developers could implement a guild point system, one for the whole guild and one for individual players in a guild, this goes hand in hand to what i said about GRB, however the new addition would be the 'guild point' system, which the guild leader can use for exchanging for many ingame items, and cash shop items, (rewards however are distributed to everyone in the guild) the conversion rate again must be extremely high, something like each players points = 1 guild point, and 10,000 guild points = 1 Health Orb. (again just a example, not actual values).
So if there is a point system, the guild crops could add on to the points, guild reserves and furthermore, even player contribution/points.
If a point system is not implemented, Then give this event a little twist. Guild versus Guild is always really exciting
upon 10minutes of the seeds being fully grown, other guilds can enter and fight for their right for 1 safe plant transportation, per guild (low amount, but still gets people more into guild PVP events)
7. Land Grab/Guild Showdown
Ok there is a real problem with having literally no strategy here, gore power alone can win most of the times. The biggest issue would be the clear gap between cashers and non cashers, however the main problem here is spawn camping, we need guards in land grab, around each areas base, and when a team takes a tower, a couple of guard mobs spawn, this atleast gives the weaker teams a little chance to fight by the sides of guards to stand a chance against the crazy cashers.
more rewards for winning land grab= 5gold guild wealth
8. New guild vs guild pvp event
we only have sengolia guys! we need more pvp! create a sengolia type guild vs guild pvp, im sure everyone would love it, like same concept as sengolia, except that whole guilds are on 1 team, and they are awarded points per kill, which at the end be converted into guild contribution/progress/copper. At the center would be a crystal like 10x stronger than the one in sengolia, each guild makes its way through the other guilds to try to kill the xtal, every hit upon the xtal awards points (eliminates Kill stealing), and to increase further excitement, once the xtal is down the real fun begins.
a Area inside the xtal becomes a 'point accelarator' where players inside gain 1point every 5seconds, however, your overall stats are halved once inside. And mobs spawn every 3minutes(imagine one guild in the middle fighting hordes of guilds all around and at the same time mobs spawn that attack everyone around the area
mobs drop = 1%, and a Cash shop item (random) you know. add some reason to kill them
all players would be spawned around 3 spawn places (random spawning despite which guild you belong to, as we know there are more than 3guilds lol) and there movement will be restricted for 1minute (sudden carnage once the restrictions gone),
The event would last 30minutes.
The map would have to be something like Guild Resource (ofcourse not the same ^^)
Over here guilds can compete and just basically have fun! who doesn't like to fight against other guilds to see how you match up? even if you loose, its really fun. And i think this idea would be a great addition to the cool events already in Crystal Saga.
I hope everyone likes my ideas, feel free to add on to them (please! do not try adding stupid stuff such as (each player gets 10MC) )
Hoping for FeedBack
1. Guild Resource Battle Ground
2. Sengolia
3. Avernal Realms
4. Dragonspine
5. Nimbus Crystal
6. Guild Crop
7. Finally Land Grab/Guild Showdown
I would also like to talk about a recent idea that popped into my mind: 8.New Guild Vs Guild PVP/E
Lets start

1. Guild Resource Battle Ground
at the moment guild resource battleground is plainly enter, collect resources (or kill players for resources) and we can all say that after awhile, you just enter, kill and leave due to boredom, as killing only stays fun for soo long.
I would suggest adding a extra touch to GRB, it is guild vs guild afterall, why not make it a big PVP ground? where killing and collecting resources give you points, which can be used anytime throughout the day for various things such as, PVP pots, guild copper, guild contribution points, and cash shop items such as, Health Orb,Mana Orbs,Afk cards,Rose,Faith Reset Cards, 1x/2x/4x offline exp tokens/2x exp cards/2xpet exp tokens, Guild Medallions etc... just give everyone a free choice in what they want, but the conversion rate must be high...
The conversion rate would have to be quite high, something like 1kill = 1point, and 1 guild medallion costs 1000 points, or a Health orb costs 100 points, 1copper = 10points and same for guild contribution, 1guild contri = 10points. This i know is pretty high, but gets people working for what they want, and increases enjoyment aswell, as you are working for something.
The points could be recorded on the character tab under movement speed as there is still one empty space there.
2. Sengolia Battle Ground
Sengolia is simply come in, get honour and make a legger thesedays, so i would suggest different sengolia maps, same concept with a added touch.
There are 2 teams like normal, 4towers, and one main crystal, i would suggest a different map for this sengolia, but bosses guarding each tower, and once killed, masses of mobs spawned which each grant 2honour upon being killed.
On the main crystal, 3 Bosses are guarding (have to be pretty strong to pose a challenge against players, make the teams work as a team to kill the bosses) each boss drops a handful of cash shop items, something like 1 SS, MC,GMUT,EW,PUC,HO,MO. would be suitable (something like the crypt boss)
It just adds that extra touch to pvp, and makes it more challenging and exciting
3.Avernal Realms
Kill mobs for 30mins and get bored, and you realise that the rewards aint that great either, decent but not great.
Avernal could again be revamped, as right now its the highest DPS wins and thats final, priests heals are not even counted, rangers heals, knights heals, much more should be counted in avernal or rogues will initially take the first spot many times, or mages too for that case.
what prizes or even drops do we get from killing the boss? i have never seen anything, or the mobs...
I would suggest if not even cash shop items, the mobs in avernal drop gems for the least. And the boss in avernal drop cash shop items (like the one in crypt) or simply 1 HO, something that makes the trouble worthwhile, please your players and they will pay more for the game

Awesome event! i would love to see this but for lv60-100, as we are always in need of gold badges, however i would like to add a few changes that would make this even better to participate in.
The dragon sword is up for taking free of charge (no dragons?) i would have thought a dragon boss protecting the DS would spawn. Turn it into fast-paced Carnage, that makes it exciting always, spawn a few bosses devs! have fun with events like this, add a twist where everyone gets rooted for 5seconds? or a skill like Dragons Wrath, takes off 50% of participants HP (bit over exaggerated but just offering the juice.)
Another major flaw i see is the player who has the DS, is way too fast for anyone to even think of catching up, reduce movement speed by30% just for holding the Dragon Sword (the power is too great to be handled all at once).
5. Nimbus Crystal
Grab the 8nimbus, go to starglade, do BB and hand it in. quite beneficial but i think more things can be added more on what nimbuses offer.
At the moment they are only used to upgrade guild and guild torch, they should be used for many more things, such as guild quest reset medallions, Guild leader exchanging nimbus once a day for a guild reward of 1 Health Orb?? or AFK cards? enough to give small helping hands to the guild members, so it is actually worthwhile to be in a guild.
Also guilds currently are very limited, like there are not many stuff to do for the guild except guild quests/guild resource battleground, a new event needs to be thought of which will come in no.8
6. Guild Crop
Simply plant your crop, protect and hand it in? BORING! and very time consuming, once you reach lv10 guild there is no reason to do guild crops, except for upgrading guild skills
if the developers could implement a guild point system, one for the whole guild and one for individual players in a guild, this goes hand in hand to what i said about GRB, however the new addition would be the 'guild point' system, which the guild leader can use for exchanging for many ingame items, and cash shop items, (rewards however are distributed to everyone in the guild) the conversion rate again must be extremely high, something like each players points = 1 guild point, and 10,000 guild points = 1 Health Orb. (again just a example, not actual values).
So if there is a point system, the guild crops could add on to the points, guild reserves and furthermore, even player contribution/points.
If a point system is not implemented, Then give this event a little twist. Guild versus Guild is always really exciting

7. Land Grab/Guild Showdown
Ok there is a real problem with having literally no strategy here, gore power alone can win most of the times. The biggest issue would be the clear gap between cashers and non cashers, however the main problem here is spawn camping, we need guards in land grab, around each areas base, and when a team takes a tower, a couple of guard mobs spawn, this atleast gives the weaker teams a little chance to fight by the sides of guards to stand a chance against the crazy cashers.
more rewards for winning land grab= 5gold guild wealth
8. New guild vs guild pvp event
we only have sengolia guys! we need more pvp! create a sengolia type guild vs guild pvp, im sure everyone would love it, like same concept as sengolia, except that whole guilds are on 1 team, and they are awarded points per kill, which at the end be converted into guild contribution/progress/copper. At the center would be a crystal like 10x stronger than the one in sengolia, each guild makes its way through the other guilds to try to kill the xtal, every hit upon the xtal awards points (eliminates Kill stealing), and to increase further excitement, once the xtal is down the real fun begins.
a Area inside the xtal becomes a 'point accelarator' where players inside gain 1point every 5seconds, however, your overall stats are halved once inside. And mobs spawn every 3minutes(imagine one guild in the middle fighting hordes of guilds all around and at the same time mobs spawn that attack everyone around the area

mobs drop = 1%, and a Cash shop item (random) you know. add some reason to kill them
all players would be spawned around 3 spawn places (random spawning despite which guild you belong to, as we know there are more than 3guilds lol) and there movement will be restricted for 1minute (sudden carnage once the restrictions gone),
The event would last 30minutes.
The map would have to be something like Guild Resource (ofcourse not the same ^^)
Over here guilds can compete and just basically have fun! who doesn't like to fight against other guilds to see how you match up? even if you loose, its really fun. And i think this idea would be a great addition to the cool events already in Crystal Saga.
I hope everyone likes my ideas, feel free to add on to them (please! do not try adding stupid stuff such as (each player gets 10MC) )
Hoping for FeedBack
