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Rest in peace Sengolia

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  • Rest in peace Sengolia

    Sengolia is extremely unbalanced with the current systems. People bring their alts into Sengolia in order to farm honor and badges, taking up valuable spots in the process. Guild politics take over as players sit down in order to help their guild members. All the strong players get onto one team because of the timing based team assignment. Weaker players can be extorted by high power characters camping the spawn point. Lower level players are vaporized by the AOEs of even a Knight. Mallers crystal respawn to push a win that wasn't deserved. Sengolia has become less of a battleground and more of a political slaughter.

    There are so many ways to improve upon how Sengolia is conducted in order to address the large amount of problems present at the moment.
    These are my thoughts:

    a. Dealing with players that go AFK
    Why do people AFK in Sengolia? To get rewards of course.
    In order to deal with the AFK problem, we need to take that away from them.
    A simple fix to this would be to reward the active and not the inactive.
    I propose an achievement based reward system that would be organized similarly to this:

    10 kills = 5 bronze, 1 silver, 25 honor
    20 kills = 5 bronze, 1 silver, 25 honor
    30 kills = 5 bronze, 1 silver, 25 honor
    40 kills = 5 bronze, 1 silver, 25 honor
    taking a tower = 10 bronze, 2 silver, 50 honor

    The winning team will have their rewards doubled, the losing team gains normal rewards. In order to prevent farming, a tie should yield absolutely no rewards for either team.

    b. Truly Random Team Assignment
    The timing based system of assigning teams creates a massive imbalance of power between teams.
    An easy fix to this would be a toggle system.
    Each successive person to join would be placed on a team in an alternating pattern. Spirit, Demon, Spirit, Demon etc.
    This would add an incredible amount of balance to Sengolia.

    c. Non-Combat Spawn points
    If combat were to be disabled in the area around the spawn point, spawn camping would cease.

    d. Disabling Crystal Revive
    Are we supposed to be fighting humans, or a horde of undying zombies?
    Recently I witnessed two very high level, very high spending players, using crystal revives like candy at the Spirit team's crystal.
    The Demon team was severely outnumbered and outplayed, yet these undying characters being the only one's making it through the front line, won. All of this because they have a thick wallet.
    In my opinion events should be immune to game-breaking situations such as this one.
    That is why I propose that crystal reviving be disabled during Sengolia.

    e. Damage Weighted Kills
    How many times have you done the majority of the damage to your opponent only to have some cheeky ranger steal your kill from afar?
    This can get infuriating, especially if it happens multiple times in a row.
    My suggestion is to have kills be damage weighted. Whoever does the most damage to the enemy in question is credited with the kill.

    f. Having Separate Instances For Level Tiers
    You can't very well have balance in a game if there are multitudes of people that can kill you in one hit.
    This is exactly what happens to the lower level players in Sengolia when they come up against a high lvl player or scion.
    I suggest splitting Sengolia into level and plane based instances.

    scion 30-50
    scion 51-80

    This would increase balance drastically and give lower level players an easier learning curve.

    g. Team Chat
    For Sengolia to become truly competitive I believe that a proper means of communication is necessary.
    I suggest that each team have a chat that only it's members can access.
    This would allow for ease in organizing strategies, changing how Sengolia is conducted, and adding an entirely new layer of complexity and potential enjoyment to the event.

    Note: You can pick more than one suggestion on the poll
    a. Dealing with players that go AFK
    b. Truly Random Team Assignment
    c. Non-Combat Spawn points
    d. Disabling Crystal Revive
    e. Damage Weighted Kills
    f. Having Separate Instances For Level Tiers
    g. Team Chat
    Last edited by Doragontenma; 03-04-2012, 04:17 AM.
    Server: (S4)Wilterlands
    Class: Rogue
    Level: 120
    Plane: Eidolon
    Rank: Emperor


  • #2
    I agree wholeheartedly with your suggestions Dora, something needs to be done, it just isnt fun anymore with the current system, especially after the server merges
    Server : S22 Draketemple
    Character : Katyaraven
    Class : Hunter
    Guild : Angels

    ....... Don't meddle in the affairs of dragons, cuz, like, you're crunchy and taste good with ketchup


    • #3
      The only thing i Don't agree with is the 10 kill 20 kill 30 kill thing. Because I don't think it's enough Bronze for let's say, Savage Equip. Say your moving on in Savage and you get to Slayer. You need tons of Bronze for Slayer OS and Silver So I think the bronze give out is OK. But i don't think the alts are OK, Maybe put a IP thingy so you can only have 1 IP address on at a time? Its just my suggestion, overall It's a perfect plan.
      Skills: Ok I suppose xD
      Class: Ranger/Hybrid
      You buy crystal |:?: Yesh c:
      On a scale to 1-1000000000000 how would yu rate Crystal Saga?: 1000000000000000000000 c:


      • #4
        What pisses me off is that you realy should be geting honor from kills in Sengolia yet r2 tooked it off just to make it harder for us


        • #5
          If people received honor from kills one of two things would happen:

          - Matches would never finish as people would be farming honor
          - High powered characters would camp the spawn and farm massive amounts of honor

          This would be yet another thing wrong with Sengolia if implemented.
          Server: (S4)Wilterlands
          Class: Rogue
          Level: 120
          Plane: Eidolon
          Rank: Emperor



          • #6
            Originally posted by R2207377 View Post
            The only thing i Don't agree with is the 10 kill 20 kill 30 kill thing. Because I don't think it's enough Bronze for let's say, Savage Equip. Say your moving on in Savage and you get to Slayer. You need tons of Bronze for Slayer OS and Silver So I think the bronze give out is OK. But i don't think the alts are OK, Maybe put a IP thingy so you can only have 1 IP address on at a time? Its just my suggestion, overall It's a perfect plan.
            the problem with that suggestion is that most of the time a household using a router gives 1 common IP adress to the web for all the computers on it so sometimes 2 same adress IP can be actually 2 different persons.... Anyhow i know thats what my router does.

            As for the sugestions i agree mostly. Sengolia IS dull now with the current situation. heck some crazy players can now spawn camp alone for a while @@ (see here (S7)Dupy) and having to kill over and over someone that keeps crystal reviving gets on the nerves REAL fast
            Nature's will is ever changing
            Fighting it is meaningless
            You have to flow with it to truly be fearsome
            Server-The Wilterlands
            Name- MurasameFsey
            Honor ranking - King
            Level - Scion: 9x


            • #7
              we need f implemented asap. it is no fun going seng, when you die in 1-2 hits by an overpowered high lvl scion

              i am lvl 77 btw mortal and this keeps happening.


              • #8
                I think they should do it by lv category =.=
                Skills: Ok I suppose xD
                Class: Ranger/Hybrid
                You buy crystal |:?: Yesh c:
                On a scale to 1-1000000000000 how would yu rate Crystal Saga?: 1000000000000000000000 c:


                • #9
                  Originally posted by InuYamato View Post
                  the problem with that suggestion is that most of the time a household using a router gives 1 common IP adress to the web for all the computers on it so sometimes 2 same adress IP can be actually 2 different persons.... Anyhow i know thats what my router does.

                  As for the sugestions i agree mostly. Sengolia IS dull now with the current situation. heck some crazy players can now spawn camp alone for a while @@ (see here (S7)Dupy) and having to kill over and over someone that keeps crystal reviving gets on the nerves REAL fast
                  Varialx Annoys me because she will just sit there with Dupy/Kraton/Dhee/Nfer or some tank and you kill her like 8 times and she revives till she wins that's the only reason why they win in seng :\.
                  Skills: Ok I suppose xD
                  Class: Ranger/Hybrid
                  You buy crystal |:?: Yesh c:
                  On a scale to 1-1000000000000 how would yu rate Crystal Saga?: 1000000000000000000000 c:


                  • #10
                    A. Um, "Dealing with AFK-ers" is not the same "Rewarding Active Players". The sad thing about AFK-ers is that MOST of them are alternate accounts of those who are actively playing in Seng. They'd be too busy on their main trying to fight and win thus won't have the time to play their alt so your suggestion really wouldn't solve our AFK-ers problem. In fact, with your suggestion, sure people would be more encouraged to play but what have they got to lose if they bring in their alt? Nothing. I don't really have a good suggestion to solve that problem 'cept to shorten the AFK-Buff thing to 2 mins. Or, it can only be removed by using a skill and not just by moving. It's a drag, I know.
                    Your reward system is a good suggestion though and it would be nice to be implemented.
                    What I really don't agree on though is the tie-yielding-no-rewards thing. Nobody wants to waste an hour working their butts off only to get nothing. Seriously, who does?

                    D. Neutral. It's their money and it's their choice if they want to use their crystals for revival or not.

                    F. I'm with you here but your way of segregating... I'd suggest either by Plane (Mortals/Scions/Eidolons) or by Level (30-60,61-80;regardless of plane). I don't really see the point of having lvl 30-60 mortals separated from lvl 30-60 scions considering that there are only a few scions of that level range... it'd be no challenge.

                    As for the others, I agree wholeheartedly.

                    I'd also add giving rewards for "Kill Streaks". It's not easy to get them, and not easy to maintain ('coz people will always be there to get you). Sure, our names will pop out for the whole game world to see but, so what? We won't get anything anyway so when our hp's are low, we might as well die and just respawn because it's easier than trying to stay alive. You get what I'm trying to say here?
                    Last edited by Profe; 03-31-2012, 06:54 AM.
                    As above...
                    CRYSTAL SAGA
                    ♦ Server: (S9)Zensho Island ♦
                    ♦ IGN: (S9)Mavis ♦
                    ♦ Class: Priest ♦
                    ♦ Level: 85 ♦
                    ♦ Plane: Scion ♦
                    ♦ Rank: King ♦
                    ♦ Guild: (S9)Eden ♦


                    • #11
                      loads of **** again


                      • #12
                        In response to Profe.

                        My "Dealing With AFKers" idea is less about rewarding active players than it is for not rewarding people that sit around.
                        If you want to come in and sit down, you won't get anything.
                        I don't see the point in bringing alts into Seng for no rewards.

                        A tie yielding no rewards was the best thing I could think of to counter farming.
                        It could become annoying if ties happen often, but this system would be worth a try in my opinion.
                        On a side note I think the pressure to win would add to the competitive atmosphere and promote playing as a team more than ever.

                        As I stated before I don't think that a select few constantly crystal reviving to push a win is appropriate in a team based PvP environment. It detracts from the team aspect, and from some of my experience leads people to rely heavily on these players to win the match.

                        The idea for rewarding kill streaks is interesting, but I'm going to play devils advocate here.
                        I've seen a few players sit down and ask for heals in order to get a kill streak.
                        This takes a member of your team out of the fight a lot longer than dying and respawning would have taken.
                        This would disturb the flow of the battle greatly in my opinion.

                        Thank you for the reply and criticism.
                        Server: (S4)Wilterlands
                        Class: Rogue
                        Level: 120
                        Plane: Eidolon
                        Rank: Emperor



                        • #13
                          No kill zone instead of slaughterhouse

                          It's high time you did something about spawn killing. These thoughts pertain to dungeon exits and transporters as well as Sengolia. Today I would like to address Sengolia only.
                          Sengolia has become a place for most to go in and get killed on the spawn/revive point while waiting for the spawn killers to get finished "farming" their badges. Before server merge I didn't see that happening on our server(Aurora Point). Now that's all that happens. Sure, great strategy (some might say) for getting extra badges for a few players, a waste of time for the ones being slain the moment they revive. Even if you want to leave, you can't until spawn killers are good and ready to let you go. Spawn killing has removed the enjoyment from this part of the game and I feel it is just plain poor sportsmanship at the very least. A handful of players get to benefit while the rest just watch themselves stand there slain until they are allowed to leave or revive and get slain again giving someone points for another kill.
                          I propose that since this is a "battleground" then draw battle lines. In other words, force the opposition to make battle lines if they don't want the opposition through. Designate a "no kill zone" for each side from the revive point to just past the gate guard/exit where the opposition is not able to enter. That will force the opposing team to give all players a chance to get off the revive spawn to fight or exit the battleground when the player chooses instead of when the spawn-killers get done farming their badges. Everyone then at least has a chance to kill or be killed and collect badges by crossing into enemy territory or to exit when they choose. Any player who does not make the attempt to fight an opponent does not get battleground rewards (this is to stop the other exteme from happening where a player collects honor and exp without actually fighting).
                          To make it a bit more interesting, allow those classes who have long range weapons (priests, rangers...) to still be able to use those weapons from within the no kill zone (which would now make it a "no opposition zone" rather than a "no kill zone")and for opponents to also be able to "fire" from the battle line without their "body" actually crossing the line. Now that would be civilized warfare as it should be and actually was for most of human history.
                          It might also cause some of the players to read up on war strategies from before the nuclear age and/or encourage teamwork and communication among players within Sengolia since the teams are randomly chosen by the game. Scary, a game that could encourage good sportsmanship, personal growth and learning as well? Who'd have thought that was possible?


                          • #14
                            I agree with your idea.


                            • #15

                              isnt that the battleground (Sengolia, Avernal, etc.) is UNFAIR with the scion...?
                              the low lvl keep gettin killed, and will never get more than 1 silver.., i hate this..
                              can the GM make character filter for the scion and Mortal?, so it will be fair enough

