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Rest in peace Sengolia

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  • To be honest i feel for ya Trinity but i'm getting sick of this. I play games as relaxation/entertainment. I have a subscription to 3 other games atm and i'm in no danger of getting bored. So i'll keep reporting the bad behaviour in this one but untill R2g will realize that ALLOWING THIS BEHAVIOUR WILL MAKE THEM LOSE CUSTOMERS it's nothing we can do. I like the game (ok, not crazy about the graphics but it s rlly good for a browser game) but my patience has limits. So i'll be cancelling my subscription and stop participating in any events till this issue is really adressed. Because more and more ppl were encouraged into spawnkilling and verbally abusing other players only because the staff refuses to admit this is a mass problem. What else is all over the forum all day long ppl? Complaints about the same players destroying the fun of an entire server. Will u wake up and check ur customer base when u will be faced with another mass quitting wave? What then, merge over and over and allow a handful of "bully type" players to thrash ur servers one by one? Wth....R2 staff should understand it s hurting their income, hope they will soon.

    PS i dont wanna read more of the "they need honor and silvers" bullpoop kk? What are u gonna do with a server where the only players would be in the number of 5-6?? All well geared and stuff ....(sarcasm ). Before the merge Cheurna Gorge could barely muster a sengolia 2 with 6 vs 6 !!! Srsly it's time staff does something about it. Till then i refuse to pay even 5 $ on this .

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    Consider this my support ticket....and add that 99.9 % of the players that behave in that manner are from 1 guild. Every single time i say anything on world chat about this i get verbal abuse. Do something already, i don't sign for a game to have ppl throwing insults at me. I get enough abusive whispers tyvm, i'll pass the rest.

    PPS I would also like to add that this is a question of priciple, not of money. I don't think i spent more than 30 bucks on this game but even if i was a free-to-play customer I don't like a staff member/mod to tell me that i should stop crying or teach me how to play. That's simply bad manners and very unprofessional. If staff members cannot stay impartial or respect their customers maybe they should look into another career path.

    Last edited by Kayshah; 07-04-2012, 12:23 AM.


    • To be quite honest... they should just make a barrier.. that the teams cant cross... so when seng is over they cant spawn kill you unless you pass a certain point
      Class- Priest
      Sever - Kaymo Mountain
      Guild-(S3)Legends --- Mythical 4 Life!


      • Spawn killing is a the sweet sweet fruits of our labors or dirty laundry ...hail darwin


        • dont fight about this things its just a game we can all get along even there is spawn killing :-)
          Bellas Chasm
          Eidolon Knight
          Ultrasaurus Rex gen 2
          Demon Lord Wings +2

          Amethyst Forest
          Eidolon Priest
          Ultrasaurus Rex Gen 3
          Demon Lord Wings


          • The real issues at hand (in my opinion) are the glaring imbalances and utter lack of attention to the fact that Scions far too powerful to be in the same combative realm with Mortal classes. Yes, there will be those who say that 10-20 Mortals can over-power a Scion (which in most cases is true), but as things stand on servers like Chuerna Gorge (S37/S41), there is almost no chance of this happening. You have Scions of Ranks from 65-96 simply farming those at Spawn Points who have not even had a chance to start healing yet, thus one high ranked Scion AoE (Area of Effect) is continuous death. In turn, you end up with the actual Seng Competition ending in about 3-9 minutes and the opposing team spending almost the entirety of the event (increasingly more stretched out to the full one hour now that you get points per kill) just sitting at Spawn Point not even re-spawning because they know they will simply be farmed and not even have a chance to Spawn and get to 1/4 health before dieing.

            Below is a snippit of the average Seng event on CG server.
            Click image for larger version

Name:	CheurnaGorge main spawn campers.PNG
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ID:	1659619

            Many many ideas have been posted by the community and they need to be looked into. 45-55 minutes of sitting like this, is little more than a waste of even entering Seng for most players.
            What ever happened to, this game?

            Janudin Blackhand
            Djarudiin Vornomiir Along with any and all variations of these three names.
            Gravely Mistaken


            • it should be done like Seng for 30-49 50-69 70-scion all lvl rewards should be given accordingly to lvl entry and HP for Crystal and towers should be lowered for lower lvl(that is to ensure a win on either side). Also u might wanna add "Free for all" slot or same seng as to now but gives more badges or honor or points to lower lvl player getting a kill(a player having 10 lvl gap) and vice versa reward same but badges gain from points would be more. It should balance Seng and more weaker people might join seng. Most of all Safe zone should be safe.
              Last edited by joprans; 07-11-2012, 09:00 PM.


              • you can attack while respawning now....keep fghting back and quit staying DEAD. i see a lot of ppl sitting there not rezu, . fresh photo today too. they made changes to seng to help fix this. they did what they can now you do what you can. or level up. if i had a hard time in pvp event i got stronger and came back w a vengeance. prob best thing you can do. most the time i got my honor and badges from hangin out in hr long sengs. be glad its done in a few min. get on w ur life an get stronger. they got stronger so they could kill ppl and have fun in those events.
                ~thread closed


                • Running after respawn in sengolia

                  I don't know if its a lag issue but today in sengolia i got killed then right after i respawn at spawn area my character automatically runs towards the battlefield while my HP is recovering then shifts back to spawn area. It happened a few times.


                  • it's a lag issue


                    • The system remembers you were attacking a player/crystal/tower but forgets to reset the target point when you die and you'll automatically run back to what you were doing due to hitting a little bit of lag between your last action and your death.

                      Same thing when you are attacking someone and they die and you start running toward their spawn point.
                      New R2 Community Discord Server:

                      Received a random forum error? Refresh the page first, sometimes the error message is the error.

                      Some inboxes are broken, including mine. Please don't send me private messages at this time.

                      Rules of the Forum are found here.

                      R2Games Ticket System for browser games:


                      • !!!Sengolia!!!

                        Any chance we could get another Sengolia added around 8:00 am server time or make some changes to the existing ones? Sengolia lasts max 5 minutes. This is as "LAME" as Obama's new Care Plan!!! How about add a crystal for red at the top and one for blue at the bottom so there is more to take down. Or make those 2 crystals like the towers in Landgrab so there is an alternate way to win instead of the monsters taking down the crystal in seconds.


                        • I agree maybe make the towers a lot harder to kill? or the crystal much harder to destroy
                          Class- Priest
                          Sever - Kaymo Mountain
                          Guild-(S3)Legends --- Mythical 4 Life!


                          • Oh yesh, that could be fun!


                            • Sengolia Battleground Imbalances

                              To GM: Will there be a level limition in sengolia battleground? There is too much Scion 80 in seng nowadays and the problems is only the higher levels one can kill the lower levels while the lower levels one is being "Spawn Camping" So please if GM has a time consider about this issue..


                              • If they could remove the buff everyone gets in seng and just have their normal stats, that could make seng last a
                                little longer. PVP wouldnt change much, but towers and crystals would be harder to take down.

