To be honest i feel for ya Trinity but i'm getting sick of this. I play games as relaxation/entertainment. I have a subscription to 3 other games atm and i'm in no danger of getting bored. So i'll keep reporting the bad behaviour in this one but untill R2g will realize that ALLOWING THIS BEHAVIOUR WILL MAKE THEM LOSE CUSTOMERS it's nothing we can do. I like the game (ok, not crazy about the graphics but it s rlly good for a browser game) but my patience has limits. So i'll be cancelling my subscription and stop participating in any events till this issue is really adressed. Because more and more ppl were encouraged into spawnkilling and verbally abusing other players only because the staff refuses to admit this is a mass problem. What else is all over the forum all day long ppl? Complaints about the same players destroying the fun of an entire server. Will u wake up and check ur customer base when u will be faced with another mass quitting wave? What then, merge over and over and allow a handful of "bully type" players to thrash ur servers one by one? Wth....R2 staff should understand it s hurting their income, hope they will soon.
PS i dont wanna read more of the "they need honor and silvers" bullpoop kk? What are u gonna do with a server where the only players would be in the number of 5-6?? All well geared and stuff ....(sarcasm ). Before the merge Cheurna Gorge could barely muster a sengolia 2 with 6 vs 6 !!! Srsly it's time staff does something about it. Till then i refuse to pay even 5 $ on this .

Consider this my support ticket....and add that 99.9 % of the players that behave in that manner are from 1 guild. Every single time i say anything on world chat about this i get verbal abuse. Do something already, i don't sign for a game to have ppl throwing insults at me. I get enough abusive whispers tyvm, i'll pass the rest.
PPS I would also like to add that this is a question of priciple, not of money. I don't think i spent more than 30 bucks on this game but even if i was a free-to-play customer I don't like a staff member/mod to tell me that i should stop crying or teach me how to play. That's simply bad manners and very unprofessional. If staff members cannot stay impartial or respect their customers maybe they should look into another career path.
PS i dont wanna read more of the "they need honor and silvers" bullpoop kk? What are u gonna do with a server where the only players would be in the number of 5-6?? All well geared and stuff ....(sarcasm ). Before the merge Cheurna Gorge could barely muster a sengolia 2 with 6 vs 6 !!! Srsly it's time staff does something about it. Till then i refuse to pay even 5 $ on this .
Consider this my support ticket....and add that 99.9 % of the players that behave in that manner are from 1 guild. Every single time i say anything on world chat about this i get verbal abuse. Do something already, i don't sign for a game to have ppl throwing insults at me. I get enough abusive whispers tyvm, i'll pass the rest.
PPS I would also like to add that this is a question of priciple, not of money. I don't think i spent more than 30 bucks on this game but even if i was a free-to-play customer I don't like a staff member/mod to tell me that i should stop crying or teach me how to play. That's simply bad manners and very unprofessional. If staff members cannot stay impartial or respect their customers maybe they should look into another career path.