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R2248437 Place for Suggestions etc.

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  • R2248437 Place for Suggestions etc.

    since im ban from discord i will try to put that here ,i have a new idea concerning space in vault actually 2 idea

    1- transfer some item from the main vault to the equipement vault ,like equipement shard and banner item upgrade (and that will give a reason for player to buy equipement vault expender from the cash shop )
    2- backpack you put the item in your inventory you click on it it open a box whit like let said 10 space you slide the item in those slot then you close the backpack and can put it back in the vault freeing 10 space and if you make those backpack only otainable from cash shop r2 make money >.>ho well let see

    Last edited by R2248437; 07-17-2021, 03:52 PM. Reason: removing what minory fuse to my topic because it wasnt related at all to the topic

  • #2
    Please, do not spam inboxes with the same thing you've posted on the forums. Each posting is read and responded to as needed.

    Point 1: This has already been requested.
    Point 2: This is not possible at this time.
    Point 3: Please, provide documentation and I will forward it to the team for consideration.
    Point 4: They will not disable the announcements at this time.

    Thank you.
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    • #3
      minori im not sure what you talking about
      1 this topic contain sugestion that i know no one have post
      2 the part you edit in was replying to that other gyes on that other topic
      3 documentation about what a systeme that dont exist as for now (the idea came to me after i play a old dongeon crawler of my childwood recently where there bag systeme to free space you want me to givew you screenshot of that?
      4- anouncement are still just flood went poeple have tonne of egg to open or enchant a full set or transfer gem from a set to another it clog the wc ,the only anounbcement that should be on wc should be 1- event start or ending 2- world boss apearing or diyng other than that its spam

      noted there that the removal of the anouncement from hatching egg is bug you or memory said angel and demon go accepted to turn off but only the demon not showing anymore

      noted that if you want poeple to stop double posting sugestion that are "on the list" maybe you should create a topic whit the list
      Last edited by R2248437; 07-17-2021, 03:53 PM.


      • #4
        Please, provide documentation of the announcements in the chat system and I will forward it to the team for consideration. Thank you
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        • #5
          a bit hard to take a screenshot went the chat keep refreshing but like i just upgrade my armor 295 to +14 took me over 40 try before the +14 pass meaning it got accana just enchant to +13 evry 2 sec ,that is just me doight it imagine what happen 1 week after that new set got implanted and evryone start to reech the lvl to were it you have gian spam of enchant gian notice spam of this gyes put this gem in this piece ,yesterday this gyes pass is wing from starthing wing to ancian wing in 5 min (thanks cash shop) poeple upgrading mount to gen 5 presently so all poeple create new doom to fuse ,the same gyes who upgrade wing made a max frag today meaning notif went the frag upgradde notif went he enchant it to be able to upgrade ,all of those are so comon now a day there no more glory to it like went i start 10 years ago hatchingb a angel or demon was extremly rare and a fire lord geeze poeple was going crazy evrytime one spawn but now i and all the other player can hatch like 40 fire lord in a day

          as for the notif still showing for the angel
          Last edited by R2248437; 07-17-2021, 09:02 PM.


          • #6


            • #7
              I am willing to wait for a the time-stamped screenshots and if you would, please try to provide a more clear explanation. Thank you!
              If you have a problem, need assistance and we can't help? Submit a ticket with R2 here
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              • #8
                and r2 haven thought that maybe the screenshot function will need a automatic time stamp its a bit complex to get that went i try to only get the chat and not my entire screen because there thing on it that i dont necessarly want to show and the alt+ctrl+a shortcut (only way to get the server clock in is not easy to type went you have the chat that keep scrolling because poeple still talking while you try to screenshot


                • #9
                  ok got it dam took a lot of try


                  • #10
                    Thank you, I will forward it to the team.
                    If you have a problem, need assistance and we can't help? Submit a ticket with R2 here
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                    CS1 - FAQ here

                    Please, note my inbox is broken. Post your issue or question on the forums.


                    • #11
                      on this picture you can see i have 4 stack on rose on my inventory and that evrytime i click one there a notif that i gain 10 charm in wc ,its not necessary event if im the only one seeing it


                      • #12
                        here one about a gyes who upgrade is gem he only put one in but guess what happen went it put 5 in 7 diferent equip multiplied by evryone who change set


                        • #13
                          here we have a gyes switch is gem from sperion(or he just un-equip the gem because he thought that sperion gem disapear went you morph the thing to chaos(it happen a lot went the sperion new rank got implanted)

                          noted i multi-post because the forum bug went i try to edit more picture in the same coment)


                          • #14
                            here another notif that get on my nerve to the dongeon boss saying stuff i beat exelom 10 time (15 time of 2x dongeon) a day and having sin saying again and again human over estimate themself is completly useless and clog my wc for nothing

                            speaking of exelom can they transform the relic drop into a actual quest like you reech the lvl you go talk to the goddess to get the quest for rebirthing to eidoleon then you do exelom nm and only if you have the quest activate the relic will drop
                            Last edited by R2248437; 07-18-2021, 11:24 AM.


                            • #15
                              and there what happen went someone enchant (event if i have this guyes on ignor list and he literally get mute for doxing poeple around presently) those notif still are there ,they not importan for other player to see only the one who actually upgrade the equipement

