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Priest should change!

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  • Originally posted by venomeh View Post
    Well lets say that majority of the Lvl 80+ Scion Priests who actually visits on the forums have said that Priests need some sorta change. Would expect that to enough (for them to even consider it).
    i checked out saga of hero~the place where everyone said they wanted the skill copied from. their rangers showed a 3rd rebirth skill. &they look crazy OP. if there's a 3rd rebirth eventually for this one then that'd mean more skills which we don't know about. why not instead of complain about what you have and squander the gifts, but give ideas at what a future skill could be that's not already programed. might make it easier them trying to alter a code that's already locked into the game. but like memory said , figures, #'s data, if its 3rd rebirth skill, it wont effect other players really until someone achieves that then "they deserve that power because they earned it" . and lower levels non rebirth of a certain point wont be able to use it in newer servers to gain a huge advantage. start rollin w that?
    like maybe. i always thought a auto self resurrection would be cool. like. instantly revived upon death ~ healing temporarily halved for 10 second lv 1 2 sec lv 5 - so on


    • hmm all this debate to change priest skills, those who want change tell me what levels are your priest and what have you done so far to survive and be on that level? then we will see if the change your saying is really needed. do not compare yourselves to other class for they are not priest and if you insist in comparing tell me if you were able to use that class and what level of development have you attained..... otherwise shut it...


      • Originally posted by squatog View Post
        hmm all this debate to change priest skills, those who want change tell me what levels are your priest and what have you done so far to survive and be on that level? then we will see if the change your saying is really needed. do not compare yourselves to other class for they are not priest and if you insist in comparing tell me if you were able to use that class and what level of development have you attained..... otherwise shut it...
        i gladly retort the same about comparing to other classes. how far have you played those as a free player? currently i'm leveling a priest mage and rogue side by side, they are all lvl 50. i've have xp from lv 80scion mage +&from friends who play the other classes at lv 100. our gaming exp is all going to be different though. not all battles start or end the same and not all modifiers interact in exactly the same way sometimes. did they strife an move slightly to the left, or strife to the right and miss a curse, did they totaly fail to move an get stunned by a rogue then caught in a curse, were they even in battles most that time during development or have they been hanging back not really attempting much? battle sims have many outcomes


        • Originally posted by ShadowGammaDraco View Post
          i checked out saga of hero~the place where everyone said they wanted the skill copied from. their rangers showed a 3rd rebirth skill. &they look crazy OP. if there's a 3rd rebirth eventually for this one then that'd mean more skills which we don't know about. why not instead of complain about what you have and squander the gifts, but give ideas at what a future skill could be that's not already programed. might make it easier them trying to alter a code that's already locked into the game. but like memory said , figures, #'s data, if its 3rd rebirth skill, it wont effect other players really until someone achieves that then "they deserve that power because they earned it" . and lower levels non rebirth of a certain point wont be able to use it in newer servers to gain a huge advantage. start rollin w that?
          like maybe. i always thought a auto self resurrection would be cool. like. instantly revived upon death ~ healing temporarily halved for 10 second lv 1 2 sec lv 5 - so on
          Why should we think about some upcoming skill what MIGHT come eventually, if there's already something messed up what needs fixing? Also insta resurrection after death? yeah that could give chance to give a payback to the guy who killed you..?
          Stalkers OP.

          Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


          • it was also mentioned to include how this would effect lower levels. by the looks of the other versions grace skill. that'd be like doing meteor every 6 seconds.-if they made it same cast time and cd as that other one. that would be the same as a mage casting flame explosion, then also healing that same damage every second. an say at highest levels. when ppl do a min 40k-100k hits, generally the amount you heal follows same concept. the better you are developed the more it does. that would create a huge advantage for priests over every other class.
            from level 1 that would give priests a insane advantage. my hybrid priest level'd same speed as my mage. to be able to attack faster would be a crazy advantage.
            suggestion 6 7&4 sound legit.

            also again. those aren't "the way those skills are supposed to be" that your comparing them to. thats not the original game. and this version might not even be allowed to change it to similar to theirs due to copyrights. hence the reason why they can't make events in other time frames, cause those other versions are entitled to those times because of their contractual agreement.
            if these changes are made there will need to be others to other classes.
            rogues shouldn't be decloaked when using pots
            presence of mind for mage really needs changed. takes a lot of skill points even with rebirth. then casting it takes time then you gotta cast the skill you want reduced. an its only good for one go then out for a long time. and most our skills don't need cast time reduction. since most have 0 cast time .5 duration but have weak atk. be good for like one flame explosion atm every min. then it'll still take 2 sec + to cast. and if grace gets made to 1 sec cd 2 sec cast time. with their boostings to casting speed etc etc +the suggestions here. that would make priests more of a high end DPS then mages who's sole purpose is magical DPS.
            to compensate. maybe blackhole for ice mage could get changed.&a few other things. do a flame explosions damage. i mean really. 119 mp for 20% 345 atk with pull effect+30 sec cd? a LV 80 SKILL?!?!? why do you think you never really see many ice mage scions an everyone complains about being meteor-ed ?
            Last edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 07-23-2012, 06:20 PM.


            • Originally posted by JadedOblivion View Post
              Just going to reply to this real quick, to the original poster. THERE SHOULD BE 2 NERFS IN THIS GAME and that's it. So far priests skills are well developed and make them one of the more formidable foes. The 1st Nerf is the mage skill Icicle armor, why should a mage have a chance to stun you upon being stunned or any class for that matter? Increase the physical defense I get that but stun for 5 seconds really? During this time a mage can simply meteor you which if it doesn't kill you in 1 hit it re-stuns for another 3 seconds and no down time between the two allowing for an easy kill. The second Nerf goes to my class, the Rogue. The second rebirth skill doesn't matter in my eyes whether it's late or early game NO CLASS SHOULD HAVE AN INSTANT KILL SKILL. Back to your particular post Rogues are squishy we die quick we need to be able to stun and you have 2 skills allowing you to survive Goddess Embrace and for 6 seconds to start you have status effect immunity this is a clear case of LEARN TO PLAY YOUR CLASS.
              you also said before
              "Lastly many of the people on my server find me to be quite a cool person to hang out with and most of those players are the % of 80's that do exist on the server meaning your chances of a group getting me are slim to none"
              "Obviously Smokey you haven't met me or many other PKERS for that fact. I pk people for the sake of killing I kill and move on lol and do it without discretion. I love the sight of a dead player at my feet and I have no interest in what they have to say. And I love the thrill of killing like a crack head enjoys shooting up perhaps you may want to do your homework on pking. And if I dislike someone I just see em and they die plain and simple and if you end up on my KOS list well not much to do lol. "
              like a junkie w out their fix now hehehe
              you mad your not on top anymore? thats what everyone in this thread sounds like. you made it sound like you had no one could stand in your way before. and you complain when people can actually fight and kill you? thats epic poor sportsmanship. then gamesmanship because your poor sportsmanship, because you wanna win so bad like a tweaker an the loss is so horrible because they spent time getting stronger then you, so you go make threads or post to ones like these asking for nerfs to classes that don't even stand a chance against you until higher levels unless they are a casher, then boosts to your own. is just sad, especially when it was said to you before by a gm if anyone's getting nerfed everyone is, so why are you asking for it again?. you said you were in college . grow up.


              • Shadow... just so you are aware.. since you are comparing the games now. Their 3rd rebirth skill is the same as our soon to be second rebirth skill.. just saying.
                Class- Priest
                Sever - Kaymo Mountain
                Guild-(S3)Legends --- Mythical 4 Life!


                • Originally posted by Sc3n3 View Post
                  Suggestion #6: Guardians Embrace shouldn't be able to be taken off by a knight. (Reckoning debuffs and Guardians Embrace is supposed to prevent debuffs)
                  not agree!!!!
                  read carefully... guardian embrace prevent DEBUFF (NEGATIVE BUFF) such as rooted, iced, stunned, poisoned, etc. while knight reckoning skill is BUFF REMOVER. not give u a negative buff.

                  PS: tsk... some ppl dont understand this simple mechanic.
                  Now Playing ~ Shadowbound [S13] - Hunter

                  played games so far (in many different account) ~ Crystal Saga, Wartune, Broken Realm, Eternal Saga, Dragon Pals, Yitien, Blade Hunter (alpha), Lunaria Story, League of Angels, Monkey King Online, Crusader of Solaris, Shadowbound, Mythborne (alpha), Stormthrone (alpha) more list to come


                  • Originally posted by MissKimmer View Post
                    Shadow... just so you are aware.. since you are comparing the games now. Their 3rd rebirth skill is the same as our soon to be second rebirth skill.. just saying.
                    then that should be more evidence there is something on its way if we are getting #3 as well. and i have to compare them since most this thread and another one that was made 2 days ago is about EXACTLY the same thing where you guys keep saying "thats teh way the skills are supposed to be" when saga of hero's came out AFTER crystal saga. which i'm tempted to merge the threads.
                    thats the way the skills are supposed to be for that version. this is the way it is here. if the skill is actually broken. it might get more looked into. otherwise should start focus'in on what could be ahead instead of trying to change to something thats probably outside R2's copyright an locked into the core of the game already.
                    tempted to say, if you don't like the way stuff is here but like it there. why not go play there? also. their other classes an the dynamic of their game is different. they have stuff to balance out their eco system too. saw in one version they had a weapon that increased experience 25%. is that the way its supposed to work, i.e every platform should have that? no, each platform is different and it depends on what the devs are allowed to make or change. were you guys around to see when saga of hero had the Heart of eden? everyone flipped out on the forums because it said that it was from our servers. saying that they should be reported for copyright infringement.
                    i mean really. what you think will happen when they find out you guys blatantly wanted everything copied from them? if R2 doesn't pay them royaltys or the main owner for taking that extra piece. thats a bad news bears situation. so not only could these changes take time but also a lot of money to sway some posh UK ppl to let us use their stuff.
                    or instead we can be creative an do it the easy way like i've been saying . which = new ideas not other peoples.

                    last time a comparison to saga of hero's stuff happened
                    Originally posted by R2CS_Amanda
                    Crystal Saga came out first, but it is a licensed version of the original chinese. Saga of Hero is also a licesed version of the original Chinese. I think CS is better though :P .
                    I'm closing this thread beause the only intent is to flame. This isn't Saga of Hero. You don't have any clue how development, testing, and publishing rights work and you are so off base it isn't even funny. Most games don't do weekly updates and events, but we do, because we want our customers to have fun and we want to bring in new players. You obviously are not having fun or are not happy. You can either PM me about it to discuss these issues or leave. But don't start mudslinging in the forums.
                    Originally posted by BrotherVT
                    Saga of Heroes if the European Version of the game.
                    We're the North American Version of the game.
                    Crystal Legacy is the SEA Version of the game.
                    All these versions came from the original - being Chinese.

                    so are you guys requesting R2 do copyright infringement and steal their licensed work then sell it to you? if so then i'm closing this thread . as i can't support a illegal activity or solicitation of one.
                    if you want R2 to pay royalty's to legitimately get a hold of their changes, how are you gonna make that worth it for R2 to make these changes then others that have to follow to ensure balance with perfect imbalance between classes?
                    Last edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 07-24-2012, 12:57 PM.


                    • No im pretty sure that you just brought that into it, all im saying is if they were all translated from the chinese version maybe they were translated incorrectly. And all i was doing was correcting you by saying that that games 3rd rebirth will be our upcoming second.


                      • Originally posted by imkimmer3 View Post
                        No im pretty sure that you just brought that into it, all im saying is if they were all translated from the chinese version maybe they were translated incorrectly. And all i was doing was correcting you by saying that that games 3rd rebirth will be our upcoming second.
                        brought what up randomly into what situation? that was directed at this whole thread mostly. they weren't translated incorrectly and i even gave you the answer as to why they are different.
                        imagine owning a car you rent out to people. and next door another person does the same thing with a different vehicle. you both buy from chevy, just a different brand that your licensed to sell. then one day your customers keep staring at the other cars an say to the other guy they want that car. but they don't wanna go through them. find a way to get it. then from there are legit business that needs to be done . if you were asked to sell out the only thing that makes your version unique to its region, would you? i'm just sayin that goes into a whole copyright issue. if you are driving down the road. an you see someone driving the same car as you but has imported spinners for rims that are all tricked out. are you really gonna go to their house while they are sleeping and steal their rims for yourself? or would you approach them an ask them how they got it and how you can get it or how much it would cost to buy it from them.
                        we can't just simply take their stuff. an thats what ppl have been asking so far.
                        so unless its a different suggestion then "what saga of hero's has"
                        should try to think of new ways. or make up a business model to show R2 how much this would be worth it to invest into when they are already still working on other stuff we don't have yet. every week
                        if its not broke don't fix it.
                        if that all seems harsh my apology's. but i dig the devils advocate role an expose the weaknesses of these concepts to improve them so they go by better. this thread started out like priests were going on a strike. when there are different things in different versions all over the place. an that not something to riot over. or not support R2 because its this way especially if you want a change. then should be asking for fair changes. not "make my class only the most powerful DPS an support in the game by stealing from another business-do it or i'll never play again an we wont use our skills to help each other"
                        Last edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 07-24-2012, 02:34 PM.


                        • grah i hate long debates
                          "You don't need a reason to help people" {Zidane Tribal**

                          "Being mindfull and virtuous is for the greater good"

                          "My Pen mightier than the sword conquering every word"

                          "Like the light that lights up the world I step once more back into the shadows of the night"

                          "The real truth?, theres more to it than you think"

                          My Devianart Page ;)

                          Rayleonheart Leon Lv 42
                          Guild: Blackwings


                          • The points on this topic have been made in this thread, The GM's have noticed it, and two people on here have already said that they are looking into it. So why must you come here and start drama? All that we want is for the priest to become more balanced against the other classes, and a lot of people on here agree with it. No one is talking about stealing anything so why do you have to go and cause a huge scene on this thread for?
                            We were here making our suggestions and stating what we thought might be better, if both versions are based off of the same game, then I'm pretty sure that it would make sense that all of the skills would also be the same.
                            Last edited by imkimmer3; 07-24-2012, 02:35 PM.


                            • Originally posted by imkimmer3 View Post
                              The points on this topic have been made in this thread, The GM's have noticed it, and two people on here have already said that they are looking into it. So why must you come here and start drama? All that we want is for the priest to become more balanced against the other classes, and a lot of people on here agree with it. No one is talking about stealing anything so why do you have to go and cause a huge scene on this thread for?
                              We were here making our suggestions and stating what we thought might be better, if both versions are based off of the same game, then I'm pretty sure that it would make sense that all of the skills would also be the same.
                              just merged the thread. i never said i didn't want changes. i think the way the thread started and has been going is rather rude. since i've been saying exactly that, an if anything changes. more then that will change. what so hard for ppl to understand about that? R2 might not even be ab;e to make it exactly like theirs. if they can even make a change to the core skills


                              • THE BIG ISSUE HERE IS THE BLOOD SKILL TREE.

                                The holy skill tree, you guys have to admit, is very distinctive and it's clear about what it's supposed to be.

                                1. Spirit infusion skills and the light beam skills are two holy attacks designed as a way for a holy priest to level up and kill mobs.
                                2. The middle skill tree contains all of your healing skills. It's very clear what these all are. Instant cast AoE heal, healing over time skill, basic heal skill, advanced heal skill, AoE heal skill. Not in that order of course, but if you have any of these skills you know exactly which ones these are.
                                3. Lastly, the Guardian's Protection skill tree. These are all of your buffs. Your defense buff, attack buff, self buff, status ailment debuffing buffs like Goddess' Embrace and Pure in Heart, and if you're a Scion, Heavenly Protection falls under this skill tree.

                                The blood skill tree, I don't know what the creator's were thinking, but it looks like Frankenstein's monster; a being slapped together by leftover parts. The Tenacity tree, that is.

                                1. First skill tree contains the attack skills, only there's three to choose from instead of two. But primarily you'll see priests using Blood beam and blood pact, and often find people complain about life drain.
                                2. Second skill tree. The Tenacity skill tree just doesn't know what the hell it's supposed to be. And, quite frankly, I don't know what it's supposed to be either. We have some passive buffs that are useful. Ie: Tenacity, Bloodflow, Enhanced circulation. Then for some reason we get extra health thrown at us, a stealth skill (blood totem? really? It looks cool but...really?), sacrifice (which sounds better than it actually is) which gives health back when it hits, and then there's the channeling skill that stuns (who is this useful for exactly? This only helps when you're assisting someone else get kills!) targets while you cast it, and then there's Death Cometh that doesn't do what it's supposed to. Over all...WHAT IS THIS SKILL TREE ABOUT?
                                3. The last skill tree is straightforward. They're debuffing curses for attack, defense and movement speed. Curse Mastery, however, as I said before, has one glaring error; the fact that it gives you extra health. Ummm...what?

                                Altogether now... WHAT ARE THE BLOOD PRIEST'S SKILLS DESIGNED TO DO?
                                Are they delegated to attacking in groups only, or what?

