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Priest should change!

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  • Originally posted by monndny View Post
    they cant change the base skill itself, maybe tweek it a little im not sure how it works exactly... not sure it if what you're saying can be done but it would be nice to atk people inside blody acres tough and less cooldown on sacred space
    Don't tell me they can't change the skills, because those skills are ALREADY CHANGED, some have been changed dramatically too (not just tweak in numbers but effects changed as well). Look back a few pages and you should see how some skills are supposed to work originally, I can list some for you:

    Holy light in CS regens like 400 hp every 2s
    Original holy light regens 4% max hp every 2s, plus a 15% dmg reduction

    Grace in CS has a big heal bonus, long cast long cooldown
    Original grace has half that heal, but 0.5s cast, 2s cooldown, can damage near by enemy for the same amount as heal

    Bloodguard in CS adds a lame fixed amount of hp
    Original bloodguard adds that same fixed hp AND 5% hp

    There are many more (blood beam, light beam, life drain, bloodflow, etc.), but I don't remember the details of those original skills.

    So, changing the skills as I suggested is totally within R2's abilityif only they could open their eyes and see how broken our eidolon skills and main blood tree skills are when compared to other class.


    • Complain more? Should have picked an other class then.

      You know that all equipments in the original version are way better than in ours?
      If they would do those ridiculous changes to your skills, then they would need to give us the real thing for wings / equips / etc.
      You wouldn't benefit much more.

      They only get the % heal/reduction because the dmg is ridiculous in the original version.
      Our version is kinda balanced.


      • Originally posted by R21892248 View Post
        Don't tell me they can't change the skills, because those skills are ALREADY CHANGED,
        i meant i dont think they can change it completely, to remove this one and put in new skill, doenst it have to be put in the original version for them to change the skill here?

        And i agree with everything you said, it would be great if there were those changed made, but i doubt they will because most other classes will complain about it later saying priests are to good... when they would suck either way, with the changes or without them(<<beeing sarcastic on this one)... in most cases unless you a really good priest user
        Last edited by monndny; 09-07-2012, 10:43 AM. Reason: had something to add


        • Originally posted by sebastian1988 View Post
          Complain more? Should have picked an other class then.

          You know that all equipments in the original version are way better than in ours?
          If they would do those ridiculous changes to your skills, then they would need to give us the real thing for wings / equips / etc.
          You wouldn't benefit much more.

          They only get the % heal/reduction because the dmg is ridiculous in the original version.
          Our version is kinda balanced.
          I'm not asking for those skills to be reverted back to the original state, I just took them as an example that R2 has the power to tweak skills as they want.

          I just want they to boost the skills a little bit, to somewhere between the current effect and the original effect, so that our skills are on par with other classes. Seriously priest's blood tree is a joke at the moment, and eidolon skills are not better than other mortal skills (compare blood arces to the combination of 3 curses or ranger's wither trap and you will see this point)

          Also, the fact that every other class can get invincibility while we can't is unfair too. We are already a support class (at least holy side), which means that we are not as good as others in term of DPS. Normally a lack in 1 aspect should be balanced by a boost in other aspects. What do we have here to make up for the DPS part? Heal and buffs. Buffs are kinda accessible by everyone, both in pvp and pve. Heal is just plain useless in pvp. If other classes can do well in BOTH DPS and staying alive (thanks to invincibility now), I just think that it is more balanced to give us invincibility too, because even with invincibility, our DPS still sucks.

          Originally posted by monndny View Post
          i meant i dont think they can change it completely, to remove this one and put in new skill, doenst it have to be put in the original version for them to change the skill here?
          I'm not asking for new skills to be added, as stated above, I just want our current skills' effects to be revised so that priest isn't too weak compared to other classes. Because any priest player can see that many of our mortal skills are useless, and our eidolon skills aren't better than some mortal skills too.
          Last edited by R21892248; 09-07-2012, 10:43 AM.


          • Well my main is a priest and im still using mortal side skills and scion buff only, to me eidolon skills just gets you killed, on blood and on holy either way you look at it so im not using them as many other priest i think would do the same, if anyone would use them they will probably use bloody acres to annoy players in some events and thats it or in a "duel" with a friendly just for fun, you cant use them to help you get medals in seng and cant think of a way they can either, maybe not now because im a fresh eidolon. I sometimes use sacred space in ladder but its not that effective as light heal on single target but since its an aoe heal id rather use circle of healing once i get back to 80 and remove all points from sacred space then and ad them into circle of healing(MORTAL skill) wich i think ALOT more useful then a eidolon skill wich is like what? a lvl 200 skill? (200 cos need to reborn twice 1st at 80 second at 100 and you need to be 20 lvls to put 1 point in it)
            Last edited by monndny; 09-07-2012, 10:54 AM. Reason: added stuff


            • That is exactly my point, our eidolon skills are just dull compared to mortal skills >< They sure sound great on paper (hey a continuous aoe heal or a great aoe root). But then in practice the heal just takes away too much flexibility from us while heal slower on each target (which is needed most of the time, not aoe heal). And bloody arces is single target, costs 10% hp and makes you unable to attack that target, our 3 curses are just better, not to mention the -atk/def/movespeed from them


              • LMAO! I am sorry but priests are squishy in 9 out of 10 games anyways. Priest's got mad heal's why they need to be best at all area's? Sorry but i disagree to this suggestion. You make one class all around perfect no other class will be played. Each have there strengths and weakness's that's just how it is. It's meant to be played at a team in this fashion.


                • Originally posted by Chiefy View Post
                  LMAO! I am sorry but priests are squishy in 9 out of 10 games anyways. Priest's got mad heal's why they need to be best at all area's? Sorry but i disagree to this suggestion. You make one class all around perfect no other class will be played. Each have there strengths and weakness's that's just how it is. It's meant to be played at a team in this fashion.
                  Mad heal? Sorry but how is 40k heal every 1.5s "mad" when people can spam at least 2 instant skill for 100k in 2s? (and that's not counting crit). Heal is only good for pve, it is totally unusable during combat in pvp, unless you are facing a much weaker opponent whose attacks only tickle.

                  And even if the changes to those eidolon skills are made, I swear I don't see priest being "perfect" at all. We don't have mad reduction and longest invincibility like knight, we can't stealth and stun while having insane crit like rogue, we also don't have the high aoe matk dps of mage, and ranger just can do everything above to a lesser extent.


                  • btw bloody acres is random cast you cant pick a target location to cast it.. it just goes whereever it wants to.. so its useless if you use it and want it to go on the target you fighting, you either lucky and goes to him or it goes to the other one thats runing by you or a different one thats "far" in a corner of your screen, if everyone out of range and you use it just so you can get some so called invincibility to heal up or something wich you can probably do without it since noone is around, it wont even cast on yourself... so overal useless skill.

                    Originally posted by Chiefy View Post
                    LMAO! I am sorry but priests are squishy in 9 out of 10 games anyways. Priest's got mad heal's why they need to be best at all area's? Sorry but i disagree to this suggestion. You make one class all around perfect no other class will be played. Each have there strengths and weakness's that's just how it is. It's meant to be played at a team in this fashion.
                    Who said they need to be the best at all areas, we just want a fighting chance! not no chance at all after you see the odds, and dont say that we do have it, some lucky kills here and there on some lower stats characters... let me see a priest who isnt full casher vs every class, he doesnt need to be op and kill them all, but he doesnt have to always rely on luck to kill them(you need skill to, but as it looks,not rly just luck), roots lasts for 2 sec and its a mortal skill you can barely get off 1 hit b4 you have to use curse again that is he he didnt debuf your root and comes after you and kills you in 1-2 hits, or stuns you then finishes you off in more then 1-2 hits, or in some cases they just use 1 atk it crits and you dead...

                    sry for offtopic we were on the part of eidolon skills not beeing usefull in practical use while other classes eidolon skills are. and on top of that buffs dont do what it sais they do wich is aparently is starting to be a problem and death comet still doenst work after so many months.
                    Last edited by dizy07; 09-07-2012, 03:16 PM.


                    • all i wish is a fixed death cometh god damn!

                      1. increase matk and max hp - not working
                      2. dmge reduction - not working
                      3. immune to stun - idk
                      4. converts certain amount of dmge dealth to hp. - the only working in deathcometh(but low regen)

                      god dammit devs fix this skill!
                      IGN: erzza
                      class: Priest
                      level: 100
                      plane: scion
                      rank: Emperor
                      insignia: marshall
                      server: Kaspaya beach


                      • Originally posted by ylmas View Post
                        all i wish is a fixed death cometh god damn!

                        1. increase matk and max hp - not working
                        2. dmge reduction - not working
                        3. immune to stun - idk
                        4. converts certain amount of dmge dealth to hp. - the only working in deathcometh(but low regen)

                        god dammit devs fix this skill!
                        the immune to stun doesn't work, tested it a moment ago with alt rogue


                        • I think death cometh is purposedly made in order for priest to commit suicide, so that in places like seng, your enemy loses a kill... That skill is perfectly paired with bloody arces now as using both of them allows you to instantly kill yourself at any point lower than 22% hp


                          • Originally posted by R21892248 View Post
                            I think death cometh is purposedly made in order for priest to commit suicide, so that in places like seng, your enemy loses a kill... That skill is perfectly paired with bloody arces now as using both of them allows you to instantly kill yourself at any point lower than 22% hp
                            Oh now I get it, the Priest Bloodside Rebirth Skills are meant for trolling. Death Comet when your Hp is 10% or under = Ha, no kill for you! And Bloody Acres = Gotcha! Now you're trapped in there while I can just run away!
                            Last edited by venomeh; 09-08-2012, 12:23 AM.
                            Stalkers OP.

                            Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


                            • Supporting this thread. R2 please make a move. Instead of creating new servers why not spend time on fixing such imbalanced game play here in your version of Crystal Saga? Also, please do leave a necessary progress report regarding this so that we players would not think that you guys are not doing something about this and due to hopeless resolve we might just quit and switch to other version or play other games. I heard that this issue was STATED 7 months ago? YET no progress nor new responses. Please innovate and report as soon as possible.

                              Thank you.


                              • We have to change .. not "should change"
                                ~CS :

                                IGN (S16)AmonRa Lvl 136 Eidolon HolyPriest
                                Pet DK gen 3 - BA gen 2 - Morphed Herculon gen 2
                                Status Dead

                                ~ BR :

                                IGN (S1)KongMing Chrono Mage
                                Status Dead

                                ~ MKO :

                                IGN (s48)Nagisa
                                Status Play

