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Priest should change!

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  • Originally posted by ShadowGammaDraco View Post
    +there are a lot of people who get trolled by priest skills that might randomly want to say their piece
    A: Priests have two good attack skills in pvp Light Beam and Spirit Infusion so I don’t see where you get the idea we are somehow a super OP dps class that can destroy everything, when other classes have FAR more attack skills than we do.
    Originally posted by ShadowGammaDraco View Post
    I would honestly hate everyone if they got gm to nerf classes considering these bosses we face at later levels. That would be cruel and unusual punishment.
    B: This thread is about lvl 100 scions who have noticed flaws in the game right now and who are putting suggestions out there to try to further improve upon the game; and we have yet to ask for any GM to nerf another class we are just pointing out some mechanics that could be changed to actually put us on par with other classes.
    Originally posted by ShadowGammaDraco View Post
    Or play 2 char or more like I do and have the best of all the worlds.
    C: If you play two or more characters neither one of them will reach their full potential, and you are bound to be weaker than people who put all their effort into improving one character.

    Some facts right now
    1: We have the lowest DPS out of any class end game, doesnt matter if you are holy or blood
    2: You will only be wanted for healing in ladder/rezzing
    3: Priests have the least ammount of attack skills out of all the classes
    4: We have no realiable stun(You can get a channeled stun if you choose not to get buffs, but that is worthless everywhere but ladder)
    5: Our blood rebirth skill doesn't even work
    6: In the time it takes to cast 1 Grace(a lvl 70 skill) you will heal more by casting two light heals=useless skill
    7: Our heals can't crit
    8: Our curses CAN crit but they do the exact same dmg as a non crit
    9: It's impossible to heal through dmg in pvp, due to constant 100k+ crits

    Some simple suggestions
    A: Let our heals crit, make it based off crit dmg% like attacks are
    B: When curses crit make them actually do more dmg based off crit dmg%
    C: Make our slayer gear add both int and end(like rangers get str and int)

    PS: Just as a little heart to heart with the GMs here. I've been playing since this game has come out, I have't always agreed with some of the choices you've have made but i've liked some of them. I've lost 90% of the friends i had at the begining of the game, some of them quit because they hated "x" change, some of them just found a game they enjoyed more. It didn't matter if they were a casher or not, we're all just people trying to enjoy how we spend our time. The player base isn't anything without R2, and like-wise R2 is nothing without the player base. Please listen to what we are saying, you have several old old players saying the exact same thing inside a 17+ pg thread, all we're trying to do is help.
    Last edited by B3lle; 07-11-2012, 10:37 PM.
    Lvl: Eidolon 120
    IGN: (S18)Belle
    Guild: Crystalâ„¢
    Rank: Emperor
    Server: Shrine of Kithar/The Void/Lycanmarsh/Celestial Peaks/Tyria Village/Angel Island/Celestial Palace ~ Merged
    -Non Casher-


    • Originally posted by B3lle View Post
      A: Priests have two good attack skills in pvp Light Beam and Spirit Infusion so I don’t see where you get the idea we are somehow a super OP dps class that can destroy everything, when other classes have FAR more attack skills than we do.

      B: This thread is about lvl 100 scions who have noticed flaws in the game right now and who are putting suggestions out there to try to further improve upon the game; and we have yet to ask for any GM to nerf another class we are just pointing out some mechanics that could be changed to actually put us on par with other classes.

      C: If you play two or more characters neither one of them will reach their full potential, and you are bound to be weaker than people who put all their effort into improving one character.

      Some facts right now
      1: We have the lowest DPS out of any class end game, doesnt matter if you are holy or blood
      2: You will only be wanted for healing in ladder/rezzing
      3: Priests have the least ammount of attack skills out of all the classes
      4: We have no realiable stun(You can get a channeled stun if you choose not to get buffs, but that is worthless everywhere but ladder)
      5: Our blood rebirth skill doesn't even work
      6: In the time it takes to cast 1 Grace(a lvl 70 skill) you will heal more by casting two light heals=useless skill
      7: Our heals can't crit
      8: Our curses CAN crit but they do the exact same dmg as a non crit
      9: It's impossible to heal through dmg in pvp, due to constant 100k+ crits

      Some simple suggestions
      A: Let our heals crit, make it based off crit dmg% like attacks are
      B: When curses crit make them actually do more dmg based off crit dmg%
      C: Make our slayer gear add both int and end(like rangers get str and int)

      PS: Just as a little heart to heart with the GMs here. I've been playing since this game has come out, I have't always agreed with some of the choices you've have made but i've liked some of them. I've lost 90% of the friends i had at the begining of the game, some of them quit because they hated "x" change, some of them just found a game they enjoyed more. It didn't matter if they were a casher or not, we're all just people trying to enjoy how we spend our time. The player base isn't anything without R2, and like-wise R2 is nothing without the player base. Please listen to what we are saying, you have several old old players saying the exact same thing inside a 17+ pg thread, all we're trying to do is help.
      Too true.
      I think they got the nerf idea from when I said if they don't want to buff us a little to make us on par with other classes they can lower other classes. My statement was in response to a criticism by Brother as I saw it as a rude remark and it was completely sarcastic, however it's a viable alternative if they choose not to do anything for us. It would suck, however it IS an option if they don't want to put us on par with other classes by actually making some of our skills worth using in a pvp forum. This would be the least pleasant and wanted response though.

      Sorry if I confused anyone.


      • Do not post on this thread if your not gonna help this topic's suggestion!

        we priest suggesting to have a skill revamp


        • Originally posted by B3lle View Post
          A: Priests have two good attack skills in pvp Light Beam and Spirit Infusion so I don’t see where you get the idea we are somehow a super OP dps class that can destroy everything, when other classes have FAR more attack skills than we do.

          B: This thread is about lvl 100 scions who have noticed flaws in the game right now and who are putting suggestions out there to try to further improve upon the game; and we have yet to ask for any GM to nerf another class we are just pointing out some mechanics that could be changed to actually put us on par with other classes.

          C: If you play two or more characters neither one of them will reach their full potential, and you are bound to be weaker than people who put all their effort into improving one character.

          Some facts right now
          1: We have the lowest DPS out of any class end game, doesnt matter if you are holy or blood
          2: You will only be wanted for healing in ladder/rezzing
          3: Priests have the least ammount of attack skills out of all the classes
          4: We have no realiable stun(You can get a channeled stun if you choose not to get buffs, but that is worthless everywhere but ladder)
          5: Our blood rebirth skill doesn't even work
          6: In the time it takes to cast 1 Grace(a lvl 70 skill) you will heal more by casting two light heals=useless skill
          7: Our heals can't crit
          8: Our curses CAN crit but they do the exact same dmg as a non crit
          9: It's impossible to heal through dmg in pvp, due to constant 100k+ crits

          Some simple suggestions
          A: Let our heals crit, make it based off crit dmg% like attacks are
          B: When curses crit make them actually do more dmg based off crit dmg%
          C: Make our slayer gear add both int and end(like rangers get str and int)

          PS: Just as a little heart to heart with the GMs here. I've been playing since this game has come out, I have't always agreed with some of the choices you've have made but i've liked some of them. I've lost 90% of the friends i had at the begining of the game, some of them quit because they hated "x" change, some of them just found a game they enjoyed more. It didn't matter if they were a casher or not, we're all just people trying to enjoy how we spend our time. The player base isn't anything without R2, and like-wise R2 is nothing without the player base. Please listen to what we are saying, you have several old old players saying the exact same thing inside a 17+ pg thread, all we're trying to do is help.


          i like the suggestion
          IGN: erzza
          class: Priest
          level: 100
          plane: scion
          rank: Emperor
          insignia: marshall
          server: Kaspaya beach


          • im a blood priest too T_T and i just said that you dont HAVE to choose full end, but your repeating it that you have no choice >.> im full int myself cuz i want to dps better..
            i know that the chinese version has similar skills to saga of heroes because i read the numbers and they were almost the same
            it will be a whole lot easier if a gm replies to this thread and says what is possible for them to fix and what isnt >.>
            I'd be happy with just my rebirth skill worth the 10% hp cost..
            oh and look at every other classes eidolon skill, they all get invisibility- tho bloody acres seems like a good skill, the other classes dont need to sacrifice 12% hp for it..
            Last edited by berndesu; 07-12-2012, 01:42 AM.
            Just ...Kyu


            • yea i only use my fragarach staff to get frost buff(slayer staff better)..not like mage that give more atk n crit...priest get 153 hp/19mp regen(when i get full HP if i have 100k hp)....n how about sacred space,are is my friend still alive when im casting


              • Originally posted by B3lle View Post
                A: Priests have two good attack skills in pvp Light Beam and Spirit Infusion so I don’t see where you get the idea we are somehow a super OP dps class that can destroy everything, when other classes have FAR more attack skills than we do.

                B: This thread is about lvl 100 scions who have noticed flaws in the game right now and who are putting suggestions out there to try to further improve upon the game; and we have yet to ask for any GM to nerf another class we are just pointing out some mechanics that could be changed to actually put us on par with other classes.

                C: If you play two or more characters neither one of them will reach their full potential, and you are bound to be weaker than people who put all their effort into improving one character.

                all your facts we have heard a million times.
                and personally i have to play multiple characters because mages are a late in game aspect and a giant money pit. an guess what. i can't farm dungeons w out a PRIEST . until lv 60-70+. because of the game mechanisms that surround my class. they are built to work together. everyone always makes a thread basically asking for a class that can own all and survive all.
                i was using it as a comparison because there are many threads like this that ask either to get nerfs on other classes or boosts to their own. in which storms comment on nerfs was if anything will change they all will. so i stated the same would most likely apply if you guys are pushing to revamp ur classes skills because of the COMPARISON to other classes and their armor. +soul. yes the thread says priest should change and main topic is priest but ur involving all the other characters as well. then other people even other platforms which are totally different.

                some facts right now about mage:

                1 we have the highest DPS out of every class(just like every ranger and rogue says) and also the lowest defense ability imaginable without major soul development or epic slayer sets.
                2. all ppl will do is pm you to come kill this or that for them, mages we always get asked for buff even:scratches head: even tho we can't buff others
                3. most our skills are fast or to hamper the enemy &make them move slow so we can run so fast with our tail between our legs. w out major cashing or buffs or many orbs
                4. our stun we get at level 80 and only lasts for 3 seconds and has a 30 second cd. /rogue cd is 8 seconds but must be cloaked= fair?
                5. our fire rebirth skill is totally random, our ice one has a 30 sec cd
                6. mages most powerful spells like flame explosion has a really long cast time . unless major soul development .
                7.not every hit is a crit
                8. in many servers curses are hailed. " omg the blue rings of death=same me *runs crying*"
                9. not everyone does constant 100k crits.

                and yes priest are evil in PVP. maybe you just suck at it so hardcore you made a thread. i've had many friends who get the highest kill streaks and the most powerful players i've known have been priests knights or rangers.
                so chalk it all up to experience in battle being 1-2 hit killed by those two skills or trying to beat a priest senseless and having them heal all the dmg an chip me away till i'm dead. like i said before. at every stage in the game.

                i think the only way to do a actual good comparison would be to have gms create a bunch of scion shell characters. because if your going to sit here and compare actual experience from player battles like your doing and i'm doing. then there is information that is going to be polluted with cashers and ppl who play constantly to develop their characters to personally hunt and kill specifically you or anyone in their server. not every character was developed the same. we each did it differently so you can't assume to know the baseline, since your all also judging something that isn't even fully released yet. like i said before 0.o lv 120 etc etc second rebirth . would you smash a flower and call it ugly because its not fully bloomed with all its colors to your satisfaction? bit premature decisions and insights.
                Last edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 07-12-2012, 03:07 AM.


                • well i use a priest and one thing i would like to see changed is the way the buffs work the priest buffs should only buff them or the people in there party the same way they have the knights set up to many time i have been in map areas and my guy would buff all people around me including the ones i'm fighting and with knights being able to debuff me it eith i buff them also or sit there and take more dmg and do less dmg then if i had my buffs since most of the healer class is revolved around those buffs we dead if we buff the wrong people or get our buffs removed

                  i get that they more so for support but having them buff every one is to much and also for averal they get our buffs if we have to recast them in there which will help them out also when we are trying to get the better score
                  CS Server Rinulka Peninsula
                  name RubyRed
                  type priest

                  WT S5 ..................WT S144
                  Name gippal .........Name backlash
                  Type Mage ...........Type Archer


                  • Originally posted by ShadowGammaDraco View Post
                    excuse me? too bad dude. i play priest AND other classes..mostly other classes. and your comparing classes. so your gonna get input from everyone. can't say priest vs everyone else waaaaaa so unfair. and not have those other ppl be like *scratches head**rly?*excuse me but
                    Well the poster seemed kinda clueless about whats going on, and yeah priest vs. any other class is pretty unfair.

                    Secondly I suggest everyone to read B3lle's last post in this topic, it had some good pointings.

                    Thirdly Shadow if we priest can match mages, tell me then why on the earth same lvl mage with same set & around same soul completion & same wings as mine beated me with with lvl 1 Gorilla Titan when I had lvl 7 Hellwing? (we didn't use pets in that fight) And trust me I know how to play my class..

                    And also lastly the skill "Bloodfog Totem" from blood midtree is also absolutely useless skill c'mon 0 range on a totem what doesn't even instantly buff you when you drop it? You can't even imagine how annoying it is that when I drop totem and ranger shots me AFTER I have dropped that totem still the ranger's shot hits on me before the totem even gives me that stealth buff, isn't that **** up?
                    Last edited by venomeh; 07-12-2012, 04:28 AM.
                    Stalkers OP.

                    Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


                    • so until now no gm drop by and gave any opinion??? dis means priest skill not changing??? wahahaha ok then we all will have to suck it up and use bad character... lol
                      Last edited by MemoryLane; 07-12-2012, 04:35 AM. Reason: language
                      IGN: Esther
                      Server: Zenho Island
                      Level: 32
                      plane: mortal
                      wings: Extreme glowing wing 1 (2 star)
                      mount: Rabiit (soon 2 b cat. 2 stars)
                      pet: morphed vulture
                      gears: complete shining set (wahahahaha)
                      honor: vassal

                      friends guide:


                      • Originally posted by venomeh View Post
                        Well the poster seemed kinda clueless about whats going on, and yeah priest vs. any other class is pretty unfair.

                        Secondly I suggest everyone to read B3lle's last post in this topic, it had some good pointings.

                        Thirdly Shadow if we priest can match mages, tell me then why on the earth same lvl mage with same set & around same soul completion & same wings as mine beated me with with lvl 1 Gorilla Titan when I had lvl 7 Hellwing? (we didn't use pets in that fight) And trust me I know how to play my class..

                        And also lastly the skill "Bloodfog Totem" from blood midtree is also absolutely useless skill c'mon 0 range on a totem what doesn't even instantly buff you when you drop it? You can't even imagine how annoying it is that when I drop totem and ranger shots me AFTER I have dropped that totem still the ranger's shot hits on me before the totem even gives me that stealth buff, isn't that messed up?
                        ranger has a skill thats a aoe. meaning they can bring you out of stealth. they do it to my rogue all the time when i jump them an vanish after a combo.
                        there's probably a million different outcomes to these battles is what i'm saying. i've fought ppl like that the same. i've ALWAYS gotten 1-2 shot by rangers of my level and i've had MORE soul then them an same mount an generally same wings, mine were lesser cause can't farm as well but i had same atk generally since soul. then other classes too.


                        • I've read the thread, and I don't really see any concrete ideas, just a lot of complaining about not being able to beat a certain player, some complaining about certain stats with some equipment, and a few comparisons to a version that isn't even the original nor does it take into account the overall builds of every class and how each class interacts and balances each other.

                          I also saw BrotherVT ask for the summarized version of what the idea is, but that was only followed by complaining about how he asked for a summary.

                          So, it will be asked again- come up with a concrete and balanced idea, explain how it won't affect all the other classes or general gameplay, explain the benefits and the potential negatives, include some ballpark numbers. Make it all nice and neat and we'll pass it along to the GMs to be looked at.
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                          • Originally posted by ShadowGammaDraco View Post
                            ranger has a skill thats a aoe. meaning they can bring you out of stealth. they do it to my rogue all the time when i jump them an vanish after a combo.
                            there's probably a million different outcomes to these battles is what i'm saying. i've fought ppl like that the same. i've ALWAYS gotten 1-2 shot by rangers of my level and i've had MORE soul then them an same mount an generally same wings.
                            Heh funny thing is that they have never used AoE skills after I have dropped that totem, instead they have seemd to be using the normal attack to hit me before the totem can stealth me and that how countering the stealth, isn't that messed up? And probably that have happened to you becouse they are ANTIMAGE Rangers.
                            Last edited by venomeh; 07-12-2012, 04:43 AM.
                            Stalkers OP.

                            Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


                            • Originally posted by venomeh View Post
                              Thirdly Shadow if we priest can match mages, tell me then why on the earth same lvl mage with same set & around same soul completion & same wings as mine beated me with with lvl 1 Gorilla Titan when I had lvl 7 Hellwing? (we didn't use pets in that fight) And trust me I know how to play my class..
                              around same soul competion doesnt mean same soul that he/she upgrade are same with you.
                              i've been calculate something about priest try looking here.

                              if priest used int/full int its mean they had lots of matk but less to Hp.yes you can add jade but amount of that jade is less. its mean you got strg attack but you weak. cause all items set equipment on slayer built for INT. its mean they give you more damage.also soul tree give you priest lots of INT.

                              but if you used END or full END its gave you lots of Hp + base on set its also give you INT. so on your set equipment you just add topaz . in the end its balance you have high Hp + u had high Matk.

                              topaz = matk = Int
                              jade = hp = End

                              how many jade Gems can you put on your set Equipment?
                              how many topaz gems can you put on your set Equipment?

                              and as far as i know if you were holy type,u used healing gems not topaz gems

                              priest set equipment,weapon & soul adds more Int to you .
                              so if you gain your Int stat its mean you gets more damage (matk) but less on your HP. so when your opponent are same lvl as you,same set or gonna lose cause jade gems doesnt support high Hp.

                              and its not same if you gain your END.
                              End give you more Hp + set equipment & soul tree you will get high Hp and high damage .

                              see this picture

                              Originally posted by Alienwarez View Post

                              his Int almost same as his End. and see his Hp with his level . see his matk

                              no wonder he can solo killer dean in hard mode on his lvl68 without using hp orbs and buff.
                              Originally posted by Alienwarez

                              Salvo | 5* | Anti-Mage Ranger

                              Here's answer for your questions :
                              • <•••• MUST READ !


                              • Originally posted by venomeh View Post
                                Heh funny thing is that they have never used AoE skills after I have dropped that totem, instead they have seemd to be using the normal attack to hit me before the totem can stealth me and that how countering the stealth, isn't that messed up? And probably that have happened to you becouse they are ANTIMAGE Rangers.
                                ya. say they have same stats baseline, even soul completion, say 500 pt all around nodes.
                                battle starts.
                                priest gets curses off an a good shot or two, then heals , , nerfs them down an gets a good smack in +recovers next, keeping them from doing dmg an staying healthy basically.ftw
                                battle ends
                                battle starts
                                priest gets a good shot off then curses a few times, their forgiveness soul kicks in and all bad buffs are purged then the battle turns since they aren't nerfed. get crippled an die
                                battle end
                                i mean rly that could go on all day w diff combo's of skills +classes an used at what interval then where you are, how the unique algorithms decide to play out each time. since ya if have generally same stat, they are "even" but your still playing with chance +luck +a whole slew of other figures. like
                                mage hits priest does 10k, they hit w blood skills an recover 10k+ , mage hits again but gets a 4% chance of magic pen and it randomly works an deals 50k crit gaining edge, priest nerfs and recovers +retreats to safe distance .
                                i don't think seng can be attributed to a solid evidence base as well unless your both along next to each other with absolutely no one else around to test powers. but yaa... as well. depends what type of soul pts are invested where. immortalitys soul dmg reduc gives knights the most epic advantage over mage, so 500 pt spent where means a lot. my dmg is halved if they have a decent amount invested into % and right skills and that'd be no matter what level i'm at , then also the incredibly high def lowers the atk even more.
                                Originally posted by Salvo View Post
                                around same soul competion doesnt mean same soul that he/she upgrade are same with you.
                                i've been calculate something about priest try looking here.

                                if priest used int/full int its mean they had lots of matk but less to Hp.yes you can add jade but amount of that jade is less. its mean you got strg attack but you weak. cause all items set equipment on slayer built for INT. its mean they give you more damage.also soul tree give you priest lots of INT.

                                but if you used END or full END its gave you lots of Hp + base on set its also give you INT. so on your set equipment you just add topaz . in the end its balance you have high Hp + u had high Matk.

                                topaz = matk = Int
                                jade = hp = End

                                how many jade Gems can you put on your set Equipment?
                                how many topaz gems can you put on your set Equipment?

                                and as far as i know if you were holy type,u used healing gems not topaz gems

                                priest set equipment,weapon & soul adds more Int to you .
                                so if you gain your Int stat its mean you gets more damage (matk) but less on your HP. so when your opponent are same lvl as you,same set or gonna lose cause jade gems doesnt support high Hp.

                                and its not same if you gain your END.
                                End give you more Hp + set equipment & soul tree you will get high Hp and high damage .

                                see this picture

                                his Int almost same as his End. and see his Hp with his level . see his matk

                                no wonder he can solo killer dean in hard mode on his lvl68 without using hp orbs and buff.
                                looks like they got frost buff. that is a insane skill right there. def help in that dungeon. but ya, if i was to try that dungeon at that level w my mage solo. lol wouldn't even get passed first boss w out orb or with orb even with buffs. mebe rebirth buff would help that. but ya for mage we get that icicle armor skill at 70. so we have like. no pdef except from armor or soul or gem. if full end that def gives more pdef as well. then there is soul that makes endurance go up crazy amount in many nodes.
                                Last edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 07-12-2012, 05:22 AM.

