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1st recharge Package not received

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  • 1st recharge Package not received

    If you recharge Diamonds on a new Server for the first time through the R2 Online Store, you can get the 1st recharge Pack. Please post in here if you have done so and not received the pack.

    Please note: the 1st recharge Pack can not be earned completing free offers !!!

    Thank you.

    Last edited by Meditron; 02-27-2014, 09:10 AM.

    ( just in case you missed them the first time )

  • #2
    EDIT: Ok MageOfSilance corrected me and thank you mage for that. delete this replay ,it was stupid after all thanks once again keep owning
    Last edited by zeroni132; 02-27-2014, 12:04 AM. Reason: Stupid Mistake :)


    • #3
      Originally posted by zeroni132 View Post
      I have completely opposite problem lol .Some time ago i completed that math offer to get 10 diamonds and get my daily devotion .That was when i was new and i were lvl 40 or so.
      Got my diamonds and i went to sleep.When i got up i logged in and noticed that my 1st Recharge is flashing so i clicked and i could see on bottom claim i was like wth and clicked and got all rewards except that bonus of 6k diamonds (you do get 6k diamonds i didn't misunderstood or something).I never recharged or anything .I was planning to recharge then that happened and i was planing to post something on forums but always forgot about that .
      So is there anything that you can do about it ?

      Best Regards MaXx

      ITEMS WORTH 6666 diamonds they say not you get 6666 diamonds duhClick image for larger version

Name:	Unnamed QQ Screenshot20140226184515.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	11.1 KB
ID:	1682141


      • #4
        1st Recharge

        I recharged diamonds and I didn't get my 3 days free VIP. Scipter S42 Paradise Lost.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Scipter View Post
          I recharged diamonds and I didn't get my 3 days free VIP. Scipter S42 Paradise Lost.
          Did you check your inventory? It is not automatically updated. You have to actually activate the card.


          • #6
            I recharged diamonds and when I click on the 1st Recharge button it says RECHARGE again it doesn't says COLLECT


            • #7
              I was wondering why you disable the feature to be able to get it from surveys?
              I mean it's not like it's a significant boost.
              Blood red, pale skin,
              Moonlight draw me in.
              Quench my thrist,
              Coursing veins.
              Let me body feel no pain...♥


              • #8
                I can't even collect them to use the card I am aware how I have to start the trial its just I can't collect them.


                • #9
                  Kinda lame to remove the possibility to get it trough offers/surveys.


                  • #10
                    Help Please recharge diamaon not enter


                    • #11
                      its not working on S114 fix it please


                      • #12
                        I just recharged and i didn't get it too....

                        S81 RgKuzi


                        • #13
                          Just done 1st recharge {hour ago** and nothing received how do I submit a ticket please?

                          S129 Bayonetta

                          everthing has just be added thank you
                          Last edited by Bayonetta778; 04-08-2014, 10:10 AM. Reason: added info


                          • #14
                            check this 1

                            server = S22 kingofallorcs

                            ign = kocik99

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	untitled.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	232.5 KB
ID:	1685230


                            • #15
                              I was recharged yesterday by phone and i can't colect 1st recharge pack....why?
                              its says "recharge ANY amount".

                              Gorgo S127


