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Hecate Needs to be Nerfed! That hero is way overpowered!

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Painindaback View Post
    No 45/55 yet, so none of that would work. I do know that it can happen, but not yet.

    I don't know.. doubt it's because you are trying to clear as much content as possible while the bug is still present

    Well, it's 4k blessing stones, so if you have them in 2-3 days good for you. You still did the content weeks before you would actually be able to gaining advantage from that.

    I don't know.. if your rose knight doesn't die before your claw hits you might not even be able to use your skill On monday I should have 50/50 on claw along with Idun's ring. I could stun-lock you long enough to kill off your other heroes and afterwards just need to dodge/block most of your attacks to keep you from getting 100 rage :P
    1 - So you're saying I should stop doing my free 15 attempts in spire and aegis until they fix it which is not even close?
    2 - ~2k from +12 to +15 and I already have ~800 in stock
    3 - My claws is already 50/50

    Originally posted by Pyro_420 View Post
    Rage drain would work if you had enough of it to counter, which I doubt the game offers unless you are lucky enough to be a zerk and have all heroes who have a similar skill on top of the aegis which does the same thing (I think it's scorpio but not high enough to beat Virgo yet)
    Rage drain only works on front row

    What I watch as a kid?
    (白眉大ä¾* - white eyebrow hero lol)
    (奥特曼 - ultraman)
    (saint seiya - knights of the zodiac - 圣斗士星矢)
    (shin chan - 蜡笔小新)


    • #92
      Even the Aegis during angel attack? True Claws is in the back but there are ways of hitting him since the only hero you have protected from row attacks is Astral Child unless your formation has changed. Still it's all based on chance but it could happen unless I'm missing something


      • #93
        Originally posted by Pyro_420 View Post
        Even the Aegis during angel attack? True Claws is in the back but there are ways of hitting him since the only hero you have protected from row attacks is Astral Child unless your formation has changed. Still it's all based on chance but it could happen unless I'm missing something
        The battle will be finished before angel gets to attack >

        What I watch as a kid?
        (白眉大ä¾* - white eyebrow hero lol)
        (奥特曼 - ultraman)
        (saint seiya - knights of the zodiac - 圣斗士星矢)
        (shin chan - 蜡笔小新)


        • #94
          Originally posted by qingyunjian View Post
          The battle will be finished before angel gets to attack >
          Ok so you are saying that your Claws is so strong he can 1 hit both back and front row in 2 or 3 turns?? o_O


          • #95
            Originally posted by Pyro_420 View Post
            Ok so you are saying that your Claws is so strong he can 1 hit both back and front row in 2 or 3 turns?? o_O
            What do you think?

            What I watch as a kid?
            (白眉大ä¾* - white eyebrow hero lol)
            (奥特曼 - ultraman)
            (saint seiya - knights of the zodiac - 圣斗士星矢)
            (shin chan - 蜡笔小新)


            • #96
              So you say you spent 50$ only? Not sure I believe that.


              • #97
                Originally posted by kumpy1 View Post
                So you say you spent 50$ only? Not sure I believe that.
                You are right, how did you know I spent $40 and not $50? You're a genius

                Click image for larger version

Name:	test.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	262.8 KB
ID:	1689292

                If played right, low-end cashers can trump low-mid(high) end cashers too, but heavy cashers......All I can say the pressure is sky high lol

                What I watch as a kid?
                (白眉大ä¾* - white eyebrow hero lol)
                (奥特曼 - ultraman)
                (saint seiya - knights of the zodiac - 圣斗士星矢)
                (shin chan - 蜡笔小新)


                • #98
                  Don't forget the armor when set it has rage additional too.


                  • #99
                    Here's a question to you, qing:
                    What would happen to your nereida/astral if there are 3 heroes on front row... 1 main hero, Berserker claw with 400k hp that is slower than yours and a warrior that's not strong enough to survive your main's thunderclap?
                    Cuz this is how the battle will go, at least up to your claw's skill... Your main attacks either with thunder clap and kills the warrior, or with shield slam and does the same.. it gives rage to back row. Your claw then follows with an auto attack and hits the other claw giving it 100 rage and possibly doing about 60k damage to your back row. The other claw uses his skill and wipes your back row, except your claw (still doing about 200k damage though as that's what I do to heroes with your stats). Then the other main hero attacks with thunder clap and kills your rose knight while your claw still has 100 rage. Since my warrior died, back row has 100 rage I get a 90-130k heal and Nereida's skill. So now my whole party is full on hp and it's up to your claw's skill to wipe just the useless nereida and djinni in the back row. After that you may or may not kill your claw by hitting mine before my angel's attack, which in turn could activate aquarius completely stopping your next claw's skill if he's still alive
                    Last edited by Painindaback; 06-08-2014, 03:32 AM.
                    <--- 700k+ BR Claw

                    everyone knows there was a problem with claws not working how he should've, yet you seem to cry about which to me seems like you cant kill people you used to be able to.


                    • Don't moan about players how pay how do you think you get to play for free?

                      it an't because r2 loves you



                      • somehow the topic went off track


                        • Who cares about hecate anyway :P
                          <--- 700k+ BR Claw

                          everyone knows there was a problem with claws not working how he should've, yet you seem to cry about which to me seems like you cant kill people you used to be able to.


                          • indeed it least the problem


                            • LOL sorry guys I contributed to the convo shift from Hecate to Claws and Qing too XD


                              • actually i was the one to off track this thread, if you check the posts :P
                                League of Angels

                                S94 Lonewind Forest
                                Magus Rynd

