Originally posted by R247460097
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It's like that you held a bone right before the eyes of a dog and don't give it to him. How do you think the dog would react. Yes, it's in beta stage, but that doesn't mean you can do such kind of things. For that you then better first release a closed beta.
With a public beta it normally means that the game is still in development, but reaches it's final stage. However, it's turning now out to be a mess. Biggest faillure on their side is the communication. You see news flashes and most of the time it's only of adding a new server and then talk about getting things and such. No wonder people get upset. What you also see is that on the older ones you get updates in about every minute, while on the new servers you don't have this. I would suggest just to shut down the whole stuff, fix the things in the right way and then launch it again. Cause this ain't working in this way.