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Cross-Server Battles

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  • #16
    S29 not working startedworking at 21:00 server time

    S8 working
    Last edited by Kalvi; 01-22-2014, 03:02 PM.
    Nova Genesis
    [S6] Corsair - retired
    [S13] Corsair - retired
    [S29] Wraith - retired
    [S37] Psyon - retired
    [S43] Psyon - retired
    [S48] Corsair - retired

    [S28] - retired
    [S3] - retired

    League of Angels
    [S8] [S29] [S43] - retired
    GTArgade [S335] Siren - retired

    [S249] [S260] [S271] [S281] - retired

    [S51] - retired



    • #17
      hey wrong east servers r so affected by this im on S33 thenew server and have the same issues here is a pic to prove itClick image for larger version

Name:	cross server que not working.gif
Views:	2
Size:	692.8 KB
ID:	1680015


      • #18
        Server 33 , Cross server starts at 16:00 EST.
        Click image for larger version

Name:	event.PNG
Views:	1
Size:	571.5 KB
ID:	1680020
        Last edited by EdgeLOA; 01-22-2014, 03:12 PM.
        | | |


        • #19
          Cross Server Bug

          S23 Server
          People cant enter the Cross Server on the time 13:00 - 23:00
          See the photo; the time is 16:54
          Please Fix!

          Click image for larger version

Name:	bug.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	664.6 KB
ID:	1680027
          Uragon LvL 60
          Retired Yitien and Wartune Player
          Yitien : S9 - Kyrsten
          Wartune: S50 - Kyrsten


          • #20
            S8 SERVEUR bug again ?

            See picture

            Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture d’écran (16).png
Views:	1
Size:	896.4 KB
ID:	1680034
            I have a simple philosophy:
            Fill what's empty. Empty what's full. Scratch where it itches!!!

            S8 Captive Amora
            Mage Mistic LVL 62


            • #21
              Yes another cross server question

              Ok its domination in server 8 tonight but the cross server tab is no where to be seen sooooooo my question is why is it gone? on server 24 they still had cross server tab even on domination night so where is server 8 cross server tab gone?


              Thank you for moving my post i had no idea this thread was made so thanks mod whoever did it
              Last edited by R217478527; 01-23-2014, 06:56 AM. Reason: thanking the mod who moved my post hehe


              • #22
                S8 no cross server again pls fix that soon


                • #23
                  Well, after i've awoken some gm's/vet's they were asking if there were still problems with cross server and i confirmed it. Cause since today it looks like cross server on Server 8 Captive Amora has vanished, just as fast as it was there first. I see no icon at the top and through the detour of guild event the queue button stays gray. All together cross server was available for 1 and a quarter day. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. I do hope R2 is aware of this and is working on it.
                  League of Angels
                  IGN: Ardarume
                  Class: Mage
                  Server: S8 Captive Armora
                  Guild: AofC

                  also active at path of exile. ign: viraninde, class: witch
                  currently inactive at wartune. ign: elante, class: mage, server: s59 (kabam) and ign: kintyra, class: ranger, server: S5 (aeria games). former member of legends and swordArt.


                  • #24
                    s22 doesnt have cross server nor has it been on the tab bar within the past 3 days. please let us know what the status on this is. Thank you very much your time and efforts on makig this a fun and operational game


                    • #25
                      s28 also doesnt have cross server


                      • #26
                        The cross server is down on S26 as well


                        • #27
                          s16 no cross server or cross serveer icon


                          • #28
                            s24 same thing. Button been gone for past 3 days.


                            • #29
                              Not had it for about three days now >.> this is tedious


                              • #30
                                s29 not working for me either its several days now

