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Happy Mother’s Day!

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  • For me a mother is your best teacher and your best friend at the same time. She is the one who brought u into this world, raised u, thaught u so many things,helped u in so many situations. She is possibly the one person who will always care about u no matter what, and u`ll care about her no matter what.In a way, i can say she is the center of your wolrd throughout your entire life, and u are who u are today all thanks to her.

    xDevil S106 ManaCity R2Games


    • To my greatest mama:

      " I am born within a family with no wealth, but thankfully all of us are in great health.
      We have no expensive things, but luckily we have a great treasure in hand to have a mother who supports as in anything.."

      I love you very much Ma....


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        I love to make craft works
        So, instead of buying a gift
        I made these for my mom
        She loves to garden, so it represents her interest

        My mom is my first teacher, friend and guide
        When we're still a child, both my parents work; leaving us to a babysitter
        One time, our babysitter hurt one of my siblings
        It made mom quit her job and took care of us. Not to entrust us to other people
        It is one of the great sacrifice she did for us because now, her workmates was designated abroad
        Thou she envy them, she wont regret the time she loved her children more than herself

        She taught us good values
        Created a rule inside our home
        We are forbidden to say bad words, disrespect elders and to go out late
        Even thou she was strict
        I like the was she discipline us
        Until now, no matter what are people around me
        I still adopt what values my mom has taught us
        She was a great teacher

        I'm grateful to have a mom like her.
        Not all can sacrifice, love and teach manners like she did

        Happy Mothers Day to All Moms
        Remember to respect them
        For they play a big role for everyone ^^

        It makes me sad whenever I hear bad words with mom included :'(

        I sure wish everyday is mothers day
        so people will remember their own mother
        so they would know how to respect other people's mom as well

        Server Name: Heaven's Host
        Server no: UA5

        Character Name: Alcyone
        Last edited by R249037773; 05-11-2014, 04:21 AM. Reason: Cant see the image


        • Addtional message

          A simple thank you and I love you is enough for her to feel special today or everyday. I know I can't repay the sacrifices that she made for me. Having me as her son was a challenging obligation since I am so stubborn till now.

          Happy Mother's Day

          S1 Nocturna's Tear - Yuan


          • I got this lovely gift for my mom, it's a necklace with a pearl. You first have to do a wish then open the box with the oyster and open it to get a pearl.
            My mom got a black pearl wich stands for self-confidence and power.
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            Happy Mothers Day!

            S2 Sylvia's Corpse
            R2 Games


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ID:	1687609 Happy mothers day!


              • happy mother's day! I got her a camel pack. She needs them, she had me
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                S124 Prince of Hope
                R2 Games


                • Happy Mother’s Day!

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                  Happy Mother’s Day!


                  • My mother is love, kindness, sweetness, and beauty wrapped into one tiny body. Although she died 7 years ago, I think of her every day…and I feel her love coming through me,her family and her writing were her passions. Today when people tell me that I remind them of my Mom, I am honored,I used to say that I was the apple and my mom was the tree, and I certainly didn’t fall very far. But that’s not entirely accurate. If my mom is the tree, then I’m the bird that grew up in its branches,She protected me and showed me that, even on the highest of branches, there was nothing to be afraid of. She encouraged me to explore and gave me a solid foundation to come home to. I didn’t fall from her. I flew because of her.My mom was my mentor and continues to be my inspiration in life. In spite of a tough life, she was always kind, loving and cheerful,She more or less shaped the way I am today. I am lucky that she had a strong influence on my son, Vidur, too and my husband Sury adored her. She was generous in life and generous in death. She lives in our hearts, i could write way more about my mother, but thats enought for today

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                    thats it, cant even put a screen of a mom's day present

                    S124 Prince of Hope
                    R2 Games


                    • "My Mom"

                      My mom is a genuine piece of artwork

                      created by the Almighty One.

                      She was crafted by His perfect Hands until she was done

                      Then she was lovingly placed on this earth

                      to become my wonderful, perfect mother!

                      server - s79 (Titanhammer Cage)
                      user: izruda


                      • My Mom:
                        Her hands held me gently from the day I took my first breath.
                        Her hands helped to guide me as I took my first step.
                        Her hands held me close when the tears would start to fall.
                        Her hands were quick to show me that she would take care of it all.

                        S40 - Final Rapture


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                          If I have never said thank you for bringing me into the world I'd like to do that now.

                          The sweetest sounds to mortals given are heard in Mother, Home, and Heaven.

                          Never marry a man who hates his mother, because he'll end up hating you.

                          A mother is not a person to lean on, but a person to make leaning unnecessary.

                          I LOVE U MOM <3 <3

                          SERVER - S126 RALLIED LEGIONS
                          IGN - luck
                          GUILD - PURPLE HAZE


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                            The most valuable rose in my life! I love you,and I will always love you,Mom!

                            s(127) Seer's Revelation,


                            • Through thick and thin and everlasting love there will always be my mom behind me guiding me. I love her so much and on this day I celebrate her being here and all the support over the years that she been behind me. Thanks to all the mothers around the world and not only mine for a fine job at raising us as best as you did. Everyone has to remember that this is the first time that anyone has lived. A quote from a friend sometime ago went "Everyone is just trying to go with the flow; this is their first time living" and I stand behind this quote.

                              THANKS MOM

                              Server: S150
                              Name: overpower
                              Guild: wicked


                              • God made a perfect mom compassionate and kind with lots of patience and affection , He gaved her a heart of solid gold and after he had finished He must have broken the mold !

                                [S97] Furnace Cave.

