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Happy Mother’s Day!

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  • My mom means the world to me there may be times that i give her **** and drive her insane but in the end i am always there for her and she is there for me. i just wish i could spend this mothers day with my mom but i am in another state then she is so what i am planning on doing is flying back to visit her tomorrow as a late mothers day present since i am not supposed to be back for another week. i love you mom and always will you are the world to me and nothing can change that and to all you mothers out there or soon to be mothers happy mothers day

    server 78 camp deathknell r2
    Last edited by nashmash12345; 05-10-2014, 08:48 AM.


    • Thank you, and I’m sorry.
      For the deliriously painful labor and delivery you endured to bring me into this world.
      Thank you, and I’m sorry.
      For holding me and rocking me and rubbing my back every night for years because I was what they like to call a “challenging” baby.
      Thank you, and I’m sorry.
      For dealing with my numerous tantrums and high-maintenance demands because I was what they like to call a “difficult” child.
      Thank you, and I’m sorry.
      For coming to school countless times during my first year of school to wipe my tears, even though you had a newborn and a toddler at home and were desperate for just a few hours with one less child around.
      Thank you, and I’m sorry.
      For managing every single sibling fight with patience and grace.
      Thank you, and I’m sorry.
      For surviving every single trip to the grocery store with three whiny kids in tow, begging for sugary cereal and candy bars.
      Thank you, and I’m sorry.
      For surviving years upon years of sleep deprivation, whether due to pregnancy discomforts, erratic newborn feeding schedules, toddler nightmares, school-age sleepovers, or teenage curfew extensions.
      Thank you, and I’m sorry.
      For giving up entire weekends to sit in a hot, sweaty, stinky swimming pool to watch me compete. For 12 years.
      Thank you, and I’m sorry.
      For opening your house and refrigerator to countless troops of neighborhood friends.
      Thank you, and I’m sorry.
      For taking care of me whenever I was sick, especially that time that I vomited in a towel on the snorkeling boat and then proceeded to drop said towel with said vomit all over your legs.
      Thank you, and I’m sorry.
      For dealing with my teenage drama over friends, boys, clothes, hair, school, and just about everything.
      Thank you, and I’m sorry.
      For sacrificing your own hopes and dreams to help make the hopes and dreams of your children possible.
      Thank you, and I’m sorry.
      For waiting all these years to hear me say that I love you beyond measure, admire you beyond comparison, and appreciate you beyond words (especially these five simple words).

      Server name: [S121] Republic of Dis
      In game name: V3rm3


      • Mom , the real support for me ;
        Mom , sometimes the only support when I decide about my future ;
        Mom , always support in my life .

        Tyar , S123 , R2


        • Dear Mum,
          Thank you for giving birth to me and also for making me food.
          Love, your rebelious son

          Freiya, S123 - Aria of Dawn, R2


          • My mum recently lost her 10 year old rottweiler that went everywhere with her. This year as a combined mothers day/birthday gift (dates are close together im not that stingy) i got her a nice new doggy
            Click image for larger version

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ID:	1687547


            • Dear Mom,

              I wish you a Happy Mother's Day and may your guardian angel watch over you. God bless and thank you.

              SERVER NAME: [S64] fire plume cage


              • Click image for larger version

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ID:	1687562

                Happy mother,s day

                Thoring (S124) Prince of Hope
                Last edited by Thoring; 05-10-2014, 09:55 AM.


                • Click image for larger version

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ID:	1687563

                  This is my mom! I gave my mom a really nice card and took her out for a nice Lunch!

                  My mother, like every other mother, is everything to me!

                  My mother has always been there for me.
                  My mother has been through hard times and has always been able to take care of me and our family no matter what.
                  My mother has been there when I was going through a hard time in life and gave me strength to push through to tomorrow.
                  My mother has never been negative and is where I get my optimistic attitude from.
                  My mother has always put her family first.

                  That is why Mother's Day is so important to me. Because it is important for her to know how great she is!

                  ~Love you mom!

                  IGN: Crimsyn, r2games, S40
                  Last edited by Crimsyn_S40; 05-10-2014, 10:12 AM.
                  I am all in on this game.... I will not quit!

                  Server r2games S40 IGN: Crimsyn LvL: 73 Class: Paladin Rank: Duke ****
                  Server r2games S185 IGN: Crimsyn LvL: 70 Class: Ranger Rank: Duke**


                  • my mom

                    One day out of the year, we have this beautiful opportunity to give back the people who have given us so much: our moms.

                    We love them (at times, maybe not so much) and as we get older, sometimes, we become them. Whether she carried you inside of her for nine months or is a non-blood related woman who has loved you like her own, most people can identify a person who they can be thankful for on this holiday.

                    So, Mom, this one is for you:
                    Thank You For Your Unconditional Love And Friendship

                    You are my best friend and you always have been. I’ve seen your love when you attended my sporting events, posted on Facebook about how proud you are of me and when you comforted me at times that life became a little too tough to handle. Not to mention, you have shown me how to love others and how to love them well.
                    Thank You For Showing Me Grace When I Didn’t Deserve It

                    Perhaps it is easier for me to take my frustrations out on you than anyone else in this world because you love me limitlessly and unconditionally. There were times when I was a total brat to you; I was rude, selfish and unkind. Still, you loved me anyway, and for that, I am forever grateful.
                    Thank You For Comforting Me Through Heartbreaks

                    Thanks for letting me cry on your bed when boys did not treat me well. You always said the right things and made me laugh with stories about the boys you dated in high school and college. Thanks for always taking my side when it came to relationships and threatening any guy who posed a threat to my heart.
                    Thank You For Giving Me Everything

                    You never told me no and I appreciate that generosity. I know kids can be expensive and demanding.

                    From supporting me emotionally through my awkward middle school days, to sacrificing your personal time after your long days at work to talk me through my problems when no one else cared, to supporting me financially through college, you have always been there.

                    You have sacrificed so much in order to give me a better life than you had when you were a kid.
                    Thank You For Always Believing In Me

                    Life has been difficult and there have been times when I’ve felt like giving up, when things were not going my way. Each time, you were there to remind me of my worth as a human being.

                    You encouraged me to keep reaching for the unreachable and never settle for anything less than I deserved. No matter how bizarre my dreams were — from becoming president or a meteorologist or a professional dog walker or a food truck operator — you always told me to go after what would make me happy.

                    As I get older, I realize more and more how much you have done for me and continue to do every day.

                    This Mother’s Day, thank whomever you call “Mom” for being the best on the planet at her job. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom.

                    Server:s155 io's exahoration
                    Player: Dracoita


                    • One day out of the year, we have this beautiful opportunity to give back the people who have given us so much: our moms.

                      We love them (at times, maybe not so much) and as we get older, sometimes, we become them. Whether she carried you inside of her for nine months or is a non-blood related woman who has loved you like her own, most people can identify a person who they can be thankful for on this holiday.

                      So, Mom, this one is for you:
                      Thank You For Your Unconditional Love And Friendship

                      You are my best friend and you always have been. I’ve seen your love when you attended my sporting events, posted on Facebook about how proud you are of me and when you comforted me at times that life became a little too tough to handle. Not to mention, you have shown me how to love others and how to love them well.
                      Thank You For Showing Me Grace When I Didn’t Deserve It

                      Perhaps it is easier for me to take my frustrations out on you than anyone else in this world because you love me limitlessly and unconditionally. There were times when I was a total brat to you; I was rude, selfish and unkind. Still, you loved me anyway, and for that, I am forever grateful.
                      Thank You For Comforting Me Through Heartbreaks

                      Thanks for letting me cry on your bed when boys did not treat me well. You always said the right things and made me laugh with stories about the boys you dated in high school and college. Thanks for always taking my side when it came to relationships and threatening any guy who posed a threat to my heart.
                      Thank You For Giving Me Everything

                      You never told me no and I appreciate that generosity. I know kids can be expensive and demanding.

                      From supporting me emotionally through my awkward middle school days, to sacrificing your personal time after your long days at work to talk me through my problems when no one else cared, to supporting me financially through college, you have always been there.

                      You have sacrificed so much in order to give me a better life than you had when you were a kid.
                      Thank You For Always Believing In Me

                      Life has been difficult and there have been times when I’ve felt like giving up, when things were not going my way. Each time, you were there to remind me of my worth as a human being.

                      You encouraged me to keep reaching for the unreachable and never settle for anything less than I deserved. No matter how bizarre my dreams were — from becoming president or a meteorologist or a professional dog walker or a food truck operator — you always told me to go after what would make me happy.

                      As I get older, I realize more and more how much you have done for me and continue to do every day.

                      This Mother’s Day, thank whomever you call “Mom” for being the best on the planet at her job. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom.

                      Server:s155 io's exahoration
                      Player: Dracoita

                      Originally posted by R24110365 View Post
                      One day out of the year, we have this beautiful opportunity to give back the people who have given us so much: our moms.

                      We love them (at times, maybe not so much) and as we get older, sometimes, we become them. Whether she carried you inside of her for nine months or is a non-blood related woman who has loved you like her own, most people can identify a person who they can be thankful for on this holiday.

                      So, Mom, this one is for you:
                      Thank You For Your Unconditional Love And Friendship

                      You are my best friend and you always have been. I’ve seen your love when you attended my sporting events, posted on Facebook about how proud you are of me and when you comforted me at times that life became a little too tough to handle. Not to mention, you have shown me how to love others and how to love them well.
                      Thank You For Showing Me Grace When I Didn’t Deserve It

                      Perhaps it is easier for me to take my frustrations out on you than anyone else in this world because you love me limitlessly and unconditionally. There were times when I was a total brat to you; I was rude, selfish and unkind. Still, you loved me anyway, and for that, I am forever grateful.
                      Thank You For Comforting Me Through Heartbreaks

                      Thanks for letting me cry on your bed when boys did not treat me well. You always said the right things and made me laugh with stories about the boys you dated in high school and college. Thanks for always taking my side when it came to relationships and threatening any guy who posed a threat to my heart.
                      Thank You For Giving Me Everything

                      You never told me no and I appreciate that generosity. I know kids can be expensive and demanding.

                      From supporting me emotionally through my awkward middle school days, to sacrificing your personal time after your long days at work to talk me through my problems when no one else cared, to supporting me financially through college, you have always been there.

                      You have sacrificed so much in order to give me a better life than you had when you were a kid.
                      Thank You For Always Believing In Me

                      Life has been difficult and there have been times when I’ve felt like giving up, when things were not going my way. Each time, you were there to remind me of my worth as a human being.

                      You encouraged me to keep reaching for the unreachable and never settle for anything less than I deserved. No matter how bizarre my dreams were — from becoming president or a meteorologist or a professional dog walker or a food truck operator — you always told me to go after what would make me happy.

                      As I get older, I realize more and more how much you have done for me and continue to do every day.

                      This Mother’s Day, thank whomever you call “Mom” for being the best on the planet at her job. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom.

                      Server:s155 io's exahoration
                      Player: Dracoita


                      • One day out of the year, we have this beautiful opportunity to give back the people who have given us so much: our moms.

                        We love them (at times, maybe not so much) and as we get older, sometimes, we become them. Whether she carried you inside of her for nine months or is a non-blood related woman who has loved you like her own, most people can identify a person who they can be thankful for on this holiday.

                        So, Mom, this one is for you:
                        Thank You For Your Unconditional Love And Friendship

                        You are my best friend and you always have been. I’ve seen your love when you attended my sporting events, posted on Facebook about how proud you are of me and when you comforted me at times that life became a little too tough to handle. Not to mention, you have shown me how to love others and how to love them well.
                        Thank You For Showing Me Grace When I Didn’t Deserve It

                        Perhaps it is easier for me to take my frustrations out on you than anyone else in this world because you love me limitlessly and unconditionally. There were times when I was a total brat to you; I was rude, selfish and unkind. Still, you loved me anyway, and for that, I am forever grateful.
                        Thank You For Comforting Me Through Heartbreaks

                        Thanks for letting me cry on your bed when boys did not treat me well. You always said the right things and made me laugh with stories about the boys you dated in high school and college. Thanks for always taking my side when it came to relationships and threatening any guy who posed a threat to my heart.
                        Thank You For Giving Me Everything

                        You never told me no and I appreciate that generosity. I know kids can be expensive and demanding.

                        From supporting me emotionally through my awkward middle school days, to sacrificing your personal time after your long days at work to talk me through my problems when no one else cared, to supporting me financially through college, you have always been there.

                        You have sacrificed so much in order to give me a better life than you had when you were a kid.
                        Thank You For Always Believing In Me

                        Life has been difficult and there have been times when I’ve felt like giving up, when things were not going my way. Each time, you were there to remind me of my worth as a human being.

                        You encouraged me to keep reaching for the unreachable and never settle for anything less than I deserved. No matter how bizarre my dreams were — from becoming president or a meteorologist or a professional dog walker or a food truck operator — you always told me to go after what would make me happy.

                        As I get older, I realize more and more how much you have done for me and continue to do every day.

                        This Mother’s Day, thank whomever you call “Mom” for being the best on the planet at her job. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom.

                        Server:s155 io's exahoration
                        Player: Dracoita


                        • Picture:

                          Home made cake with her grandson and pearl jewelry gift
                          Click image for larger version

Name:	Untitled-1.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	128.9 KB
ID:	1687565

                          To my Mom:
                          You showed me when I was young just how to grow
                          You showed me everything that I should know
                          You showed me just how to walk without your hands
                          Cuz mom you always were the perfect angel

                          IGN : Elaine
                          Server: S92 - Endless Sea
                          platform : R2 games
                          Last edited by R22251896; 05-10-2014, 10:51 AM. Reason: add platform


                          • THonestly I don't know where start how i can explain how much my mother really means to me. She is so awesome. Even tough at her age right,,all she need to do is rest and enjoy her life. But she still fighting for me, for my son. She never want to be a burden to me. All she have done are only for my happiness. That's why i will never be able to describe what my mother really means to me. And maybe my thanks for her will never be enough. Thank you very much Mom for all you've done for me. I love you. Always. From your son.

                            Guardians [S127] Seer's Revelation


                            • Wow that is beautiful....


                              • All this is rly nice and cute... :3 what bout us who dont have mom? bout us who never meet mom? nuthin.. sudenly everyone loves moms soo much,bcs game rewards!! wow..
                                i would give everything,even my souls to devil if i could,just to get 5min with my mom... nothing more than that. 5min... chanse to hug her,and tell her how much i miss her,even i never meet her... she died when i was born!! Deep in me,i feel sry,and guilty... she died i was born. unfair,isnt it? but,we dont chose our life... just wana wish to everyone who have mom,to love,protect and never forget her.. mom is only one... that would be all.. idk why i wrote this,but i feel a bit better now...

                                IGN: McHammer s11- Eternal gauntlet r2games

