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Happy Mother’s Day!

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  • Este es mi poema:
    Quise escribirte esta lÃ*neas antes de mi examen y que las leyeras cuando yo me encuentre en el, para recibir tus bendiciones justo en este momento, quiero que sepas que te agradezco mucho el apoyo que nos has brindado a Rodrigo y a mi, como siempre nos has dado una lección de vida!!

    Se que hemos empezado un camino difÃ*cil, que la meta aun esta lejos de conseguir, ANIMO ¡! Estamos al inicio de una etapa muy dura Mami, pero juntas vamos a salir adelante, tenemos un compromiso de amor y lealtad contigo, aunque las cosas pintan
    de diferentes maneras, te aseguro y te afirmo que estoy contigo de igual medida a la que tu estas con nosotros, pronto veras que esa semillita de LUCHA que sembraste en esta familia dará frutos.

    Quiero que sepas que ya inicie esto y si Dios tiene para mi destinado un camino con muchos obstáculos, no me voy a detener y lo voy a conseguir asÃ* me lleve la vida en ello.

    Por que si algo hemos aprendido de ti todos estos años es a ser luchadoras incansables de nuestras metas y sueños, y esta ya es una meta de vida , asÃ* que la batalla es mas fácil de ganar si nos unimos, con amor y con paciencia pues somos seres diferentes pero con un mismo fin, la familia ¡!!

    Gracias Mami, por esta oportunidad que me brindas y que nos brindas; sin tu apoyo y sin tu ejemplo no estarÃ*a ahora aquÃ* cumpliendo mis sueños, TU ERES MI EJEMPLO MAS GRANDE ¡! Tu eres el ejemplo que quiero seguir y es a ti a quien quiero premiar con mi esfuerzo, gracias ma por sacrificarte y darnos todo pero sobre todo el amor y cariño que siempre nos has regalado.

    Last edited by kemacolas; 05-09-2014, 09:06 PM. Reason: s161 Talon Reach Name Kagua Man Guild . Hall Of Fame


    • Click image for larger version

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      M: What's M aternity, gift any woman and any child's salvation
      A: For the sake of a mother A. Insurmountable.
      D: For the D eber, she feels, and that puts it ahead of their own happiness. And the D edicación their children.
      A: As the R eina his family, but not what we show.
      E: E Because it's special. For your love, for your dedication and the way in which you try to keep your entire family together.

      SERVER NAME : [S122] Shattered Path
      In Game Name : Kiritoo
      Guild: King of Gods
      Attached Files


      • Mom,
        today I have not made the bed,
        I have not picked up my room,
        I have not washed the dishes,
        I have not even walked the dog mom!
        But do you know why?
        Because today I want to be all the time with you mom!
        I love you.
        Happy Mother's Day!
        Click image for larger version

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        Last edited by Ritzuki; 05-11-2014, 02:39 AM.


        • Hmmmm .. I Just Bought Some Packed Chocolates , Jams , Cookies For My Mom =) Hope She Will Appreciate It ^_^ .. Click image for larger version

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          Char Name : Kylee
          Server : [S163] Arcane Swamp


          • Mother's Day is a celebration honoring mothers and motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on various days in many parts of the world, most commonly in spring. ( April–May in the northern hemisphere, October in Argentina, but northern hemisphere spring, May, in Australia). It complements similar celebrations honoring family members, such as Father's Day and Siblings Day.
            The celebration of Mother's Day began in the United States in the early 20th century; it is not related to the many celebrations of mothers and motherhood that have occurred throughout the world over thousands of years, such as the Greek cult to Cybele, the Roman festival of Hilaria, or the Christian Mothering Sunday celebration (originally a celebration of the mother church, not motherhood). Despite this, in some countries Mother's Day has become synonymous with these older traditions.

            SERVER NAME: [S7] Obsession od Eris
            Name: CellaWisher


            • My mother to me means comfort. She's always there for me and makes me feel comforable even in odd situations.

              My mother means home to me, my mom is always where my home is. She raised me, took care of me and loved me.

              My mother means love to me. She's kissed all the boo-boo's. Hugged away the pains. Cleaned up the spills and has loved me through the best and worst times of my life. I may have let her down plenty of times, but she's never stopped telling me she loves me.

              My mother, to me, means courage. She's gone through a lot in her life. But, she's kept a good spirit about it all and has never stopped trying to do what is right.

              My mother means faith to me. She never gives up in her loved ones and has an unlimited amount of faith in my brother and I. We've failed plenty of times, but my mother has believed we can always do whatever we want. She prays for us with through her faith.

              To me, my mother means life. She gave me life when she could have chosen otherwise. She gave me life and she wants me to live it to the best of my ability.

              S1 Nocturna's Tear


              • my mother died of cancer almost 4 years ago. i took care of her in her last few months. so mothers day is a bitter day. but i choose to celbrate my moms memory with a day of thanks giving. share memories, thanking her for doing her best till she pasted away. for me she lives on in how she raised me. so i give thanks that i had a great mom and try and share her giving heart and love to others for mothers day.


                • I am far away from my biological Mom, and closer to my Step-Mom (in every way), so although I will call and chat with my real Mom... maybe send her pictures of her grandkids (her favorite gift ever) ... the person I find amazing is my Step-Mom.

                  Since I was a child of 8, this woman has been there for me, to dry my tears, give me solace, and model the RIGHT way to raise a child. Without her, the only example I would have had would have been my real Mom (whom I love to pieces, but as a role-model, there was a whole lot lacking). I wouldn't have learned the patience I need with my own children (2 are developmentally disabled). I wouldn't have known that there CAN be true and lasting love. She pitched in and made space in her life for her own 4 boys and me and my 2 sisters. We were ALWAYS welcome at their home. I always felt safe there. There is nothing like feeling safe, and being able to relax and breathe as a child. My real mom may have taught me that, but my step-mom GAVE me that. Unconditional love. It was there. I felt it, I saw it, I learned it. Her boys are my brothers, though not by blood. She taught them that. It is from her and my father that I learned to love books. To love fantasy. To love role-play. Without them, I wouldn't be on this forum today.

                  Now my dad has been hospitalized (more or less) since last June. In the numerous times they've sent him to nursing homes and/or home, she's been there wherever he goes. He's spent less than a month total at home since the start of this, and it wears on her horribly. She splits her time between being by my Dad's side and raising my nephew, whom she's had care and custody of for almost 12 years now. The road has gotten hard for her, and although I try to help, she shoulders the bulk of the burden herself. I'm going up there tomorrow, and spending the day with my Father. Giving her a break, not that she'll stop worrying. He is her world, as he is mine... and that common bond has helped us both through many sleepless nights over the past 10 months. It's all that I CAN give her... a shoulder to lean against for just a moment. She's too strong to let it last. But for that moment I really hope she understands what it means to me that she loves him so deeply. I hope that someday my kids will look at me and know that I was a decent role-model. If not, if I have failed in that, then at least they have known, have seen what true Motherhood is by knowing my step-mom. Godz I love that woman.


                  R2 S98 Tempest Shores - Mashiara


                  • Dear Mom,

                    Happy mothers day!~

                    Thank you for the unbeatable support you have given to me.
                    And thank you so much for being the moment you bring me to this world until to this present.
                    I promise you this, the day will come and i will repay all the things you have given to me.
                    And please don't cry every time i leave our home just to do my job. Thanks also for the prayers and mails.

                    [S80] Blazing Waste
                    [IGN] Chance
                    [Guild] IAMSPARTACUS


                    • dont think i can take a picture.. but think i would just play her Eminem ft Nate Ruess - Headlights on mother day =)... everything in that song is more then enough


                      • dear mom,

                        i know i've never been tell how much i love you!! coz were not close even before!
                        but mom thank you for everything, thank you for my life, thank you for being always here for me
                        thank you for all your support! mom this day is for you!! happy mothers day!
                        even i act like a horrible son to you mom i love with all my heart and soul..

                        mom im sorry for every mistakes that i have done! and sorry for being such a bad son
                        in many times. i promise that i will make you proud on me. and i've never be a bad guy anymore!
                        im really really sorry! ilove you mom! ^_^ i will always be here for you mom ! happy mothers day^_^

                        your loving son,


                        lhadysophie s127 seer's revelation


                        • Dear Mum,

                          Being in a traditional family,I seldom express my love for you.
                          Life was hectic in the early years,it was especially tough on you.
                          you have to work during the day and rush back to cook dinner for us at night.
                          Without you,my bro and me will not be able to complete our studies in uni.

                          sorry for shouting out at you at times,altho I am aware you are hard at hearing. I really regret my actions.

                          On this mother day,just to let you know I appreciate how much you have done for me.
                          Life is much better now.Let me take good care of you.
                          Love you ,mum

                          [S14] Alecta's Triumph
                          [IGN] overlord
                          [Guild] dusk demons


                          • Happy Mother's Day will give my mom a hug and kiss and tell her how much im thankful to Her.
                            Server:163(Arcane Swamp) IGN:Loco


                            • Dear Mom,

                              I may not like you always.
                              We fight and argue sometimes.
                              But there's one thing that you should know...
                              I love you always and FOREVER!

                              Happy Mother's Day to all MOM's out there! Xoxo

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	mother-daughter-quotes.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	91.4 KB
ID:	1687460
                              Last edited by R263885905; 05-09-2014, 11:53 PM.
                              Server: [S116]
                              IGN: RhaDianT
                              Guild: ARMADA


                              • the easiest way to describe what my mother means to me is to listen to Boyz II Men song "song for momma"

                                server [S102] Cool Bay
                                in game name Goldielox
                                guild Champions

