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Happy Mother’s Day!

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  • #91
    Happy mother's day mum.
    Wish you were here.
    So many things I wish I had told you before.

    Loving you always,
    Son son. (That's what she'd call me)

    Server: S120 Dawn's Regeant
    IGN: Clouderik


    • #92
      A heartfelt ode to MOM:

      When all the world is dark and grey,
      you bring me sunshine everyday.
      When troubles come that want to stay,
      you know just what to say to make them go away.
      When my heart breaks and filled with pain,
      you assure me there is love to gain.
      In spite of fear, sorrow, or woe,
      I know in life where I can always go.
      You have been there when I'm happy or sad.
      You are always there in good times and bad.
      Your always kind and ever so calm.
      You're one of a kind, my loving MOM.

      From your favorite only Daughter! Tish Click image for larger version

Name:	mom and me.JPG
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Size:	115.5 KB
ID:	1687374

      (Server S88 Mystforge Outpost Character name: Tish)
      Last edited by R257492905; 05-09-2014, 10:10 AM. Reason: need info on for server


      • #93
        Click image for larger version

Name:	Happy-Mothers-Day-2014-Quotes-13.png
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Size:	38.0 KB
ID:	1687375

        SERVER NAME [Undertaker's Fee]
        IGN Oldsnacke


        • #94
          I just wish her well and to let her know that her children are here for her always... her world will never be the same since my fathers sudden departure.
          Love you Mum xoxoxox

          S14 Alectr'a Triumph
          Guild : (S6)RotanaV
          Hybrid Knight ( Tank favoured )


          • #95
            My Mom to me .. its hard to put in that one word, that one meaning, or to the typical delicate silhouette of a woman. As if it would be something magical, something not so easy for a person to take out and insert into a certain frame.

            S124 Prince of Hope
            IGN: Dziastins
            Last edited by Dziastins; 05-09-2014, 11:49 AM.


            • #96
              Mummy, I saw you this morning from ambulance, my heart is broken I could not stop thinking yours alone and asking God to help you.
              You have welcomed me at birth, you let me go to my life, build my family with the values ​​that you have taught me. Life makes jokes, you welcomed me, penniless, alone again, but you were too, so we become only two ...
              You taught me to believe that life could do that be better, I expect that most of all my strength and all my soul.
              I think much to you, I hope you feel better so that we can celebrate this holiday sets mothers away from problems that life imposes on us.
              I love you mom!

              S62 Reef Heights


              • #97
                My mother was my rock from the day I was born, always made sure I had everything, even if we didn't have the money at the time, she made sure I had a roof over my head, clothes on my back and best of all, not only was she my mother she was always my best friend first.
                My mother was a wonderful woman and friend, not just to me but she was a neighborhood mom. She would cook dinner for the kids, take them in when they needed a place to rest their heads or just talk.
                My mother was truly a work of art and a work of god, she meant everything to me, as it is going on 13 years since my mother has passed, I still feel her presence guiding me and pushing to do everything that I need to in order to succeed in life.
                Everyone who's making these posts, please don't make them just to attempt to win this event but be genuine about your feelings about your mother's. They are special in every way and you must mentally, physically and emotionally show them. You never know when they will pass.

                The pic below was the last time we were all together, I was just a youngin then. Bottom left is me next to my grandma and the woman on the top right is my loving mother, R.i.p 10/13/56 - 5/20/02

                s131 Heir's Bequeathal
                Attached Files
                Last edited by romeo2384; 05-09-2014, 10:08 AM.


                • #98
                  Everything I know I learned from my mom:
                  My mother tought me religion: "You'd better pray that this will come out of the carpet!",
                  My mother taught me logic: "Because I said so!, that's why.",
                  My mother taught me foresight: "Make sure you wear clean underwear in case you're in an accident",
                  My mother taught me irony: "keep crying and i'll give you something to cry about!",
                  My mother taught me about stamina: "You sit there until all that vegetables are gone!",
                  My mother taught me about receiving: "You are going to get it when you get home!,
                  My mother taught me about medical science: "If you don't stop crossing your eyes, they are going to freeze that way.
                  My mother taught me about justice and Karma: "One day you'll have kids and I hope they turn out just like you."

                  But Most of all my mother taught me by actions and not only words how to be a good and happy person.

                  Happy Mothers day for all Mothers around the world.

                  Phatsas (s127) seer's Revelation in game name LUCY


                  • #99
                    i love my mother so mutch love love love love love love love loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove you sosososossosoos match [S155] io's Exhoration in game name Rebeca


                    • My mom is the best in the world. she is soo damn awesomeee...! She is the only one who understands me and makes me realize whats gud for me. She is the one who guides me and makes me realize whats wrong and whats right. She is my evrything. she has always been the guiding light in my life. She never lets me fall from my dreams and supports me and pulls me towards them. My mom is my heroine. My mom is my role model. the best. <3 ...

                      wishing all the moms in the world A HAPPY WOMEN'S DAY... <3 God bless

                      Character name: LegendsFC
                      server number: [S133] Drake's Den
                      platform:R2 Games


                      • I am planning on going to visit my mother for Mother's Day. We haven't seen each other for quite a while now and I miss her so much! She has been going through some tough times lately, and I am over 2000 miles away from her, so I can only be encouraging and help where I can. She has cancer and emphysema and a pacemaker, as well as other little ailments, and yet she gives so much to my 4 brothers and I. She raised us as a single mother and did the best she could, and I don't think I can ever thank her enough for all that she has done for me, and all of the times she has been there for me. She has been the Guardian Angel that has been with me for my entire life. I want to be hers now. I want her to know that I love her more than any words can ever say and that I am so very thankful and grateful that she is my mom. I wouldn't be who I am or what I am today if it weren't for her. So thank u momma! Happy Mother's Day!! <3 <3 <3 <3
                        Happy Mother's Day to all mother's out there as well!


                        • Unfortunatly i dont have a mother or father. For most of my life I never had anyone to celebrate this holiday with, but over the last few years i've borrowed my friends mother and I feel a lot better.

                          This year will be dinner out and a card and a very good bottle of wine for my would be "stand-in" mother - she admits she enjoys the extra attention.

                          Happy Mothers day MuM

                          S130 Antediluvium
                          Peach Fluff
                          Last edited by R267434497; 05-09-2014, 11:14 AM. Reason: forgot something


                          • Mommy, I’m sorry.
                            How did I know
                            you were suffering silently?.

                            Your touch, your warm voice and your smile
                            Will always be with me.

                            This is a tribute to you and
                            all mothers of the world
                            from each of your children.

                            We love you!Click image for larger version

Name:	20100526102907211.jpeg
Views:	1
Size:	80.7 KB
ID:	1687388

                            Server name [S27] Shaitan's Enigma
                            Game name Smiley


                            • Ok here goes...

                              I didnt really know my mom she left me and my siblings when we were little. I was raised by my dad instead. He was both mother and father to us all, which I know had to be hard on him since my siblings are boys and I was the only girl. BUT despite the fact He had to figure out how to braid hair and play dress up and all the other little girl things, and then the wild child teenage rebellious years, He was great at being both mom and dad. So on mothers day I dont celebrate all my mom did for me, instead I take my dad out and we do things He had to give up doing to take care of me and my brothers. We go golfing and fishing and to dinner. Sometimes my brothers join us sometimes they dont. But to me my DAD is the greatest mom a girl could ask for. Yes my mom is still alive, in a nursing home from a stroke but Dad was the one who was there for us. I have kids and grandkids of my own now but still every mothers day I treat my dad to a day of things He likes. It may not be as grand as others do for their moms but it is what it is.

                              Server : S105 Alter of Hope
                              IGN: Tiamo


                              • server: S69
                                IGN : bhalin

                                we lost ou dog recently, we aer rly sad about it and for the same ill get this to her
                                Click image for larger version

Name:	Dibujo.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	35.1 KB
ID:	1687390
                                Last edited by mangeare; 05-09-2014, 11:36 AM.

