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Knight Attack Speed

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  • #16
    Quite a bit of ** has been written in this topic.

    1st of, afk doesn't do 2/3 hit pet turn, in best case scenario it'll do 2 attack on same turn (flash storm most of time), might be that my pc/connection suck but i'm one of those that lag less so i don't think that's the case.
    Let's talk about double delphic, i tried it and it suck on wb, i do around 200k more with my manual rotation (i get way more hit on wb this way, afk does at most 2 double hit while my manual double all but 2 attacks). It's good on guild boss because let me do something else while i'm doign guild boss, it does the same damage overall more or less (that thanks to medusa).

    On pvp it's random, as wraith said the only time it's usefull is when both player are 1 hit to death, not using a skill let us do our autoattack 1st now but i wouldn't risk it because unless opponent lag you'll end up doing an auto hit between 2 opponent attacks.

    Has to be said that for once they got a name right, that passive totally reverse how we (or at least me) were used to use skill in pvp/pve. About pve, had some fun testing that speed passive against sky 5.5, if any knight is there try to check how many time boss double hit you due to that passive, i had a good laugh.

    @Zorich in which kind of server do you play? 160m damage on a wb? I wanna play on your server too. Joke aside, i'm around the same br as that knight on your server, ask him how much gold/run he does (pet and no pet), if he survive is a whole other story. I'm around 650k normal and 1.1/1.2m pet doing manually, if he does more i wanna know how he get afk to work :P

    Side note that i find quite funny, a guild mate did reset the talent because it made pve and pvp umplayble for him (getting double hitted a lot of times) and he did open a ticket, that's what he got.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	speed talent.PNG
Views:	1
Size:	590.4 KB
ID:	1710448


    • #17
      In AFK skills do get picked before timer cools down on my archer in AFK

      In-game Name: ♥Rainbow♥

      Guild Name: Legends

      Class : Archer


      • #18
        I play a knight as well and let me tell you that skills is bad when u use Brut rune and then go to Delphic but this talent kicks in and totally messes me Delphic killing with brut on

        In-game Name: ♥Rainbow♥

        Guild Name: Legends

        Class : Archer


        • #19
          For the visuals:
          Was using warrior call for this one, but my average at that time was around 915k w/o wc.

          Last edited by UesugiAnkit; 04-01-2015, 11:01 PM.


          • #20
            I honestly haven't noticed too much difference in fire temple when fighting knights. Maybe its because I'm strong enough not to be a fast kill, so the knights with the talents maxed go after easier prey. I did notice when fighting our top knight's AI in solo arena that his AI was auto hitting me while it had delphic cued. I thought it was a bug, but when I asked him about it, he said its the knight passive that causes it. It might mess up mage timing if it delays the knight delphic. Usually, mage sees delphic coming, cues rune + heal, and heal hits right after the delphic does, erasing the damage (unless crit fails). If that auto delays delphic enough to allow heal to proc first, that could benefit knights (mage "wastes" heal, then gets nuked).

            I tend to use AFK in world boss, not to snag extra turns, but because recent patches have rendered the event so laggy for me that I have to use AFK just to avoid losing turns. I notice that AFK mode selects skills that still show on cd for me, but I've always assumed that's because of the lag. Toggling AFK off and on has never resulted in double delphic. It would be nice if it did, but generally all it does is cause me to lose a turn, as though turning off AFK mode stuns my toon.

            When it comes to skills, runes, and what is OP, we all see the advantages other classes have while disregarding the drawbacks. It makes sense. We see the stuff that constantly hoses us in fights, the stuff that trolls us, that steals our imminent victory. I complain more about luck trolls (get nailed by deflect 3-5 times in one fight or in arena cast an aoe and everyone's deflect hits me for 50k...that hurts) and "cheap" tactics. Of course, "cheap" is highly subjective. What I see as "cheap" others see as an effective method for faster/easier wins. I also notice many complain about someone who can't win the fight doing everything he/she can to last as long as possible. Sure, getting trolled when you're going to win sucks, but guess what? The other guy doesn't want you farming him/her for easy kills and will make you work for it as much as possible. Its the porcupine defense. Be enough of a pain and maybe the OP will go bug someone else.


            • #21
              Originally posted by SlowPlay View Post
              @Zorich in which kind of server do you play? 160m damage on a wb? I wanna play on your server too. Joke aside, i'm around the same br as that knight on your server, ask him how much gold/run he does (pet and no pet), if he survive is a whole other story. I'm around 650k normal and 1.1/1.2m pet doing manually, if he does more i wanna know how he get afk to work :P
              He gets between 1.2m and 1.5m per pet sequence. He gets between 650k and 800k in regular sequences.

              He's not trying to survive to my knowledge. Should get him to try w/ Bubble since it seems the WB "Big Hit" is like the DI Bosses, which means Knights can survive, as can a Triton user w/ the Shield up.

              Take a look at UesugiAnkit's video above. It shows the round that double delphics - a 510k Knight doing over 1 Mil in a pet round. I'm a 625k Mage and I top out at that in my pet round, with everything going Crit. My normal rounds are between 500k - 600k and my pet rounds are 800k - 1M payouts. That's with Scroll and Potion on, no WB balens or WC.
              Last edited by Zorich; 04-02-2015, 01:32 AM.


              • #22
                Is the world boss really still survivable? I thought the new big hit is a 100% kill, hopefully someone can confirm that or something. o:


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Zorich View Post
                  Because it's unreliable. A Knight that had the Mire Rune was far better off than a Mage w/ Thunderer. Also, remember that Archers Incend + Guardian were the 1st class to start surviving WB big hits. Then Knights w/ Bubble were doing it. Mages were the last to be able to survive it because unlike other classes, our Resto DR was replaced by our Guardian - they didn't stack - and we had 20% less base HP than Archers & Knights. Funny though, most Mages (not all) didn't complain about it and just worked towards emulating it in time.
                  Again, you only talk like everyone has all runes maxed, mire rune was not that easy to get back then, i only know 1 knight on my server who had it back then, but she literately bought everything in shop twice a day.
                  You can't compare the first starters or top cashers with everyone started later, you're talking about a whole other league of players in all your findings and explanations.

                  Originally posted by Zorich View Post

                  This is exactly what I mean when I say some people are irrational. I've been trying to explain that an equal-BR Knight's Adv Heal Rune is consistently healing more HP than non-Critical Resto or BL. My Resto tops out at about 150k. And a Mage w/ Max Survival Talent can't Resto twice in 4 Turns unless they intentionally slow-cast. It's a 29s CD.
                  It is kinda hard to compare equal br these days, half the defense , if not more relies on resistance, and br with pet br added is not really saying it all.
                  My troubles with mage's is they are 1 hit away from dying, then heal afk hit heal, block next delphic with guardian, then heal again move to pet mode heal some more with gaia etc.
                  In the end i can only use the heal rune 3 times, half the Gaia's do have haunt so my shields dont help much either.
                  Now you tell me what's fair in that, you know perfectly well that this kind of mage's shouldnt be able to beat me at all, dont give me smart *** comments about the mage being smarter, when every battle between mage and knight depends on what skills an amnesia blocks, or if a chaos kicks in or not the game is just not balanced enough.

                  I know balance is hard to find, or even impossible, but what i describe above are 90% of the battles i have with mage's, most of them shouldnt beat me, the others i just afk cause im perfectly aware when a mage is actually stronger, OP heal or not.
                  Originally posted by Zorich View Post
                  Btw - I gave you negative feedback for personal insults. I see you've gotten bent when others have given you negatives without "quote(ing) it and explain(ing) why they neg it." So I'm just letting you know.
                  I know i deserved that.
                  Originally posted by Zorich View Post
                  I hope you show me the same courtesy when you retaliate, assuming the down-vote from 4 hours ago isn't already from you, though I kinda think it is.
                  No that wasnt me, I wish i could tho, but i downvoted one of your earlier essays weeks ago, can't do that twice unless you spread around a ton which i don't.
                  Last edited by pietjeprecies; 04-02-2015, 01:52 AM.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by UesugiAnkit View Post
                    Is the world boss really still survivable? I thought the new big hit is a 100% kill, hopefully someone can confirm that or something. o:
                    Yep. Bubble works. You do need good res tho like 90% reduction on something, with my 530k HP and bubble I survive with 20-30k HP or so.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by UesugiAnkit View Post
                      Is the world boss really still survivable? I thought the new big hit is a 100% kill, hopefully someone can confirm that or something. o:
                      Yes it is.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by SlowPlay View Post
                        Quite a bit of ** has been written in this topic.

                        1st of, afk doesn't do 2/3 hit pet turn, in best case scenario it'll do 2 attack on same turn (flash storm most of time), might be that my pc/connection suck but i'm one of those that lag less so i don't think that's the case.
                        Let's talk about double delphic, i tried it and it suck on wb, i do around 200k more with my manual rotation (i get way more hit on wb this way, afk does at most 2 double hit while my manual double all but 2 attacks). It's good on guild boss because let me do something else while i'm doign guild boss, it does the same damage overall more or less (that thanks to medusa).

                        On pvp it's random, as wraith said the only time it's usefull is when both player are 1 hit to death, not using a skill let us do our autoattack 1st now but i wouldn't risk it because unless opponent lag you'll end up doing an auto hit between 2 opponent attacks.

                        Has to be said that for once they got a name right, that passive totally reverse how we (or at least me) were used to use skill in pvp/pve. About pve, had some fun testing that speed passive against sky 5.5, if any knight is there try to check how many time boss double hit you due to that passive, i had a good laugh.

                        @Zorich in which kind of server do you play? 160m damage on a wb? I wanna play on your server too. Joke aside, i'm around the same br as that knight on your server, ask him how much gold/run he does (pet and no pet), if he survive is a whole other story. I'm around 650k normal and 1.1/1.2m pet doing manually, if he does more i wanna know how he get afk to work :P

                        Side note that i find quite funny, a guild mate did reset the talent because it made pve and pvp umplayble for him (getting double hitted a lot of times) and he did open a ticket, that's what he got.
                        I just reset mine after seeing tht pic thinking oh they must of fixed it only to see it goes gown from 55% to 50% from lvl1-2 "facepalm"

                        All tht aside it works just as its sposed to in pvp so i just find it funny ppl already whining to get it nerfed as for wb sure it mite increase ya pet round "IF" u aint lagging to bad or sucky crit rate!
                        but it also screws char round most of the time aswell


                        • #27
                          Didnt see an actual video of a knight with the passive and all i can say grats on it, its great for AFK mode and the payout is great.

                          Edit: @Slowplay That was me with friends today in arena yea
                          Last edited by Littlelyseria; 04-02-2015, 12:54 PM.


                          • #28

                            Thanks, there's something wrong with afk and short circuit, as far as i've seen afk double every skill on pet mod but on your video it didn't double short circuit (which is why u could do 2x delphic without having to afk/autohit).


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by SlowPlay View Post

                              Thanks, there's something wrong with afk and short circuit, as far as i've seen afk double every skill on pet mod but on your video it didn't double short circuit (which is why u could do 2x delphic without having to afk/autohit).
                              It doesn't double short circuit for me. I think the logic is this: afk chooses the "best" skill next, and is able to choose the skill just cast. So if delphic comes out of the initial cooldown before the first short circuit, it will choose delphic instead. But barring the delphic or another skill leaving cooldown, it should double any skill. So I think it's more that short circuit is the 3rd skill chosen than anything to do with the skill itself.


                              • #30
                                It is kinda hard to compare equal br these days, half the defense , if not more relies on resistance, and br with pet br added is not really saying it all.
                                My troubles with mage's is they are 1 hit away from dying, then heal afk hit heal, block next delphic with guardian, then heal again move to pet mode heal some more with gaia etc.
                                In the end i can only use the heal rune 3 times, half the Gaia's do have haunt so my shields dont help much either.
                                Now you tell me what's fair in that, you know perfectly well that this kind of mage's shouldnt be able to beat me at all, dont give me smart *** comments about the mage being smarter, when every battle between mage and knight depends on what skills an amnesia blocks, or if a chaos kicks in or not the game is just not balanced enough.

                                I know balance is hard to find, or even impossible, but what i describe above are 90% of the battles i have with mage's, most of them shouldnt beat me, the others i just afk cause im perfectly aware when a mage is actually stronger, OP heal or not.
                                I feel like we're playing the same game. Maybe we're just really bad knights

