Ive been noticing that talents upgrade your skills as they say they, but they dont actually update the skills properly. For example as a knight WhirlWind cooldown is reduced with a talent and the damage increased. This kind of bug should big fixed asap as it impacts combat directly and can make a big difference in winning a arena fight or clearing some content you are struggling with.
P.S. This includes resource cost reduction like ones that say -5 rage from x skill and such. Also some of the names of the talents dont reflect the skills they directly impact. Making it very hard to know exactly what you are getting out of your points. Probably a translation error for that one.
Ive also discovered that you cannot use the ability even tho the proper amount of time has passed to be able to use it again. I ran a stop watch from the instant i used WhirlWind which has a 30 second cooldown by default my talent reduces the cooldown by 14 seconds meaning it should have a 16 second cooldown. However 20 seconds elapsed and the ability still had its full cooldown ticking away. This leaves me to question if some damage increases or resource cost reductions work properly as well.
I witnessed my character be able to use WhirlWind before it was off cooldown in auto battle. So the functionality is there we just dont have control over it. Hopefully it gets fixed soon this would spice up combat alot if they worked proper.
P.S. This includes resource cost reduction like ones that say -5 rage from x skill and such. Also some of the names of the talents dont reflect the skills they directly impact. Making it very hard to know exactly what you are getting out of your points. Probably a translation error for that one.
Ive also discovered that you cannot use the ability even tho the proper amount of time has passed to be able to use it again. I ran a stop watch from the instant i used WhirlWind which has a 30 second cooldown by default my talent reduces the cooldown by 14 seconds meaning it should have a 16 second cooldown. However 20 seconds elapsed and the ability still had its full cooldown ticking away. This leaves me to question if some damage increases or resource cost reductions work properly as well.
I witnessed my character be able to use WhirlWind before it was off cooldown in auto battle. So the functionality is there we just dont have control over it. Hopefully it gets fixed soon this would spice up combat alot if they worked proper.