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[Activity] Smooth Criminal

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  • R22925339
    I think the reason they say don't sell them in your shop has to do with the fact that if you list multiple in your shop... it will sell all of them for the price you try and list them for per. IE I paid 10g for 5x daggers, when I bought it... it only looked like one dagger was there. Just be weary if you're gonna sell them in shop and only sell one at a time and I don't think you'll have a problem.

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  • mark_lloyd123
    I sometimes sell thief daggers in my shop, GM, if you dont want us to sell this to our personal shop, why dont you make it cannot be traded?? that could solve your problem

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  • R22796771
    i wish they make this activity permanent

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  • Bane123456
    "do not sell daggers in your personal shop" I see them in peoples personal shops lol

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  • R21220592
    This event is crazy higher lvls move in and still ur kill and u are lucky if u even get to kill one.

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  • Shiny678
    Originally posted by TADZIWAXY View Post
    i didnt get the "at the top of every hour"?what does it mean???we even cant find those thief from other map...
    It means at the beginning of server time like 18:00

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  • R22596188
    ok i still have an issue with this event i have killed something like 20 of thease darn things and the only dagger i got was when i was in a party and i knight killed it and i won the roll its like i do the last hit and poof they are gone no drops nothing if there are only like ill say 60 of them that show up every hour and i can only manage to kill 3 or even 5 of them before the other players kill them and none of them drop anything for me how is it a fair event and i think prists and knights still have an advatage over other classes cause everyone i see selling the daggers are prist or knight the rest of the classes you dont see them selling

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  • ChaosOverdrive
    for those who can't get a shadow thief to themselves, here's a tip. know where one might spawn, login about 1-2 minutes before mobs spawn. then you start attacking.
    In my server it's first come, first served (at times if a player isn't in AFK mode) . and if someone does come along and start attacking your enemy...just try to keep it's attention on you. the items are a VERY rare drop, I've killed 20+ and I've managed to get 3 Anniversary Coupons and about
    3-4 Thief Daggers.
    Last edited by ChaosOverdrive; 08-19-2012, 04:57 AM. Reason: just for fixing something

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  • HeLLi0n
    Originally posted by MemoryLane View Post
    It's been mentioned, it's been posted in numerous locations. The only way they can fix bugs is with a maintenance. You can split the stack up and sell one at a time, or do player to player trades instead of shops until the next maintenance, which hopefully won't be until Thursday because no one wants another emergency maintenance.
    aaaaaaaaand... i just lost 7 daggers ^_^
    anyway, i just want to address the bug, apologies coz i havent read any bugs regarding thief daggers. not a big deal though. im just playing, not like it's my life ^_^

    happy gaming to all.

    -HeLLi0n: if you can run, run... if you won't...i suggest you click the revive button then... ';,,;'

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  • MemoryLane
    Originally posted by HeLLi0n View Post
    please fix bug on trading thief daggers. and address comments from those concerned regarding the bug that you wont fix. tsk
    It's been mentioned, it's been posted in numerous locations. The only way they can fix bugs is with a maintenance. You can split the stack up and sell one at a time, or do player to player trades instead of shops until the next maintenance, which hopefully won't be until Thursday because no one wants another emergency maintenance.

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  • HeLLi0n
    please fix bug on trading thief daggers. and address comments from those concerned regarding the bug that you wont fix. tsk

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  • crazykats
    I love this event however i feel like coupons should be dropped more. I've had about 40 kills and i have a friend who has killed around 20. i've gotten 1 and he's gotten none

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  • R21796686
    Love this event!! Thank u GM.

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  • joprans
    Thief respawn should be increased its very hard to earn coupons and dagger......... event last only 2 min per hr. can only kill a maximum of 3 with lesser people around your area. if hi lvl people joins ul be lucky if u get 1 drop!

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  • MemoryLane
    Originally posted by Tomikxx001 View Post
    GM can you tell me? why only 100k exp?? and it drops so low, i know because of low lvls why you just dont make lvl requirement, 1 dagger for 30-40 lvls give 100k exp, 41-50 200k exp, 51-60, 300k exp and so on, i need more than 20 mill exp for lvl -.-
    Daggers can be traded, so the exp given from one is not going to be so high that you are gaining crazy levels with them. It's just a nice bonus to the everyday grind.

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